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Need seo expert advice

I started my sie over 5 month ago. After 3 month I also got good traffic(10k/day). After some time I hire article for article. And i publish those articles on my site without plagiarism checked. After 20 day my site goes down. Now can I have any chance of recovery. If I remove those content then is it possible to rank again. 

my site has total 84 article. 44 written by me and remaining are from article writer. Please give me expert and immediately answer to this query. Thank you.


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You can remove bad contents anytime, but it may take time to get your ranking back. Also it doesn't mean that your ranking dropped for that reason because there were some Google algorithm changes recently.
However, better idea would be to keep all your content, but you could maybe rewrite articles which you think are bad or duplicated. In this case you would have unique content and no errors or broken links etc... It's not very big job to rewrite so many articles anyway

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I think there is a drawback when you remove the articles that you suspected of having issues with plagiarism or duplicates. Maybe the best you can do is to revise or rewrite the suspected contents and upload it on a new web page with the same title but with a suffix of version number or maybe the word revised. After uploading that new version you can delete the old version if you want.

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It may take some time, but it's never too late. Never too late to remove articles that do no good to your site. Also, though writing and rewriting articles may not be that easy and fast, it will surely help you recover in the future. Next, time be more cautious and double check everything.

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Yeah, the poster should now understand that it is better to make those contents by yourself and ensure that you are doing the things that matter instead of having to outsource the job and at the end of the day not being able to analyze it the best way that you want.

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We all make a mistake every now and then with some of the works we do online and it's just obvious that you had your own mistake with publishing articles without fully cross checking it. Some people are actually good with offering bad services that ends up ruining people's work. Anyways, it's not too late for you to correct errors you have made already. So, just take time and root out the bad articles and publish good and high quality ones.

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If I understand correctly, your site went down because of plagiarism am I right? Now, this is tricky.

I think it's best to remove those copied articles then re-upload them rewritten. At least use a plagiarism checker next time, I know a few that are actually for free, though I am not sure if it has the best check overall. All the best!

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Getting your initial rankings back is not going to be as easy as you expected. One truth is that you should have taken out time to read most of those articles as this is one sure way to analyze those things and make your final decisions on that. Remove those bad articles and focus on making good contents for your sites. Hopefully, you will get better with time.

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Bad content should go off immediately. Replace with high powered SEO articles. Use keywords that are strong and also back link to high class webs. You will come top faster than you realize.

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I think that first you should find out if that content has been plagiarized, so that you are working from a position of know how. This is easy to do you can use a plagiarism checker or just a simple google check will let you know. Also find out about the new Google algorithm update. I've seen that a few people have been affected by this. This maybe your problem. You may need to do some more work on your site to start ranking again.

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Just keep the good thing and don't do anything rude on what you are doing, so that a lot of people can trust you and you can gain their trust as well.

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That's what usually happens. When you have an active startup site, it would rank for a short time then the rank would go down. It's just how Google works. To rank high again just make sure that all your content are quality ones. If there's some bad ones already posted then just take it down and post better ones.

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To get a higher ranking do backlinks, create funnels, tap social media to get as much people you can in your site. SEO alone can't do the job it must be SEO + Marketing. Just get your site out there to attract some traffic.

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Some years back when you published plagiarized content, the site where the article was published first gets better rankings in the SERPs. Even if you aren't penalized you most certainly don't want this.

Removing the content that is plagiarized is a good first step (in the right direction). Take note however as it has already been said, there could be other reasons why your rankings took a plunge.

Once you've deleted the plagiarized content, start working on rebuilding your credibility. You might need to focus on retaining the readers you have first.. Second step will be to find an SEO checklist, find out what else might have gone wrong and fix it.

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“After some time I hire article for article. And i publish those articles on my site without plagiarism checked. After 20 day my site goes down.”

Hi. Are you sure your website ranking dropped because of the articles? Did you check the articles for plagiarism? Did they return positive for plagiarism and what the percentage was? I know this sounds so trivial but sometimes the most insignificant things can make a difference. Sometimes there’s a whole another reason. Sometimes Google’s algorithm doesn’t even react to huge amounts of stolen texts. I mean, a virus can drop your website quickly down. Hacked sites do suffer from search ranking penalties, and “good ones” too. Could be anything, the problem, until you dig deeper into that.
Good luck.

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Hands down the best way to improve the content on your site is to do your research to know whether or not the content on your site should be updated. The first step is to login to Google Analytics so we can check out all the pages on your site and see which ones are getting views (if any). Once we have done this is when we can look and really determine if there are sections on your site that don’t get any traffic and if we should delete the content and write some new content.

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I am not an expert but this is just my honest opinion. First question is about the articles that you paid for. Are you sure that those articles have issues with plagiarism? There are varied reasons for the sudden fluctuation of traffic to a site. It can be the content that it is quality or bad, the backlinks that can be of quality or bad, and even the keywords play a role. Maybe you have to check the articles and have it rewritten if you find them to be copied versions. At least you have something when you rewrite unlike when you delete those articles you will have nothing.

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