
How to delete a service from my Seocheckout account.

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How to delete a service from my Seocheckout account.

How can i Delete my Service??? can anyone help me to know how i can delete my any service there is no any delete option...


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You can go on the services menu and click the delete button, it should be deleted, or try to contact their support to assist you properly.

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He said that he has not seen the delete button. I have not seen it too. So which one are you talking about?

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Go to : and see image below
How to delete a service from my Seocheckout account.

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This should have answered your question. I always like answers with pictures. This will help other people too.

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theresajane Thanks

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Thank you for sharing this one to us, I might save this picture so that I can use it in the near future.

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jayjaydimson yes you can save it

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This is straight to the point. I'm thankful for the answer as well as this will enable me to work things out on how to delete services when I feel that I don't want them anymore on my account.

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Barida Thank you

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It's quite interesting. I also look for that delete button because I feel it's hiding from us. Looks like he was playing hide and seek with that button. Anyway, it seems this one can be usefuuseful for me in the future.

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The delete button is on the bottom of page not on the top of page

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yes delete button is bottom of the page

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What's the update about this problem? Was it already fixed? We want to know if the answers that they gave helped you.

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theresajane this issue is fixed with my answer

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You made me carry out a practical using this very post.Well,I've found out that you can edit the entire service but the space will remain for you to change your service. So you also have the option of editing,the edit button is just below your service,just like Facebook.

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