
Are you fully utilizing Seocheckout?

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Are you fully utilizing Seocheckout?

seocheckout is a great site for freelancers because it's a platform that was made for both Online Freelancers and Business Owners to help each other thru Seocheckout Market Place.  

Are you fully utilizing seocheckout?  


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It's indeed a great website, to which I'm still relatively new. I'm still exploring the sections, talking with people, commenting on stuff giving my advice and etc. I was planning to create here a service or two recently.

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It's a very helpful website where you can get and acquire many jobs the fits on my taste. As of this moment I'm still learning and exploring what site could offer.

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Me as well but so far so good. I appreciate all that I have gotten to learn through this site and links with friends who I could have never ever met.

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I have been looking round the site to see where I can really fit in since I joined the site. I think I will have to start with article writing on the site as in list this as my service and see as it goes. I will be more than grateful if I start having clients to write for from here.

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I am fully utilizing Seocheckout? I would say maybe? I am not quite sure because I am still new on this website I only post on forums and if you have any suggestion on how to utilize this website I am all ears.

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Probably not. I am a freelancer and should start offering m services through Seocheckout. I always keep saying that I will offer these services but something comes up and I forget and I lose the courage to create a service on the Seocheckout platform.My new resolution for 2019 however is to start offering my services on Seocheckout.

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I am a newbie in this field. I only start my freelancing at Seocheckout October this year. I was still exploring on some services and functions of this site. Hopefully in 2019 I can utilize more on this site. I am already grateful that I have the chance to be here and share some ideas with my fellow members.

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There is a portion here in Seocheckout where you can earn by selling your service, article, tweets, reviews ebook etc. This can be a good earning opportunity but we have to establish a good reputation first as a writer. I will start with this so I can fully utilize the services of Seocheckout.

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Nope. I don't have offered services here on seocheckout. I just post new threads and add comments to different topics that I have some ideas.

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It is a fabulous website! There is an abundance of information you can find here, I am looking forward to using it even more now!

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I am new on the site and only just discovered today that l could list my proofreading and editing services as a seller and have buyers contact and buy from me. I'm really excited at the opportunities that abound here and will make the most of it.

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Are you fully utilizing SEO Clercks: Since I am a newbie here my I am not already aware of some functions that Seocheckout have but I really appreciat it, It was a big help for me in where as of now I can gain ideas and advices to the different forums and where I can also help by sharing my experience and ideas too.

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I haven't fully used/utilize Seocheckout since I'm still new. I don't have enough knowledge and confidence to offer services. I am still contented to reply on forums. I learned a lot from this community and it's a big help for me. It helps me improve and develop my skills. I am challenge and I am willing to do my best.

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The only site I can think to compare Seocheckout to is Fiverr. By comparison, I have to say that I like this site much better. It's easy to talk to the members. I glean a lot from the various discussions. All of the services I have purchased here I have been satisfied with the sellers. I have also earned money providing a commenting service. Yes, I am utilizing this site and plan to utilize it more.

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Like Fiverr, really? Well, that's surprising. I think Fiverr is a freelancing-oriented platform. I've seen people promoting themselves here and offering services, but it looks to me like this community is more about discussion and promotion without a set base of contractors.

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Somehow you misunderstood or misinterpreted what I wrote. I wasn't saying I liked Fiveer. I was saying it's the only site that I know of that I can compare Seocheckout to. All of my other comments were about seocheckout, not Fiverr. I tried Fiverr and actually met a nice seller who became my friend. But when I tried to advertise my own services at Fiverr, I was not successful at all. Whereas I have enjoyed success here at Seocheckout and I also learn a lot from the discussions.

I hope this clarified my initial comments.

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I had the same experience on Fiverr. I listed my gigs but didn't get buyers and that really discouraged me. On SEO, i joined the forum and become active before i even knew i could list my services. Perhaps that is why i like Seo and feel relaxed here. Hopefully, I will be more successful here than i was on Fiverr. Fingers crossed.

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I'm still at the state of exploration. I'm currently exploring the site and planning on what I can offer. I do plan on utilizing this site, as I did on wordclerks, by next year. Right now I'm still researching the best possible way I can utilize this while I linger the forums.

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Yeah, Seocheckout is a nice website and a lot of people are willing to answer any SEO-related question I have. Learned a lot of things and I noticed a significant improvement in my freelancing work.

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I just post here once in a while, but I guess I haven't yet fully taken advantage of everything that Seocheckout has to offer. I plan on selling some services through the forum and building my client list in the future.

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Honestly I have yet to start any service here. I am thinking about starting something that can give me some money based on clients interest. As of now I think I may have to offer something that benefits small business users. But so far no concrete gig idea for me as of yet. But I may have to work on that and next year who knows I may be earning from the gigs here. That's something is in my mind.

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