
Is Facebook not safe anymore?

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Is Facebook not safe anymore?

With all the reports of companies getting hacked, information being stolen, as well as the whole personal identity theft issue, Can you still trust Facebook with all your data and informations?


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As long as it's not affecting me, I will still use Facebook, and also information that was saved on my Facebook account is only my name, email address and my birthday, so I guess it's okay for me, as long as it's keeping me entertained.

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I think its not safe anymore. I hope my account will not be hacked. Hacking is a sad thing.

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I agree with you. I also believe that it is not safe anymore. I hope that something will happen that this controversies will be solved as soon as possible.

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Hacking is something that has eaten facebook alive and ruined their reputation in the social media industry completely. I have been inactive for a significant period on the platform and hence I do not have any worries concerning its safety.

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I have a facebook account, but I don't have dirt that was uploaded or info that can hurt me in that account, so I don't think it was dangerous for me.

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Yes, everybody wants security, so what I can suggest you is if you are not feeling safe with Facebook anymore, you can deactivate your account and delete it forever.

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I agree with you, or you can also change the infos in yiur account and delete those info that makes yiu feel unsafe.

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IMHO, I think it's not safe from the very beginning. When it comes to hacking, as long as you have people connected to the same network, you're prone and vulnerable to be hacked.

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It is really sad to know that Facebook is being hacked multiple times already and it only goes to show that the site should improve its security so that it will not be easily hacked. They should keep in mind that it has so many users that would be affected if there would be any breach of data on their respective account. Facebook should do something to stop this unwanted hacking activities by this unknown individuals that are taking advantage of the sites inability to cope with such hacking incident.

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I agree with you, I didn't feel any danger in using Facebook so I will still use it.

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Yes, same here with me as long as it's keeping me entertained and it's doing its job I'm fine with it.

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Facebook is supposed to protect their members privacy. I believe that this hacking incidents should cease. Those perpetrators should be accountable.

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What's most exciting is how protest moves in non-democratic international locations might also maintain to use them, regardless of some apparent risks. There may be something barely ironic about how anti-capitalism organizations harness those industrial tools for their very own good.

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I thought facebook has a relationship great wall since they are of the most used social media.

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Yes I agree with you, Facebook must do something to protect the data and privacy of its members. They should do some ways to punished those perpetrators because otherwise they will be keep on hacking the site since if they were not given an ample sanctions or punishment. It must be severe if possible so that others will not anymore follow it and besides this is a serious issue that needs to have an immediate actions by the Facebook.

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It can be hurting all the same. A person hacks your information and opens a duplicate account in your name. They go forward and request friendship from your friends and then post damaging remarks and comments which spoil your reputation.

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I wonder why some people are making a big issue out of what they hear about the hacking and other problems that Facebook is facing. The use of Facebook is free and no one is being forced to use it so if they are afraid of the hacking then all they need to do is to stop using Facebook and the case is closed. Maybe those people who are saying that Facebook is not safe anymore are those people who wanted attention.

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I personally would not trust any company that holds data on you even after you delete the account. Facebook has a lot of data on its users. From the places you eat at, to the types of books you like to read. You can easily find this information by going into your Facebook Ad settings. It is quite unsettling to see the data they harvest from your account. However, I must say the user is at fault too for displaying such information.

With the data leak that occured, it affected millions of accounts. I wonder what that data could be used for and if it is still in standing to this day. I have gotten used to my data being everywhere it is quite hard to be anonymous unless that is what you are really going for. I think Facebook is still "safe", but I would not add to much personal information to your page.

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This is so true. Whenever I visit a site online, I will find the ad on facebook and that's when I realized Facebook do spy the users.

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Yes, facebook ads appearing on other websites or ads from different websites appearing on facebook is kinda a bit alarming. Normally what I do is install adblockers, or edit my hosts file to block the ads from showing. This way the advertiser can not harvest any data from you. I think everyone should do this. If you do not know how just google: "block ads hosts file", or install uBlock Origin. uBlock Origin uses a hosts file to block ads too. I am constantly running this plugin and it saves page loading times and removes tracking from websites as well.

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Yes this is true. But a lot of people still use Facebook so if we aren't safe, then so is the million people.

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That's a sad thing. Spying on the users is not a good thing. I hope that all these controversies will be solved.

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It true, that we shouldn't trust any company like that, and when we are jn social media we should keep to mjnamal the info we give.

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In my case I really blame myself. I entered facebook without knowing what it really was. I enjoyed updating useless things to enjoy the likes and comments. Soon I stripped myself naked and became vulnerable to hackers attack

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I used to be like that too, until I realized how dangerous the internet is, so I deleted all the info about me and the post that can harm me in the future.

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Well, the news about the data leaks in Facebook has been really very damaging to the reputation of the company. It has happened many times now that Facebook has come up with this shocking revelation that hackers have stolen the data of its users worldwide. Although I don't think I was directly affected by this data theft on Facebook, there is always the fear of being tracked by someone when you are using Facebook. I hope that Facebook takes corrective steps in this regard urgently to restore the confidence of millions of its users.

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It really was bad for their reputation. I know several people who actually deleted their Facebook accounts after that whole scandal broke, and that was just in my immediate network of friends and family. I'm sure there were plenty of other people who did the same thing.

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You are right, even I was shocked when I heard it from the news. I thought they have a really secured wall.

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Recent facebook hacked issue is really alarming. Facebook has tough software engineers and network experts working together to provide a better service and to make sure that the data of the billion users are being kept safely. But still their system was been penetrated by hackers. This just means that we are not really safe using facebook. But of course most of us will continue to use it since facebook is the largest social media network. Our friends are still there and we still could do our businesses through facebook. Let's just hope that facebook would totally prevent their system from hacking again.

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With facebook being a billion dollar company it is kind of hard to grasp that they had a data breach. You would think a billion dollar company would employ programmers to make sure the platform was completely "hack" or "exploit" free. I think this data from a hack that impacted 50 million users accounts was not that bad, even though it is 50 million. It could have been a lot worse. Hopefully my facebook data is not dumped anywhere on the internet. However I really would not mind because I barely used facebook these days anyways. No time for facebook.

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I'm thinking there is always a loophole somewhere hackers can exploit.

Remember the FBI-Apple debacle? There were plenty of people who wanted and could decrypt that iPhone. It's people like this who are very hard to stop if they are after something in your social media account. That's why when I'm on the net, there is information which I'll keep secret. And everyone should too. Some psycho could get hold of your address and come after you. It happened once when a gamer was hunted down and murdered.

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Yes kt was alarming. I was one of the victim there, but i didn't see anything dif.

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Facebook is becoming vulnerable to hackers because they have data on the billions of users they have. Other sites use facebook to sign up or log in. Eventually wrong people who are bad actors get information that they use with wrong motives.

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What can we do really and we are addicted to facebook. We supply them with all the information without really caring of hackers. No, we have been caught up.

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It is the addiction that is making us to keep doing Facebook as it is one of those social media that we have long ago. There is need for us to be careful of giving out sensitive information on the site as well.

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Simply think why do we feel hooked on social media, due to the fact we've got nothing to do which takes our interest faraway from social media. We need to keep in mind that there more thing that we can do. Imagine that youre in your love ones wedding, you dont just take a seat in a corner and use social media instead you’ll be busy doing stuff, speaking to family and close friends and etc.

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Careful or not but our accounts are being hacked and our information taken and ysed wrongly. People are opening accounts in our names and damage our reputation.

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Plus the fact that Facebook itself is using our personal information to target us with ads that only benefit the platform. Maybe it's only fair as we are using their service for free, but nonetheless, it's not right.

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If you are thinking that Facebook is an app that serves you as a bank account of your private information, then I guess that you should stop using it. We all know that hackers can invade someone's account anytime, thus, making every account a potential target. So, my advice, don't be too giving about your personal information to public platforms because social media platforms like Facebook will never be 100% safe.

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We have already submitted all our information to facebook. Even if we delete the accounts and start all over, the information is still in facebook database. We are vulnerable and a straight target to bad actors.

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All social media is not safe it depends of how you use it.

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This topic made me laugh because from the very beginning Facebook is not trustworthy. I mean, how can you be so sure that someone out there is not downloading all your photos and saving them in the first place? Come on now.

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That's a good point - things like identity theft and catfishing by stealing a person's photos have always been a potential risk of using Facebook, right from the start. Even the fact that people so willingly put personal info like their birthdays on there can be so dangerous from an identity theft perspective.

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I've said that because I had prior experience of someone downloading most of the photos that I have then pretending to be me. Now, I rarely upload pictures because of the incident.

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You can always apply privacy settings to your profile, however im not sure if you can prevent someone from even seeing your default profile photo.

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Yeah I think your default photo and cover photo show up to anyone at all and you can't restrict far as I've been able to ascertain, anyway. If anyone knows that to be any different I'd be happy to know so that I can change my settings!

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Even if you did, what if the person who does that to you is on your friends' list? Hackers are so smart these days, that sometimes they initially add people you know so that it will appear you have common friends.

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I think that there is a possibility for privacy settings to be hacked as well just as simply as the hackers are able to bypass your username or email and password.

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The thing that I know is that hackers always try to target this type of popular websites such as Facebook and the rest because they know that they are going to have access to some useful information. However, I believe that the owners of the social media platform are also working towards securing things, so I still trust them.

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I agree. There will always be people who will try to ruin you. As Facebook got so many users, there is no doubt why there are some people who will try to take advantage of it. For me, I guess the management will somehow think of their plan to secure our information so that hackers won't get access to it. Unless, the user himself will make harm to his account by logging into an unknown site using his Facebook account.

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Considering how the data has it's own set of the issues with the facebook. I am thinking that facebook is unsafe. And also people have to be really concerning about how they spend the time on that social network. Instead they should be spending the time on social network that helps them in some ways. Data selling social networks are not safe at all. So make sure to stay with sites that have some other ways of handling the user privacy.

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Never ever. Facebook is a threat when it comes to handling personal information. Leave alone my information, I no longer upload my photos on facebook. Generally, the site is not trustworthy.

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I don't think any site is 100% safe, and that's a risk I guess we all take when we do things on the internet. Hackers are always trying to find ways to get into different websites, and websites have to keep up their security regularly to try and counteract that threat.

After Facebook's recent scandals with privacy though, I think a lot of us have become significantly more wary of their motives.

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".... After Facebook's recent scandals with privacy... "

Seriously, this scandal of Facebook incorporation with Cambridge Analytical on using Facebook users data for political gains affected and damaged a lot of people's trust on the social media. I can count more than 20 friends of mine who had to deactivate and close down their accounts.

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Yup, it was a big thing among people I know too.

I didn't delete my account, but I deleted certain content off there and made it about as private as possible. I have been thinking though as to whether or not I should just get rid of it altogether. Sadly, some of my freelance work uses Facebook groups as a communication tool, so it's hard to cut it out completely.

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It doesn't have a trickle down effect, it's big data, it can't harm me. It's been like that for years, once in a while someone hacks Facebook and everything is still fine afterwards. If you would think about it, in what way could it harm you?

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Seriously, the issue of Facebook account hacking is getting out of control. I think that about a month or two months ago, there was a report of over 50 million Facebook accounts being hacked.

The question is why such pattern of hacks? Was it planned? I asked this question because 50 million accounts getting hacked isn't a small task.

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Seriously, it's getting a little bit worried for me at the moment. There have been a lot of new cases about the drop in the security system of Facebook even after the case of Cambridge Analytical with users data in the United States elections. There were some private individuals that sued Facebook as a result of this act. Personally, I'm getting lose feet about fully trusting Facebook with my sensitive data.

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It relies upon for your definition of safe. In case you don't need data and behaviors recognized through platforms then I would not use them. The false feel of privateness people desire for on the net is fading via the minute. Of direction you're on top of things of what you submit, however the machines running the algorithms are continually looking and gaining knowledge of.

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Can you trust the banks and credit card companies? They were getting hacked long before Facebook and the information they stole was extremely valuable. But those companies are still in business.

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That's a good point you make there. I guess we all just have to try and make informed decisions with our data whether it's through our banking services, social media, or whatever other realms we may have our sensitive data in.

No company can be completely immune from data breaches/hackers, so I think that's something wise to remember.

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I still feel safe in Facebook, because I haven't posted anything that will ruin me nor send anything that like that.

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It is the success of Facebook that made it a target for intruders and hackers. And with the over 2 billion monthly users, Facebook has a big work to do to keep these accounts secure. And from what i observed, Facebook is putting in a great deal of work to ensure intruding is minimal. I have an account I do not have access to till today because of phone verification which I turned on but lost access to after I lost my phone.

Users also have parts to play in keeping their accounts safe, by not revealing their log in details, and limiting the amount of vital information they release online

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To be honest with you, I don't trust facebook anymore. I don't think the management is going doing a good job.I was reading an article in the washing post the other day, talking about Mark Zuckerberg's management style. It's quite hands-off which is not necessarily a bad thing.But when you own a company like facebook I don't think you can afford that kind of approach. In my opinion he needs to hires someone more aggressive to manage facebook. I don't think facebook will be safe.The irony is that to join facebook you need to give out your personal details, yet facebook can’t take care of them.

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It is a sad realization when you are having to give out stuff simply to join the site and then they're not careful with that personal info. It's also hard since communicating with people, even for jobs, is regularly done through Facebook these days. If you don't have an account you can be out of the loop for certain things, so it's like you end up feeling forced to sign up.

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It is not just Facebook that is not safe anymore. There is no safety on the net.

Some time back, gmail was breached and login details of millions of users were posted online. Your personal data isn't safe on any site. So when you fill in your profile anywhere if there is any sensitive information you are uncomfortable sharing, trust your gut instinct - don't share it. Same goes with anything you post on the net. Use a pen name if you don't want anyone to use what you post against you any time in future.

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I agree with you on that note. It is because all these gmail,youtube, facebook,instagram,twitter etc are all made by people and it means only people can destroy it too. We must be careful on what we posted and we added about our personal info so that in the end we might not be the victim of hacking.

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I've been using Facebook for a very long time and I never experienced any harm regarding my information. But I do know some people who saw some other people using their information and pictures. I guess that could be considered as information stealing as they are getting and using other people's information for their own sake. The thing here is that you don't keep your personal and confidential information in Facebook on that way, you won't have to worry about your information. With a lot of users of Facebook, there is really a big chance that some people will take advantage of it, users and Facebook must work together to secure such information and prevent it be stolen.

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So do I. I keep trusting Facebook as it still keeping all my personal information. I believe that Facebook company has the best people working on technical issues and even keeping sensitive information of their users.

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We just have to trust and fight with them against those people who are trying to ruin them. Also, giving our sensitive information depends on our decision if we will give it to them. Otherwise, Facebook will not be able to be successful throughout the years if they have no solution to keep our information safe.

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Facebook is still safe to use up to this date because I have never issues with them. My account has never hacked and all my important information is still intact so I am not worrying with Facebook.

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Anything online if used without immensed care can be dangerous. It is also the same with facebook. It has been not safe ever since. But I have to commend facebook for striving it safer.
I only use facebook for entertainment and sometimes information. I do not use it for sensitive things like important information about me. Every user has the responsibility to be careful of sharing things and information online.

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Is Facebook safe and secure to use? Yes, I think it does. It has a lot of security features in place like letting you know (by sending you an email) if someone logged into your account. But aside from that, I believe people should be more responsible in using the platform. Remember that once you uploaded something online, it becomes public material.

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I don't think there's still a thing called 'safety' on the web anymore. Hackers can even hack government websites even they have high end security features built-in. And so, I don't think Facebook is safe either. However, I don't have anything that is worth hacking inside of my Facebook account as it isn't associated with my banking accounts so I would still use even if it's unsafe.

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I agree, and I think that instead of being afraid, people should ask themselves the following questions:

1.Can they steal your money or make money off your account?

2.Can they use your account to defraud someone or to use it illegally?

3.Is your account so important that they'll single it out from a billion accounts?

If you the answer is yes to all three questions then you should be afraid and take the necessary precautions.

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Exactly. Most people get anxious easily without even being rational. I think the questions you've listed are definitely important questions that any social media user should ask themselves because after all, any one should be very cautious about sharing their information online. Fortunately, all of the answer to the questions you've listed above are 'no' so I guess I'm safe.

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I agree with your analysis. Sometimes being irrational makes the situation worst. I believe the Facebook administration always secure the safety of their users. Though we can't avoid the hacker, but we can limit the informations that we shared on that platform.

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It's not just Facebook though. No 9nline site is ever truly safe.

For years and years almaot every site I've cared about has been hacked.

Email accounts, LinkedIn, Dropbox, 8tracks, twitter, tumble, Facebook, YouTube, daily motion, are just a few top my head.

I even got email saying "hi we know your password is ........... If you want us to not hack all your accounts give us 3000usd.we have filmed you through your webcam doing naughty things. If you don't pay we will release this footage"

Its a scam as I don't even have a webcam. BUT it WAS one my old passwords that I used on linkedin and other sites back in 2015.

Search on haveibeenpwned website and see if you have been knowingly hacked. If it's clear you may be ok. But doesn't mean they have hacked but its not been found/declared yet. But you put your email and if its been found you have been exposed it flags in red.

Me email got found hacked off 10 website breaches. And in 2016 over 500 million email address and passwords were put up on Internet for hackers.

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By the way if any website has two step verification turn it ON. Ie the rid it'd a text you gr ton phone or using app like Google authenticator.

This means if you DO get hacked. Unless they also have psychical access to your phone. They cannot get in the account

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I wouldn’t ask if it is safe to use anymore, but rather was it ever safe to begin with?

The simple fact is that Mark Zuckerberg never gave a darn for anyone’s privacy or security. He actually outright called people “f**king idiots” (an actual quote) for giving him their personal information when signing up for Facebook.

Why do you think that Facebook has made him a billionaire? Because he was using and selling people’s personal information for advertisement purposes, and we all know that advertisement is big business. Facebook isn’t safe and never was, and I wouldn’t use it if you’re worried about someone stealing your personal information.

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Well I think it can be safe, but not all times. Sometimes people want to hack your account and some important files or pictures you putted there will be not safe. Others also disguises one person and used it as their business to scam others. It's better to keep private your account and only friends can see your information. Make sure also that you sign out your fb account in other areas of your device.

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I will still use Facebook since I am enjoying it even though it was been hacked a few times already. As long it is existing and I am able to use it with much convenience then I would still prefer to have it.

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I guess Facebook is not safe for keeping important files and information but it is just fine for personal use as long as you are discrete with the information that you are sharing. It is not good to be paranoid because the social media is free and easy if only we will indulge in it moderately. The problem with some people is in making Facebook as their life that they couldn’t live a day without Facebook.

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Facebook is made by people and for that matter and for sure there are some trouble that might happened like a minor crack down or hacking but let us understand that its made by people and for sure it can be ruined by people too. What we should do is to be more alert by not posting sensitive information in our account and be vigilant always.

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I never had an issue with Facebook when it comes to security. I think it is due to the fact that I don't put a lot of my personal information on my account. It is also important to keep your account private and you don't accept requests from an unknown sender.

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I agree with you. It is rtter to take precautionary measures to avoid dealing with problems in security in the future. I also suggest to not give your accurate information like your birthday and others. Anyway, it's just a social media account, it isn't your online bank account.

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That is right. I don't think you need to give all the information and have it displayed on your account. Even your address and birthday don't need to be in public. I think hackers can take this opportunity to hack someone's account or steal his identity.

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People's Facebook accounts normally get compromised because their passwords are too easy to figure out. Or in some cases, they allow people access to their page. People they think they can trust.

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I can't say that facebook is not safe anymore by hearing those rumors. I don't experience any problem in terms of my privacy on facebook, if that really happens in some users maybe it is because on how they use their accounts. But for me as long as i am not affected on it i can't say that it is not safe anymore.

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Yes, I believe there's a risk of Facebook not being ultra safe as it was before. But you gotta understand, that Facebook is at the peak of safety that is possible online. The platform itself is strong and sustainable, but you gotta keep an eye out yourself.
It's like saying the internet is not safe, because there are viruses or some offensive content. It's up to the user, imho.

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Is there even a site that is really safe? How sure are we that they don't collect our data? Facebook is one of the many sites where we post a lot of personal details of our daily life. I'm not sure on how safe it is but we should still be cautious when using it and posting so much information.

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I think it depends because I my Facebook account has not been hack. And besides it depends on the information you put to Facebook.

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I think for now I would use Facebook for enjoyment and entertainment purposes only and I would not store any valuable data or information to it because I am afraid that it might be hacked anytime of the day. Maybe I can only store some photos in it but in regards on my contact and financial accounts or translocation I would not definitely post or stored with it so that I will not be experiencing some trouble or regrets later on.

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I guess we're the one that's responsible in our own Facebook accounts, for me it's safe but it can get unsafe depending on how you take care of your account, like for example if you login to internet cafes and you forgot to logout your account then that's not safe at all, anyone can get your information and spread it into the world.

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Aside from facebook, any other social media apps or sites are not safe for the users. Even the games app you have in your phone they get some of your information. They will ask you some permission to check your contacts, photos and any other things if you ever notice before you download the app. So it is your choice to give them some of your information and on how you trust them.

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No social media is truly safe but they work so hard to keep us safe but we should also do our part like take good care of our accounts/passwords, make sure to watch what we click, review privacy settings (most especially on Facebook), use security softwares and don't post EVERYTHING online, the world doesn't need to know everything about you.

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