
What Things Do You Hate About Google?

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What Things Do You Hate About Google?

Google has dominated the search engine scene for decades and I can still remember in its infancy years in 2000 that it has superb customer support but nowadays you can't even chat or talk to any support person. They would reply to your email queries with a one liner auto reply message.  This is one of the things I hate about Google.  It became do bog that their employees just don't give a damn anymore about work.


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I preferred the old Google Image search which was pagenated. I wish they would stop ruining YouTube; at this point I only use it because of it's stature. I wish they would ease up on verification; they don't need my phone number. In fact, for the things I do on their services, they don't need to know anything about me. Wordpress powers 30% of the internet and only requires an email address. Google likes to change things, and make things more complicated than they need to be. Google makes it difficult to find out information about their services, because most greet you with a login page right off the bat.

There are lots of things I do like about Google though, which is why I use their services in the first place. What Things Do You Hate About Google?

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Now that I think about it, I really agree that the old Google Image search is really better. If it is still paginated, you can easily browse through search results even with a very slow connection. Now it just loads everything up and we're doomed if we ever want to search images online on a slow internet connection.

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It looks like Google has big plans in the future to be controlling the users. If you have seen the movie Terminator Genisys you will get an idea of the big computer that got control of the entire population except for a few. I am not against Google and I respect its features and services but I really think that it wants to dominate the internet and it is doing its way at our expense.

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I will go along with lack of customer support. They defintely need people to be able to respond to questions they might have about the services. I know alot of questions may be redundant or even nonsensical, but they should keep track of the most frequently answered questions..and put that info out for the public. Also, just be more available to consumers.

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I think google never had customer support from the start of the company. But their products work out simply for users. I think people also search on web or watch videos. And they manage. I think google has worlds worst customer support. And they have no useful support if product does not work. So trust me customer support does not make business big. It's people do. But the thing is that you are right about lack of customer support.

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I haven't heard of that before. I thought google has various ways to provide customer support. Google seems to be really accommodating concerns from their clients.

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WE are the product for these big companies to sell. Simple as that. They collect our data and then sell it to the highest bidder. They've made BILLIONS off us.

Google has WAY too much power and should be regulated. Trying to please the Google Giant through SEO rules that change so often is mind numbingly frustrating. What worked last year now has the opposite effect. Their Adsense crap slows down websites that have to fetch the ad before the page can load fully. Their canned responses are infuriating. Yet we, the sheep, shuffle along in defeat while they reap the riches.

And don't get me started on Facebook. I have an account there solely for marketing purposes started when I was a developer with a game app on FB. Not my real information. I value my privacy too much to give any of these creepy "Big Brother" corporations my real data.

Remember, Big Brother is watching you. Have a nice day!! What Things Do You Hate About Google?

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Yeah, Google support needs a lot of improvement. Your queries take too long for a human person to actually answer, and most of the time the person doesn't really know how to help you with your question. You try to ask at a different time, and it still can't be answered, no matter how serious or urgent your problem is.

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They need more than just improvement, they need to overhaul their whole support system because for such a large and important company, their support service and how they handle it is awful. I had to spend a large amount of time trying to find support for some Google Adsense questions I had and in the end could only go through their community forums which are not that great really. They need to find a way to bring in some new contact methods.

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Yeah, an overhaul is necessary especially since they are the best search engine right now and people rely on their company for a lot of reasons, so they need to revamp their customer support.

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I think about the fraud or fishing sites, I think they should have a strong filters for those site. They are already know that the sites is fishing sites or doing some illegal things by reminding us that this site is not safe, but they still allowed them to find in google search.

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I do believe that they are trying their best to do better to get rid of illegal things from their search results which they are doing quite well. I know that a lot of content is quickly removed and you can notice this by doing a search and at the bottom, there will be a message that states how many results have been removed and the results why they have been removed. However, they do need to do a lot better because like you said, there are still several out there.

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Yeah, specially in the cryptocurrency related sites. There are a lot of fishing sites and scam, but the good thing is, yeah you're right. google doing a lot of things just to make us safe, or the users from that suspicious sites. The last one I encounter was related to paypal. the sites really looks like paypal,

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That's what I hate about Google too. Our Gmail account is used on almost every service imaginable. Almost all of those services are also owned by Google. Who do we contact when we get issues on any of those services? They might have gone greedy and do not care about the small fry. Maybe only big names can talk to them directly or their support.

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Yep they're monopolizing every service and actually they're creating services then they're creating problems for those services and then they're creating solutions for the problems of their services which has nosense to begin with. That's why I'm only using their search engine and nothing else.

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Google are data hungry, THey are always fetching user data. tracking and doing unimaginable this with our data. They want to track everything you do on the internet in as much as you use there service.

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Whilst it is a bad thing, they aren't the only company doing it which is a real problem for us. The amount of information companies like Google will have on us is crazy and I wonder if they are tracking as much information as Facebook has been doing. What I would love for them to one day do is to actually pay us for all the information they have on us.

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have you taken a look at the new web browser called Brave?
They block all the tracking from Bing, Google, Yahoo etc.....

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Oh yes! they're trying to get all your data all the time, that's very annoying. All the apps are always gathering every single thing from you, asking if you allow this or that, and they want to dominate all your android devices. That can be considered rude! I've never been a fan of doing all that, specially when I tend to loose my phones and tablets.

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I think almost everyone has the same complaint about Google. Lack of customer support.

I realize that their services are used by people all around the world and it is an awful lot to handle. But many many people probably want to ask the same or similar questions. If they could make written guidance and troubleshooting recommendations that were easy for people to search and find the answers on their own, that would be great! But even searching through their Help is not that easy.

Still! I can hardly imagine the tech world without the presence of Google.

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The things I hate about google is if I'm on a bad frame of mind I tend to search things that are related to my mood and it gives me more of the negative things about life and you'll find out that there is so much negativity in the world just by searching one thing because it provides you things that are related to what you're trying to find but as I get old I understand that it's my own responsibility to not search about the things I makes me more anxious and worried life.

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I hate Google+, it's like the most lame social media platform created by a big company. It's not user friendly and was made to get and collate information from users and to make monkeys out of us.

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Agree and I don't think they really work hard on trying to improve it either. But I was invited to test the platform and when it became official I already had an account. Since I had the account and it is a Google product, I figured I might as well make some use of it. It is in no way is a substitute or even a comparable replacement for Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest or Tumblr or Instagram or … ___________ (fill in the blank. But I think Google+ was created just to jump on the social media bandwagon. You know what they say in the business world about your competition? “If you can't beat 'em, join em!”

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Well! I'm going to have to add on to these comments because the Google Plus social network will be closed down during 2019. Guess they decided not to compete after all.

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Does this mean we are going to begin the boycott of google?
I think this Meme best describes the evil globalists trying to steal our freedom of speech while providing really, really bad customer service.... come on guys, let's start a movement!!
What Things Do You Hate About Google?

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I think google has more control over data than the facebook. And they don't seem to be minding it. And the thing is that google is more risky if you ask me. There seems to be no alternative about it. There are some benefits they may offer but we have to focus on what we can do most out of from as well. I am sure soon google will face same issues like zuckerberg.

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Mark Zuckerberg made a very serious mistake in letting Facebook get caught up in all the issues of data selling or whatever they called, this have really made lots of people question the credibility of the social network in terms of being trustworthy. Personally, I have reduced my activity on Facebook ever since, not minding that Mark Zuckerberg have publicly apologized for the mistake, I doubt it's going to change people's views on the site now.

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It's not a mistake. It was proper planned thing. You collect data of customer as a mistake? No. That is business model. And they are not understanding that and trying to make claims like it was a mistake. Collecting persona data and selling it to advertisers is never an claim.

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I do agree with you on this, in as much as they are trying to label it as a mistake, I'm sure that what they are likely trying to do is damage control for what they have done. It's really funny how the whole thing was exposed and I'm sure Mark Zuckerberg was stunned to see such act become a public knowledge.

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Yes they are doing the damage control. And people who are addicted to the facebook are there. Otherwise lot of people are moving away from the facebook. I can tell you that soon facebook fad is going down as it is. And you have your own ways to explore but that may take time.

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It's such a shame that Google with all its reputation have failed woefully in making their support system a better one that would please its user. Yes, I do agree that sometimes, user abuse the support system by asking so many irrelevant questions and seeking response from support staff but Google shouldn't use as a result of that and rule out the needs of other people who need their support assistance more than anything. They simply need to improve in this aspect as soon as possible because it's really affecting them.

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I hate that Google has all of our information. It's somewhat the price to pay for using their service. But it's something we might not be able to avoid. I just hope there will be better browsers in the future without the risk of privacy.

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there're a lot of better browser right non, but the problem is, they doing the same things. I think much better to do is to create new identity just to hide your personal information. It's really hard to give our personal identity right now.

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You're probably right. We won't get what we want by using most browsers. They simply take our data without our consent. Creating a fake identity could be the best answer for turning the tables on them.

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That's true with all that user agreements and all that says "i agree" . As soon as you subscribed all the data are collected from your whereabouts up to what you feel. Correct me if i'm wrong but the devices we use is somehow one of the contributor on our privacy risks.

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Well, I think, even we want to boycott the google, we cant do it. there's a lot of information from google that we need it. we can easily say that, we will boycott the google. but deep inside, we can't avoid it. honestly speaking, we need the information from google, and if we want to boycott the google, we should boycott the internet also.

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True! Google is such an integral part of the internet right now. It can never be taken down as it is. It's too crucial for everyone's needs. But that doesn't mean there are no alternative sites.

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Yeah, of course. A lot of alternative sites for google, like bing, boardreader, cc search, duckduck go etc, but they need to work hard to achieve what google has now. Just having one google account is enough, and easy to synchronize all your gadgets in to one account and make your life easier. It's not just about searching.

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The way I see it is that Google Existed, Google created Ranking problems, Google created SEO and SEM to address the problem and this created a whole industry centered on Google. With this kind of model, I think Google has another 5 to 10 years before another search engine company takes the lead, Yahoo was the top then remember? Google would eventually bow down to a better search engine. My fearless forecast.

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I've been a fan of Google ever since. I was happy that Google has launched before that I didn't have to deal with Internet Explorer anymore. Haha. I've never had an experience talking to a customer support maybe because I'm just an ordinary search user so I have nothing to complain about. I think Google is improving now before they can't handle many users around the world but now they can answer complains because they designated offices all over the world and we have Google headquarters here in my country so that would be helpful to improve their services. If you received an auto-reply message, reply back to that email until you get the right answers.

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That was right. Google is doing better and changing like upgrading high standard and quality. Collecting data is necessary for them as for reference. For me nothing wrong with it.

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Google for me wants it all, they are good in integrating their sites, Googleplay, Gmail, Chrome, and GoogleMaP all are integrated and all are related. When you think your personal data is safe with them, well with all these sites... they know more about you and your history than probably a friend. These sites collects your data even when you are sleeping. Creepy...

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I have to agree. They're not as open about it as we think. They silently gather all our data so that they can add us to their database. While it may seem superficial, imagine what this could mean for people of interest. They sure are shady with all their privacy invasion.

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You're right, That's how really the google is, and the problem is, google know's exactly what we need, and looks like we are willing victims by keep agree and use their service, and I think using their service is actually not free, we pay them with our personal identity.

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I have nothing to hate about Google. It is the best and the most widely used search engine so far and it's free. The company itself has established communities to make information about computing and technology available to more people. For something that can be used for free, the search engine is a great product that continues to improve with the passing of years. I'm not sure if its customer support is capable of addressing concerns of all users (more than 1 billion of them). I've never had problems with using Google and its products and whenever I do run into tech concerns, I've always found the solution through Google search. Translation? No problem. There's Google Translate and it even provides the pronunciation. Google has helped me maximize my online earning potentials.

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I actually have no quarrel with Google but lately, I was confused because of Gmail. Where before I would click on to access my Gmail account, now I have to access it via a Google account. It looks like Google is trying to monopolize the users of the internet. In effect, I had to create a Google account for my Gmail account. Isn’t that excessive? Anyway, as I said, I have no quarrel with Google simply because it is the largest company in the internet.

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I don't know if its good or bad but for me the multiple authentication procedures are getting annoying. Also the fast changing policy agreements is getting my eyebrows up. Now i'm having doubts on their security protocol and i think there is a problem on their system.

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I think Google should improve their system to block viruses. They should have live support to help users to know if a certain website is okay for browsing. I think having a live support for the browser would be a great help to people who just know this Google.

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I think Google should police the sites and block those which are easily identifiable as scam sites or those sites that infects visitors with viruses.

also I'm concerned with Google's data gathering which is a big issue nowadays, they are like gathering all the data they can about their users which I think is pretty sick.

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