
Please Read the TOS and listing guidelines before start your journey in Seocheckout

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Please Read the TOS and listing guidelines before start your journey in Seocheckout

The reason i create this discussion because i have almost lost my account for a mistake! I didn't know that, the service i offered it's not allowed. I didn't read the TOS and listing guideline clearly and completely. So i request you all, Please read the TOS and listing guidelines to know what type of services  allow or disallow in seocheckout.

seocheckout do not permit services for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, reviews/ratings, account selling, like4like etc.. Read more here

Best of luck


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Sure, Every member should read it, and not only at time of sign up or submitting new services for sale, but more often because these terms and guidelines change from time to time.

Not only that many new services are being deleted or not even approved, but you can get even infractions and fall of your level!!!

Guys, be serious, this is not spam site, here you doing real business and you have to deal professionally and obey all rules, maintain your own reputation because Seocheckout want to keep it's own reputation as leading SEO and SMM marketplace.

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It is not only about reading it once and stopping at that, no, one needs revise them and write them somewhere. I have run into problems but on another site. I lost the subscription.

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It is always wise for thlse that visit a site newly to be able to read the rules guiding such place. One thing that is necessary is the need for most of us to be able to handle things in the best possible way that we can. In as much as that some site owners may always overlook, it is always better than you read so as to be on a safer side. Glad that you read the guidelines here for that will assist you in having a great time here at the end.

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Even before subscribing to any forum here on this platform, there is always pop up of the particular forum rules and regulations to be read before subscribing to the site. I make sure to read this rules and regulations to be sure I can work with the requirements of the site and on getting into the site, I still make sure to read the rules and regulations listed on the announcement tab on the site. This is a the only way to staying and working out of trouble from the site.

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Yeeah true that pop up give one a quick wrap up of what is to be expected of their behaviour as they interact with others in the forum. Only a carefree person will fail to notice it.

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Thank you for this post! It's a useful reminder that certain services aren't permitted and for many of us (like myself!) who haven't yet listed a service that we do need to take a closer look at what is and isn't allowed.

I'll be sure to have a thorough read to make sure I'm not going to do anything I shouldn't be doing!

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Exactly! In as much as this thread is just a mere reminder to most people here who offer one service or another, it's a very important reminder at that because as humans, we are prone to forget at some point in time. So, with getting reminded now is just like refreshing our memories not never forget the angle which we are supposed to work from within Seocheckout.

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We should always learn from mistakes, whether it is a mistake committed by yourself or by another people. We should always follow the rules of the site where we are working. If you do not follow the rules, you will be banned. I have been banned from a couple of sites because I did not follow the rules. That was unintentional however, I had to pay for the mistake of not reading TOS.

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This is a very good point my friend, personally I have suffered ban from one or two sites for infringing on the forum TOS. Just like you mentioned, it's was actually my fault for not reading between the lines of forum rules and I ended up getting kicked out of the site. I was fortunate enough not to get a bad rating from the site owner as he was the merciful type of person.

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That's right. In this day and age there are so many terms and conditions for many aspects of our day to day lives...and it can be easy to get things confused or misread parts of it. A refresher is always helpful!

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You are welcome,,, It's my pleasure to make them conscious and aware about TOS and listing guidelines, so that they will be safe and won't fall in trouble like me!

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I agree! That's the importance of reading T&C's. Although it's a long and tiring to read, we should always check first the do's and don'ts of a certain site so that we won't get kicked out. It is our resposibility to do what is right.

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Yes it is really a must to read first all the guidelines of Seocheckout before doing anything since it will help us to be familiar on its rules and regulations. It is our primary responsibility to have them fistbbefore doing any kind services or advertisement so that we will be enlighten by the proper course of action that we should make. Since there are some people who are very excited to do more instantly at a certain sites without knowing first it's guidelines.

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When one fails to work within the rules or terms of conditions in anything such individual is involved in, he or she is definitely going to suffer the consequences of disregarding the rules and working outside it. The truth is that most people don't read the guidelines before doing anything and they end up making a mess of everything.

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Yes that is exactly true, some people sometimes forget to read about the policy of a certain site that they joined while end up nothing. Sometimes discipline and first hand knowledge should be given importance when you are new to a certain site to be equipped with the basic understanding that we need. I think we should take good care for everything that we do since it can affect us somehow.

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When you join a site, not just a freelance site like seocheckout, even a social media site or a community site, you should always read what you are allowed and what you are not allowed. You should always read TOS. I was once banned on a writing site because I made a mistake. I did not know I was not allowed to delete my articles. I tried to edit my articles with the same article (so that I can remove my published articles). I learned from my mistake.

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Now it's remain rest of your life to be aware about TOS,,which you will never banned again!

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Although, there are some freelance sites that it's rules and regulations aren't well stipulated for all the members to know exactly what to do on the site. I have had a very horrible experience with one site in particular as I was banned for doing absolutely nothing wrong on the site apart from not being a native of UK or America. It was never staated that it's only American or UK writers that are needed to post on the site and I was banned for it.

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not being a native of UK or America.!!!
Oh My gosh! what an experience Martinsx1! what was exactly the forum site about?

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@oliur76, it was a forum about relationships and breakups, it's by far the 2nd worst platform I have ever seen and participated in where I suffered the full wrath of the forum owner for his own failing to make the TOS clear to everyone. The so called forum is no longer hosted here but I will never forget my experience in it.

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I've also seen different websites with really poor terms and conditions...and also I've seen websites with ridiculously long terms and conditions. I think sometimes places make their T&C deliberately long so that people just scroll to the end and click on "I accept". Whilst I do think that it's important to read the T&C, I would love to see more places make them more user friendly! Please Read the TOS and listing guidelines before start your journey in Seocheckout

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Most of the people tend to become lazy when it comes to reading the guidelines. They don't know that it may save their business from getting lost or banned. We should practice reading all the TOS nad guidelines before entering a certain platform. We should keep it in our mind that it is a must. Unless we want something bad to happen, right?

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I definitely think it's important to understand the terms and conditions but I also think companies or businesses need to try and make their T&C user friendly. So many T&C are just filled with jargon or unnecessarily long and it's almost like they are trying to dupe the consumer into just scrolling through and not reading it all.

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I agree with you. Most of the T&C are long and hard to understand since it is full of jargons that people don't fully understand. I guess they should create T&C easier to understand and shorter than the usual ones so that people will really read it instead of skipping or scrolling down and put a check on the box beside "I have read the term and conditions... ". Also, people are way too excited whenever they enter a new platform that's why they usually skip reading the T&C's.

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Thanks for this. I often make the same mistake when joining sites. The comment about the excitement of joining the site over rides reason.This is handy advise especially for me as I am thinking of joining Seocheckout soon. I will be careful to read their terms and conditions, because you are not the first person that I have heard that has been burnt from their platform. I have a friend who has gone through the same thing.

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My weakness lies in reading the TOS. I have run into many problems for overlooking them. THIS post comes in handy and I agree that we have to read the TOS and the listing guidelines before listing anything on seocheckout.

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I think that applies to most of us. We can;t just blindly read over things. And the issue is we can't spend days reading the TOS either. So it's reasonable to make use of the TOS which are readable. And people should understand that TOS very important for some of the business condition. And they have to understand where they need to work on that for when joining any site or downloading software.

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I'll admit I haven't read a single TOS guideline for a while now. Maybe it's because we are used to just ignoring it when signing up for something. I guess when it comes to actually selling and buying a service, it becomes more important to read it. I'll give it a read when I'm in the same boat as you guys.

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I think that a majority of us are used to just clicking that we accept the terms and conditions without really reading and absorbing what is stipulated. It is only when we face problems that we go back to review what we should have known from the first instance.

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Exactly. Some people will just click agree just to be done and over with it. I think in any transaction, most people will skip reading the terms and conditions. Only after they get into trouble will they check the terms and conditions they have unknowingly agreed to. It happens a lot in my line of work as we deal with disputes between merchant and cardholders.

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You are right that some people will just click on agree just to complete the registration without reading carefully the terms and conditions. I am guilty about it due to my strong desire to finish the registration and be part of the forum. But I always make sure to find time in reading the guidelines when I am about to post some comment.

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I think most of us are guilty. I read the terms and conditions of the first few forums I subscribed to but when I noticed their similarity, often stating not using abusive words, not promoting services etc, I tend to just simply scan the other forums I signed in. There are some forums that stated their t&c boldly at the time you subscribe and written very shortly. Those are impossible to miss. The lengthy ones are the hardest but just the same it's our responsibility to know them at the onset before posting comments.

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That is really informative and it could help the beginners to understand the rules and regulations when it comes to the services not only here in this site but also in general. We should always read carefully the guide lines in order for us to avoid mistakes in the future. Your post is very helpful for everyone.

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Exactly! As new members in any site, they are always much eager to rush and post for having the opportunity to work or offer services in the community they found themselves. So, most times they all forget to take a look at the site rules and TOS, this most times comes to bite them back because they would end up getting caught up with failing few rules.

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That is right. There are some site nowadays that is very strict when it comes in posting. The comments in that forum needs to have a quality and should be closer to the topic or else the moderator will delete your post.

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Every forum has its own rules or guidelines and it is important to read and understand them carefully to avoid making mistakes. I know that some guidelines are very long and can be tiring to read but we should still have the patience to read all of them. I am also a type of person who will just accept the terms and conditions when joining a forum but when it comes to posting, I'll make sure to read first the rules if there is something that I'm not sure of.

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If you do not want to get into trouble you should check first and know what you have to adhere to. This is especially important to forums that you are new to and which operate in a specific manner.

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Will sure do, thanks for bringing this into our attention. I and future readers will ultimately keep this in mind.

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I think fake traffic, fake accounts and fake likes are always banned on most of the marketplace. I have seen people going for the easy money with the fake accounts and traffic. You can see that it'd be seriously bad to even consider that type of the gig. I'd say you should consider making use of the legit services that help business and people. That way you would be getting account back and also it'd not violate the terms.

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I'm glad that this site is so genuine that they are wary of anything fake being directed to other sites in terms of likes or traffic. It's quite honorable in this day and age to not allow that Please Read the TOS and listing guidelines before start your journey in Seocheckout Very refreshing.

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Yes, the reason being the genuine business get hurt in the process. You can see that some of the time it can be not so easy with the process. I have had my share of the seller issues on some sites. I prefer to think twice before buying anything from such sites. So I think it's good that such sites are now taking some actions.

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Thank you for reminding everyone this is really a big help to be careful with our post from time to time. and we must respect the rule what they want us to follow so we wont get banned or violate the terms and conditions of the site. Its really good if we are going to check this like a habit so we always know the new updates happening on the site.

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Yes Oliur- this is very much necessary on Seocheckout from long term. Seocheckout have some stick rules about some keywords and you can not enlist those types of services and also it will be better if you do not bid on there. If you look every time Home to WTB section than you will see some services are getting less light and than you can understand easily which services are not allowed on Seocheckout. Your suggestions will help every one.

Wish you all the best.
Happy SEO.


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Thanks for the reminder. I sometimes forget or purposely neglect reading the guidelines in any forum. I will start to read the guidelines again because there is a thread that I started about adding image or illustration in my blog. Unfortunately, I didnt see it here posted so I just assumed that it may be prohibited or there are other similar topics already posted.

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I had been into several money making sites and I realized how important to know first the rules and regulation of a certain site to be able to be successful and earn well from it. Many people sometimes ignored the simple rules and regulations of a certain site which leads them to inefficiency and end up losing their earnings online.

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There are some people who are not fan of seeing the guidelines of a certain site before doing any move which sometimes put them in a great problem. They just go into a certain site without even knowing first in what is the site all about.

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One of the biggest lie is when we click on ' I have read the terms and agreement'. It has to do with long paragraphs of law jargon that can be used as substitute for a sleeping medicine. At least we have learned from your mistake. Will definitely make sure to read up the term of service before I start selling any of my services here.

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All of the systems, websites, apps etc. have TOS that we need to read first and understand before we agree. Many of us just ignore it and agree into it that's why they wander so much when something happen out of hand. I highly suggest that we need to read it before joining and doing anything so that we can fully know the rules and regulation of it. To avoid scam and waste of time we must apply it.

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Every time I will join a new site I always see to it to read first all the rules and policy of the site so that I will not experience any problem later on. It feels good to obey all the rules since in the end we will still be the one to benefit from it.

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Yes you are right most of the times we tend to just skip reading the Terms and conditions because they are very lengthy and boring to read. But if you don't read them and encounter any problems with the rules of the sites you may be shocked if you are barred by the site. Personally I would really want all the sites to make a list of the most relevant and important rules instead of the big list of rules and regulations. Nevertheless it is our responsibility to read all the rules and regulations of the site and follow them as much as possible.

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That's great idea! I think it would be better if they come up with a short list but in some case it's not possible to shrink them!

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