
How sustainable is google?

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How sustainable is google?


As we all know, Google is probably the most known to mankind popular company.
The search engine alone is the strongest out there. 

But what I want to ask goes slightly into a different direction, I was wondering should Google crash, would it be able to restore all the necessary information? How does such a "huge beast" manages to have everything operating and running properly?


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Google's has numerous servers in numerous locations around the world. Should one server fail and crash, there are many others that will still be "online". I don't know if this is true or not but it is claimed that they have over 1 million servers around the world. Should one or a few crash for any reason whatsoever there are like 999,000 servers that will still be working. Odds that all of them will crash at the same time are quite remote, to be honest.

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Reassuring to know and I assumed that would be the case. No business of that size is going to put all their eggs in one basket, so to speak. They plan for those kinds of contingencies heavily.

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These great servers make Google unbeatable. Google is here to stay. I can not think of it wavering even do a second.

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Yes, Google databases are very unbeatable, if the Google system will go down even just for 10 seconds, they will lose millions or even billions of dollar.

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Nobody will like this to happen. Google will not like to lose money and clients will not love to lose Google. It is important then it stays afloat and the company will endure it is afloat.

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Google is not a small time search engine or a newbie in this arena. I believe that before we could ever think of the possibilities like that, they already have the solution from the beginning.

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That's for sure. Google is big business and it means a lot of money. I think that Google has slready taken all the precautions possible so that it won't have any downtime because it lose a lot of money if Google crashes.

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Wow, I didn't know that Google has so many servers. I mean 1 million servers for over a billion users that's a ratio of 1 server per thousand users.

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Google is widely use all around the globe. Like it is the most famous search engine use by many people. Even if they are most by people they still they still have some crash sometimes and I have experience that as well. I just wait for a few minutes and it will work.

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Efficient technicians are ensuring Google is up and running every second. A fraction of a second crash wi results into a great loss.

Google competitors will really like if there is a crash. This cannot be as technicians all over are ensuring a healthy run.

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I have never experienced Google ever crashing or even going under maintainance. That's the good thing about it, it's very reliable.

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Google as a tech may not crash. But there are lot of activism type of stuff is going on inside google. So that is likely to bring the company down. Like communism is spread inside google under women empowerment and LGBT rights excuse. And this has affected their market share too. I think this is been going on for many years now. It will surely bring google down. But their tech is strong so they may survive.

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I thought you would be thinking of a competitor beating Google to their game. Crashing is out of the question. For a company to reach such a high calibre, they should have worked ways to keep it intact.

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They have numerous fail safes I believe to fix any issues that are common with software companies. You are right my friend the only way to bring them down is by outcompeting them which looks impossible at the moment.

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Google has an earlier start and they are heading beyond the sky. To start up and skyrocket past them will mean using too many resources. You may be forced to pay users to search which is an impossibility.

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Hahahaha exactly my point my friend. It is almost impossible to cover up the gap and even think of overtaking them.

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It is going to be next to impossible to compete against this big tech companies like Google because they buy all the start-ups that might cause them problems any time in future.

As there are few people who'll say no to the money they'll be offered, competition is quickly and preemptively killed. What I'm looking forward to is when the big tech companies go for each other's throats. That should shake up things up a bit.

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Yes technical fail safes are plenty. Like they change hard disks on their servers every 1 month. Imagine they doing this without us knowing. And things are going that smooth. So it can be something to consider that point. That's what I have noticed that it can be sustainable for them for years.

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Each country has google servers and the infrastructure. So crash and burn is least of Googles concern. Most likely Google and tech companies would be getting eaten from the inside. They are surely losing a lot due to recent activism changes. You can read about how the policy changes and stuff affecting their profit.

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I don't think that employee problems can paralyze Google, more so to be the cause of its downfall. I think another search engine would become it's end.

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Citing Peter Parker's Uncle Ben uttering Voltaire's quote "With great power, comes great responsibility". With Google being the largest Search Engine and one of the most powerful companies in the world, surely Google wouldn't have attained such greatness if not for being responsible.

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I agree. Google just surely be responsible. It must be capable and able to take care of itself. Google is a goldmine that should be guarded. Securities have been put in place.

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You will find that maybe they have numerous measures in place both for evaluation and detection of any issues early on. This makes them anticipate problems before they can become a catastrophe.

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I'd like to look at it from the simple consumer based mind set. I believe a time could come when people might drift to some other search engine. People have a way of simply moving on to something better. But that's the catch; "something better". Will google be the best forever? Highly unlikely. However, I'm quite sure they still have a long time to lead the web search engine and all that google represents. It also helps that they like being number one and are constantly upgrading their services to keep satisfying their users.

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I do think right now they're exceptionally innovative and that's part of what makes a company sustainable - they move with the times instead of remaining stagnant and still expecting success. As long as they keep leading the pack I think they have a bright and successful future ahead.

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This is the most practical look at this problem. It is more practical than Google crashing. If Google crashes then the whole internet goes with it.

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I think Google should create another social media platform. It should have learned it's lesson with Google + by now. I do really think it's missing a good platform in social media.

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Google has data centers around the world that are running 24/7 with millions of servers. And they have technicians that are always ready to fix when a particular server fails. Google could not afford their service to go down even just for a couple of seconds because users will be disappointed.

Google Data Centers

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Such a comprehensive list. I believe that they are always doing something right which made them the best that we have out there. I pray that they don't have any issue in the future as well.

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They never stop on improving their services that's why they stay on top among other Search Engines.

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Wow - that's an interesting summary of their data centers. I assumed they had many, but they're all around the world too, which is nice and reassuring. Wonder if they will ever incorporate any in Africa or Oceania.

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This is wonderful information. Fear not then, the world is not coming to an end. Google is here to stay.

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I just got scared reading this. I mean with the huge files that many of us have saved on Google, how will all of us cope with the attack on their database. It is something that I should not be thinking about at this particular moment as long as I am concerned.

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I think they are very aware of security and they do have all the data centers as listed above. They're a leader in their field and I am honestly not worried at all about something like that happening. I think they're on top of it!

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Such thinking is what makes Google and other providers look for ways of keeping intact. Unless such is thought of then it will be hard to know what to do. You will keep up moving ahead and when the crash appears it catches you unawares.

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That was a good question. It makes someone use his mind and think deeper. However, we all know that Google is not some sort of small time businesses. It is the largest of all search engines and one of it's kind. So, i believe that before we could ever think of some possible scenario's, they all have discussed and resolved early in the planning stage and have developed preventive measures and contingency plans.

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That is the best thing about having such a big outfit. You have experts who discuss and come up with solutions to such scenarios.

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Google has everything that I needed to know, and I think it's sustainable enough for you to learn about the things that you wanted to learn.

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I trust Google since it is one of the tech companies that have been dominant. Even when these others are crashing their apps are all okay and this is awesome.

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I trust Google only as a search engine but with other things well, I have some trust issues with it.

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Google will crash if the world suddenly comes to an end. The world is not ending today or tomorrow and so Google is here to stay. Be calm. Professionalism in control.

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Haha! Very true. The only way Google will come to an end is if there is a better alternative that comes along and I don't see that happening soon.

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I think that I can safely say that if the world came to an end the last thing I would be worried about would be my email or Google docs - so I don't think I need to worry any time soon!

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Like everything Google will not last forever, but it's still has not reach its full potential so, I think Google is here to stay for decades.

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I believe that google is very sustainable because it is the most commonly used search engine by most people around the world. I had been using it for a longer period of time and I really appreciate its features and services which is really good and useful for me. I am very optimistic that it can do better in the coming years and we will be surprised by its new innovation and improvement.

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I agree with you. No matter how many trendy websites, social medias and others come out online, Google will still be very in demand as it's a serve engine for those sites too.

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It's highly unlikely. You see, Google has redundancies in place scattered among its data centers if ever a crash happens. They have data centers located worldwide where copies and images of data of its billion users are stored.

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Safety precautions at work. Money can move mountains. Or can I say with money, everything is possible.

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It's not just about the money. Google has the technology and capability to execute and implement it. In short, they have the means of doing it. I know money plays a huge factor in it, but it's not everything.

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Google can only be destroyed from within. If the company hires the wrong people, or if a high ranking member needs to be replaced suddenly and the chosen replacement is bad at his or her job, so bad they end up sinking the company - then google would be finished. But outside of those scenarios, it'll never go away.

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Or if Facebook becomes so big that it encompassed everything making Google kind of obsolete. But although I favor Facebook, i think Google won't go down without a good fight.

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I think Google already thought of this before anyone could ever wonder about it. I believe they have the proper back up for such instances. If I were them, I would definitely consider this before hand since you already made a legend means you have to sustain it. A proper maintenance and back ups are must-haves.

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I think that if there will be some changes and innovations, I know that google will make a way to jive withe latest trend in the market to attract more users and gain the trust of those old users from their site. I have a big trust on google that it will do ore to satisfy the needs of its user in the most possible and convenient ways.

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Google is a widely known company and it's been there for many years. It will not sustain in the competition, if they're not good at what they're doing. Their marketing strategies and techniques are effective in many aspect. They earn and respect the heart and minds of their users.

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Most savvy or wise tech companies usually have a plan in the event of a disaster. I can't imagine a tech giant like Google doesn't have a plan in place so that it would be able to recover. Then again ... one should never say NEVER! LOL.

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I'm sure they do have a plan, but plans don't always work out. Also, even in the event of the plan unfolding there could be an unforeseen circumstance that completely neutralizes any contingencies. I do however think that google has insulated themselves to the point where whatever takes them down would have to literally be an 'act of God.' Whereas other companies are not that well-protected...And can be sunk by more traditional bad luck.

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I do agree plans don't usually come out as planned and things can always swing for the worst. But in my own opinion, Google is too smart and too powerful to be beaten by a virus or a cyber terrorist attack. There's only one thing that can beat it and that's an opponent with the same power.

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Thanks everyone for the replies.
I understand that Google is a beast of a machine, they have back up and etc. But imagine how terrible it would be if Google crashed, at least for one day. So many holdings and services might suffer huge expenses and experience problems. As Judas2018 wrote, there can always be some unforeseen circumstances.

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The thought of having Google crash even for a day is overwhelming. From a work perspective I’d be screwed since I work almost solely on Google Docs.

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Well there are a lot of people working in google, and there are a lot of smart people running the same company. I don't think that google will ever be replaced or that it could ever crash. Google is the best and could never be replaced.

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I agree with you. I even read somewhere that Google even hires the best hackers and pay them well so they could help Google and be better.

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If you are thinking of the Gmail, Google My Business and other products of Google that you are into then maybe you have a point in asking if the data that you have put in those platform will remain. Yahoo went into bankruptcy a few years back and when it was sold to Verizon the database was still intact and the Yahoo Mail continued with the service without any interruption. I guess Google will be the same.

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I think that google will be sustainable as long as many people are using it in their everyday living, the google will never lose value and ranks as long as it is doing its best to provide quality and the best service to users. I am hoping that google will continue to popular and do better in the coming years which is something that I really want to see moire.

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We all wish google gets the longest life possible. It is doing a very good job. If you cannot get it then google it.

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Google is each and every man's best friend. What is that which possibly cannot be found online.

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You're viewing Google as the small company it started out as, now it's a behemouth that's most likely larger than we could ever imagine. Google doesn't power the websites themselves and the information available on them. It provides an easy way to access it. Yes, some of their services do involve website support but you also have amazon who offers a large part of web services. It's also important to remember that most servers are located in incredibly stable areas like Virgina where the possibility of anything happening thaat could negatively affect them is so miniscule, its not even worth considering.

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Yep. This is why I said Google could only be destroyed from within. Bad management, major MAJOR mistakes or a rogue employee who just decides he or she, or they just want to burn it all down. That would be corporate espionage of the highest order though.

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Yeha, that's not going to happen. It would be incredibly difficult to destory a company like that, especially one with as many moving separate parts as Google. The most likely action to occur would be the United States Government deciding that Google is too much of a monopoly and breaking it apart into smaller companies. However, that has not really been done for a while, so I think it's unlikely.

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Google is always be at the top of the game. Well, as of the moment, yes, but we don't know in the future. However, looking at it's capability, it's highly unlikely that it will totally crash because they hire the best people on Earth.

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As you said earlier, Google is the most used search engine that we have and was ever maid, I don't think that it'll crash because I'm sure Google have the best IT consultants and employees.

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I believe that Google would still go on top as it has some very competent employees to manage the site well, I think that the management of Google will do everything they can to ensure the reliability and capability of the site. I am looking forward for new offers and services that it can gives to each and everyone of us.

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I think the probability of it crashing is zero. I’m sure they have a million servers backing everything. Unless the is hack. In which case we will all just start again. However I think what you are asking is the sustainability of Google as a search engine. I don’t see any competition even coming close. I must say for now Google looks sustainable to me, baring something happening like a cyber attack on its search engine.

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Google has been around for quite long now.I believe the company has enough back up for their systems.

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For now google is the strongest and the best search engine for me because i can do a lot of things from searching option as well for translating certain words that I encounter in the web. I can't see for now any search engine that is very similar to google and I think in terms of service and reliability google is on top and would stay on the competition for a longer period of time because they already gain the trust and confidence of the people from using their search engine,

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How sustainable is google: To the other people and to the students,google, is of a big help for them. It provides with what is needed by everyone. By google here, it made those difficult assignments, projects or task more easier than usual.

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For now there is no other competitor to Google so there is no question of sustainability. I think other search engines like Yahoo and Bing still have along way to go. They control 20% of the search engine market. It will take them a long time to catch up to Goggle unless something crucial happens that will make Google collapse. I don't see search as a topic of discussion, Google forever.

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