
New feature request Buyer Statistics?

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New feature request Buyer Statistics?

Hi members of this amazing site
We all know negative feedback can ruin the sellers in no time.
This is partly the sellers fault and partly the fault of abusive buyers.
As this site is getting more populer it is only a matter of time till we start seeing trolls who abuse the sellers.
My suggestion is that we should have a system where we can see the buyers stats
1 How many positive/negative feedback they have submitted
2 How many times he had opted for the guarantee feature
If we could have this info the sellers could protect them selfs from the trolls
What is your opinion?


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its a very good suggesstion. there must be a system to protect sellers as well

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nice suggestion, if Seocheckout implement this, sellers get benift of this

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When you first start to sell services even 1 negative feedback can ruin your rating and credibility thus affecting your future sales(if any)
I am selling services on several sites and the only time when I got negative feedback was when the buyer either misinterpreted or tryed to force me to cancell his order so he can get his money back.
The grate thing about Seocheckout is that we have the guaranteed feature , I would rather give the money back to a trolling buyer than have my rating ruined
Whith the new feature we would be able to see how many orders has the buyer made and how many times he invoced the guarantee and his rating would be based upon it
SO if a member buys 10 services and invoces guarantee on 8 of them he is clearly abusing, this is not good for nobody, the site dosn;t get his commition and the seller just worked for free

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Good idea. I have also suggested the idea of a "Buyer Block List" where Sellers can add Abusive Buyers to their own individual List of Buyers that they don't want to sell to.
There can also be a Community Blacklist where Sellers can add and Report Abusive Buyers.
I have also suggested in the past the Ability for Sellers to also Leave Feedback for Buyers. That way, instead of having to look up a Buyer's Stats, past purchases, etc. - You can count on other Sellers who have left Feedback for these Buyers to judge for you by simply looking at that buyers Feedback.
If BOTH Systems are implemented, then you can set your own preferred Feedback thresholds on your Individual Block List - so that only Buyers with a certain amount of Feedback can Purchase your service by default.
This would save you the time of having to even look at a Buyer's Feedback.

Hope this helps,

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