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All of us have been on Google and saw some listings at the very top which were advertisements, and that's what Adwords is. Now, does this actually work and should you be doing it? Yes, but you need to know what you're doing before it starts to work out for you in the shortest amount of time possible. I say the shortest amount of time possible because you're paying to be on there, and the longer you're not successful, the more money you're spending for no reason at all.
You need to split test before you start to see success, mainly because you never know what the best ads are for your demographics and who you're targeting. You need to eliminate keywords as well as add new ones to see where the sales are coming from. There are thousands of things I can write about but I'll just focus on the things below to give you an idea if Adwords is for you and your business.
High CPC in most industries
You need to remember that a lot of people will be in your niche, and depending on the niche, you could be spending a few pennies a click or a few dollars. Sure, you can bid $4.01 per click when the first-page bids are a minimum of $15.00, and you'll get some clicks (maybe). What you'll need to do is bid for page 2 and hope you land on page 1 randomly, this is what I do and it works very well lol.
Page 1 could be $15.00 a click, and you won't show up there if you aren't bidding above that, but page 2 could be a range from $4.10 to $4.99 a click. This means you could bid $4.15 per click and be on the 2nd position of page 2 where people still see your ad fairly often.
Page 1 is where you want to be, but you need to settle for page 2 in the beginning if you don't have the funding to compete with the big dogs on page 1.
You must have some funding you're willing to lose.
If you want to start an ad, I would suggest setting it at $15 a day, which would be roughly $1500 a month. Now, you need to have that money in reserve and not be afraid to lose it. I always set up an ad and think "Well, I'm about to lose $1500 in the next 30 days!" and that way I don't worry about my money as much as if I needed to make money in order to keep advertising.
I understand that $1500 is a lot for people to risk, but you can do this with $15 a day if you really need to. Once your ad starts to send in a decent amount of sales, start to bootstrap everything for higher profits and increase your daily ad spend
You could go broke before you're done testing
I've seen this so many times, and it's pretty sad, and people actually lose a lot of money and have to stop advertising. A successful business owner doesn't become successful by stopping their ads, they figure it out before they go broke and then they increase it when everything is working out.
Sadly, a lot of people go broke before they're done split testing and they have to back off for a bit until they recoup their funds and take another try at it.
You must monitor it constantly
If you're not sifting through all of the data and managing your ads, you're going to fail 99 out of 100 times. You could get lucky and make an extra $150 a day from a $15 ad spend, but that's not how it usually works. I've had hundreds of ads for hundreds of different websites, and only 1 of them was a success right at the start. I was spending $150 a day and making $150 to $1500 profit every 24 hours. Sadly, that niche got overwhelmed and now it costs $12.00 a click instead of the $4.15 I was spending a few years ago
Set up your campaigns, monitor what they're doing, eliminate the ads that aren't performing, and make sure you have the best campaign possible for your industry. It takes time, probably a couple weeks, but it's worth it in the long run.
In Conclusion
I think Adwords is definitely worth it, mainly because I've been using it for so long and understand how to use it more than most people out there. If you want to be successful, you need to get in front of as many people as possible each day and that means you need to be on the biggest search engine in the world, Google! Set up an Adwords account and do some testing. Set up an ad and let it run for a week, see what happens, then tweak it for perfection and keep going.
Remember to follow me!
Tommy Carey
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Centurion Nice ad words techniques. Thanks for sharing it all. Ad words work for huge traffic and promotion and ad words related campaigns are popular in this world for any advertiser or product publisher or any website traffic generation or traffic estimator. Thanks Centurion
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