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There are always those articles that pop up in November or December that talk about what you need to focus on when the new year is upon us. Those articles are just attention grabs and are likely to get a decent amount of traffic because people want to be ahead of the game for the next year. I'm here to tell you, 6 months before 2019, that there are some pretty good ways to prepare now so you are ready and ahead of all the people who start reading in November or December!
No matter what is written about 2019, there won't be an all in one article that can direct you down the right path, but you can hopefully piece together a plan now and be ready for the end of the year to fill in the gaps that may not be clear right now. So hopefully this article can help you out with your plans and get you ready for 2019
Instagram stories are becoming more and more popular
As of right now you can publish a bunch of content on Instagram in the form of a story and get it seen by a massive amount of people. You can actually promote within your stories and link to specific services or product for people to click through to, which will usually increase your conversion rates compared to saying "We have a link in our Bio!".
Stories are a pretty simple way to do marketing, you just need to add some custom images or text in order to let people know they can swipe to click and see where to get a skirt, grill, buy SEO, or anything else you're trying to pitch to the masses.
Sticking with influencer marketing
In late 2017 and all of 2018, there was a huge surge in influencer marketing and almost everyone was doing it. From the little guys to the big corporations, everyone was trying to get their businesses seen on social media through hiring social media influencers to promote something. Everyone is doing this because it's extremely useful and works very well to bring in new customers if you just stick with it.
Influencer marketing doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon, so it will likely get bigger in 2018 and even bigger in 2019 when more companies start to catch on to this trend.
Targeting Gen Z now
If you're targeting generation Z right now you'll be able to cash in on them when they start getting real jobs in the world. Think about it, they're in their early 20's and will likely be graduating college soon, making them eligible for good jobs and that means they're going to be making more money than they know what to do with since they're used to working paycheck to paycheck.
If you're branding yourself in front of generation Z so they remember you, you'll be able to boost your social awareness and profits in 2019 much easier.
Getting into live streaming methods
It seems like everyone is now starting a live streaming option on their platforms in order to stay competitive. Remember, if your competitor has a unique feature and you don't, they're more of an authority than you in this world. So by replicating the streaming options and letting people have live videos on any platform, they can access, you're going to be able to target a much larger crowd.
Not everyone loves Facebook or Instagram, they want to stick with Pinterest or YouTube to learn stuff and get ideas. This means you can use all of the live streaming services to pull people in from specific platforms. People are starting to love live streams, and that's because they're becoming mainstream, so in 2018 you should start doing them for your own business so you're ahead of the curve in 2019
Thinking about Facebook spaces
Right now there is a feature within Facebook called Facebook spaces, which is basically a way to connect with your friends in VR. It seems to be pretty glitchy right now, but you can still access it if you're lucky enough to get accepted, but you should still plan to get in early so you can take advantage of a new way to connect with potential clients.
Think about it, when you could go live on a social media platform, not many people were gravitating towards videos. Now, people see "John is going live" and they click to see what's happening because it could be a coupon code getting released or a discount to anyone watching. This could work similar to how VR works, and you can actually use them for discounts or even a sort of business meeting so you can go over what needs to be done with work.
In conclusion
Being prepared for the new year takes more than a couple months, and that's why you need to start now if you aren't prepared you're just going to lose to your competitors. Get into Instagram stories and pull in customers, stick with influencer marketing because it shows no signs of slowing down, target generation Z now and profit later, continue with the live streams, and do your research now about Facebook spaces and use it when it has open access. If you can do all of these, you should be ready for 2019 before your competitors are
Remember to follow me!
Tommy Carey
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It does seem like everyone and their grandmother is getting into some form of live streaming. I sound like a grouchy old man, but I honestly don't even understand how some of these live streamers are as popular as they are. Well I mean, I do understand, it's just hard to comprehend. I can get people watching video game live streams, since it's sort of like watching a sport. But you have people who live stream their daily lives, of them just walking around not doing anything special in particular, and yet they make huge amounts of money from that. It can definitely be lucrative if you can break into it, particularly on Twitch and YouTube. [i]"It seems like everyone is now starting a livestreaming option on their platforms in order to stay competitive." [/i] It does seem like everyone and their grandmother is getting into some form of live streaming. I sound like a grouchy old man, but I honestly don't even understand how some of these live streamers are as popular as they are. Well I mean, I [i]do[/i] understand, it's just hard to comprehend. I can get people watching video game live streams, since it's sort of like watching a sport. But you have people who live stream their daily lives, of them just walking around not doing anything special in particular, and yet they make [i]huge[/i] amounts of money from that. It can definitely be lucrative if you can break into it, particularly on Twitch and YouTube.
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