
Hello, I'm in level one here. I wanted to know how long does it take before my revenue becomes available from awaiting clearance? Thank you

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Hello, I'm in level one here. I wanted to know how long does it take before my revenue becomes available from awaiting clearance? Thank you

Hello, I'm in level one here. I wanted to know how long does it take before my revenue becomes available from awaiting clearance?
Thank you


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Hey Gavana,

It's usually pretty quick but can be 5 days depending on how quick the buyer responds to the work you submitted.

I've had buyers review my work right away and my funds deposited pretty quick but on the other hand, I've had buyers not log in for 2 weeks after my submission so my work went into autocomplete and the funds were deposited. If you submitted your work, and the buyer isn't asking for revisions, you will get your profits relatively soon Hello, I

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