
Social media marketing in high level

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Social media marketing in high level

My father i say you are a good social markiting master i hope you will be happy with my work and i will help you all There are many advatizver in the market , but you will not get a good designer on this rate  because this offer is free for first three buyers i will fulfill your hope you will be compromised with it and will also be discount with it 


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I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say, because your sentences are all over the place, but if you're trying to pitch something then I'd suggest you put up a service and sell it there.

You can't really sell or promote through the community discussions section unless you're linking to your service in the comments and it's relevant to what the original post is talking about. A good example of this is if you offered web design and a person started a discussion asking where to find a web designer, then you could place your link. This happens very rarely so you likely won't be able to share your links, so just stick to traditional means of promotion when it comes to pushing your services.

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