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Whenever you start your online journey, you will likely think "I'm going to strike it rich with my new idea!" but that rarely happens overnight because that's just not how success works. You can talk to any successful person in the world and they will tell you their journey was just a bunch of little achievements that compiled into a massive success, it was never just one thing that made them their millions.
There are many things you can do online to become rich, but you will never make any money if you're not planning it out day by day and step by step. You need to know what you're doing today, what you plan on doing tomorrow, and what you hope to be doing in 5 years from now. If you can do all of that, and execute your plans, you will be rich within a few years.
I don't guarantee that you will be wealthy after you do all of the things I'll talk about, all of the strategies I discuss here on seocheckout, or if you put in 80 hours a week. You need to know what you're doing first before using any of my content for your own benefit, but that's just the first step
Map out your entire website, process, plan, etc.
Successful people will sit down and map out their entire day the previous day. This means you will map out your Tuesday on Monday night so you know exactly what you plan on doing. When I started doing this, I thought "I know what I need to do each week, but I'll give it a try and see what happens" and I was shocked at how much work I actually got done. I finished my checklist in just a few hours and had the rest of the day to do whatever I wanted lol Of course, me being the online entrepreneur that I am, I just kept working and got the majority of my week done in a single day lol
By finishing almost 3 days of work on Monday, then finishing everything on Tuesday, I opened up the rest of my week to do R&D as well as hang out with my family more than before. To this very day I will sit in bed and schedule my next work day so I know what needs to be done. I can finish at least 2 days of work while my kids are in school, and another day after I pick them up, leaving me with just 2 days of work left and it's only Monday
You can't take big leaps to online success
When you're working online you can't just make millions with your first attempt. Sure, people have done this in the past, but it was their first attempt at a new website and they have already been working online for multiple years lol.
You need to understand that working online isn't a sprint, it's a marathon, and you don't want to burn yourself out too quickly because you'll want to stop. People that burn out are the ones who say SEO is dead or a method isn't working, and that's because they didn't do enough to see it actually work. Take each day step by step and you will compile enough work, credibility, authority, backlinks, etc. to see your efforts begin to pay off and you will hopefully be able to work online full time
You'll learn how to do everything perfectly as your journey goes on
In the beginning, you'll screw up a lot just like the majority of us did, but trust me when I say it gets a lot easier as time goes on. You need to learn from your mistakes so you don't keep doing them, and this means your websites will launch faster and you'll know how to generate sales quicker than when you started out.
I didn't know anything about web design or marketing when I started off, I just wanted to make money online, so I would pay designers $750+ for a basic website design and then hire a marketing team to do what needed to be done. Today, I know that it's dumb to pay that much money since I can do it on my own for less than $350 a month lol I look back at how much money I was spending on each design and the thousands I spent on marketing and think "Wow, if only I had saved up that money I could have used it today and made 3x my investment!" lol
But that's hearsay and I don't let it hold me back
No one sets up a website and sells it for $3,000,000 in a week
You may see websites on flippa or other website selling platforms going for a crazy amount of money, but those people selling the websites didn't get lucky on their first try. Also, those websites likely have inflated numbers so they can ask for more at the final sale lol.
If someone were to set up a website and sell it for a million dollars within a week, they likely would be giving away a goldmine that could have made them much more in the long run, and that's why this never really happens. People don't set up successful companies within a week and sell them right away, they build them to the most profit they can get without putting in 80 hours a week, then they unload them to anyone willing to hand over a great deal of money. Not everyone can do this though, even the people trying, so don't get discouraged if your website isn't going to sell for even $30,000 after it's first year generating sales
In conclusion
You need to be patient and persistent when it comes to your work. If you're patient, you won't worry about how much money you're making right now, and that means you won't screw anything up in hopes of making millions tomorrow. If you're persistent, you will keep on working without worry about the money that is coming in, and that's how most great websites are born
Remember to follow me!
Tommy Carey
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