
How I gave up on everything Facebook

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How I gave up on everything Facebook

I recently changed my smartphone. My last one just died a few weeks ago, and I moved on to a Xiaomi Mi A1 with stock Android 8.0 (Oreo).

So I decided to implement a little experiment, drop everything related to Facebook: Instagram, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and of course the Facebook app itself.

Why? Because I hate what Facebook has become. A giant ads machine full of fake news and useless content.
To replace the Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp I simply switched all my close family to Allo, Google's official messenger app.

As far as Instagram and Facebook app itself, well I feel like nothing of value was lost. Instagram was useless to its core, and I rarely went there anymore, and Facebook's feed was full of useless content and fake news. I simply felt no connection anymore, and I hated myself for wasting my time every few hours browsing my Facebook's feed without a real purpose or goal in mind, just fulfilling my social media addiction.

It was a long time coming

I hated Facebook and everything it had become for a long time now. But always found excuses to stick around, like the fact that I work in digital marketing, or that all my friends still used it.

Thing is I still have my Facebook account; I can still log in from a desktop, and I still use it for work-related tasks like managing certain Facebook pages or using certain Facebook marketing tools. I just don't use it on my phone anymore.

After a few days of people trying to contact me on Facebook Messanger and getting a very late response, I've noticed a cool trend. They found other ways to contact me. Some called me directly; some send an SMS, some emailed me, and some even installed Allo to talk with me.

The point is, the people that want to get in contact with you, will find a way. We live in the era of communication, trust me, they won't leave you uninformed just because you don't use Facebook Messanger or WhatsApp anymore.

What's next?

I feel liberated. Seriously. You should totally try it! I realized that Facebook was designed to suck up my attention as well as my free time while giving nothing in return.

As a result, I started doing more of the things I actually loved doing on my smartphone. Reading articles, managing my calendar, doing tasks and listening to podcasts. In truth, my productivity increased, and I don't feel ashamed anymore for losing time on Facebook.


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Good for you. You've found a way to break the connection. Unfortunately, like Centurion, I am also from a 3rd world country where Facebook/Messenger is highly popular and widely used. I get to call for free with my sister abroad and other friends too.

I garnered sales through Facebook too. It will be hard to let it go for me.

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He only let it go on his phone not all together though. I also agree with you that it would be hard to let it go in all aspects... especially if you earn any sort of money with the help of it. Facebook is still the biggest social media platform and as annoying it is, it gives you a big exposure.

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A few years ago, Facebook is accessed just like that. Through your computer only. But with the rise of the smart phones, came the rise of the social media apps. With the way Facebook is now, I can only see this turning into a giant ads network. And will eventually morph into a web tv. Because right now, I can see tons of micro webisodes of the once famous TV shows that are being axed by the large networks and somehow found a way to be brought back into viewing.

And you're right. As annoying as it is with all the hyped things and fake news, it still is useful to everyone.

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Yes slowly facebook managed to get on the java based phones and then android based phones. It happened slowly. But surely it started to get on the better note so far. I hope that other social networks come along in the market. And that leads to more or less better competition.

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Yeah, I'm using the Facebook messenger also to call my brother in other country, and use it to just say something, and it's free compare to paid form of communication. Before I'm using Skype but now, the Facebook is much more better. and I don't need the load right now just to text someone.

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I find Facebook can be a bad habit sometimes. It is just one of the sites that I think people go to out of habit not so much that they are interested in what it has to offer. It is just one of those things, that we might not need to use.

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So true! I find it liberating as well to stop browsing the site out of habit. It's not good for our mental health. There are far better things to do that can add value to our lives.

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The problem is that if you miss browsing, you can miss something you really do have an interest in. I try to just limit my time on the site to about 5 or 10 minutes per day though.

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Feeling you here. I'm from a third world country too and people uses Facebook for everything. When I say everything, I do mean it. People vent all their news and issues through it, and it's annoying to know if they broke up, are feeling angry, or what they're eating all day long. Honestly, I want to get rid of it, I don't use it, and I'm not interested on it anymore.

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I still have my Facebook account with me. i have discovered a site that is much better than Facebook. You can earn money there.

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I am also on Facebook and I don’t think it is a good idea to get away from it. I know that Facebook is developing its own society and culture but it is free for our use so I don’t consider it a problem. Besides, I only use Facebook once a day to check on my connections so I cannot say that I am a Facebook others like some of my friends who are working abroad.

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I'm actually in the same boat as you, my friend. I became sick and tired of Facebook back in December, and decided to get rid of my profile. I still kept the Messenger app because it is the only thing my friends and family use, but besides that, I've gotten rid of all my personal social media accounts. I just became disillusioned with the whole concept of Facebook/Instagram. It was one big popularity contest; people desperately posting narcissistic nonsense in order to get as much attention as possible. I no longer wanted any part in their psychological games, and I honestly feel much better ever since I got rid of it. Many other people are doing the same.

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It seems like it is the same people posting the same content over and over again. I am not that interested in it to be honest. I do go there to see what people post that are of value to me, and also I hope I can make use of my contacts there some day.

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Facebook for me is a tool, only a tool, a tool that I control.
There are people nowadays who made online social media platforms like Facebook their world, they where suck in, they where addicted. It's a dangerous ground even life threatening in some cases when depression sets in. Intervention and counseling are good ways to counter the ill-effects of Social Media.

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I don't think you would have said it any better than this. Facebook is simply a socialising platform, one that should be controlled by the user just like you pointed out. It's just unfortunate that some folks out there made Facebook seem like a life support system, letting let rig very single change in Facebook affect their entire being.

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I don't think you would have said it any better than this. Facebook is simply a socialising platform, one that should be controlled by the user just like you pointed out. It's just unfortunate that some folks out there made Facebook seem like a life support system, allowing any little hange in Facebook affect their entire being.

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I have wanted to do this for a long time now, but everytime I go and check my page, something personal or professional holds me back from just shutting it all down. I too use it as a tool to self-promote and to get traffic to my sites, but the sacrifice is a lack of privacy and potential drama all of the time from some of my "so-called" facebook friends who have no idea how to behave as a mature and responsible adult in and on social media. I never use Instagram or Snapchat and have no desire to, really, and I see those as just frivolous places to hang out online and to gag on one another's egos. Still, facebook has provided me with a lot of connections over the years, and some very important ones, so it is hard to completely let it go, but I could easily take a break from it as you have suggested.

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I have tried to avoid not logging into my facebook. However, I have not been able to do this for a long time. As far as I can remember, the maximum number days that I have avoided facebook were 3 or 4 days. That was because I did not have internet in the place I was visiting.
I do have irritating friends on facebook, however, I also have many good friends on facebook. I have my clients on facebook. I use facebook to market my websites, blogs and books. I find facebook more useful than nuisance.

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I have to agree with you that Facebook is one giant advertising billboard. Few of us are noticing that but slowly, the advertisements are creeping in our subconscious. And making it worse, the ads in the mobile app has a note on top of the advertisement that the post was like by some of your friends which is not true. My husband was asking me if I clicked on to like the advertisement of Eden Cheese because he saw my name on the ad that I liked it but I did not. So there, those Facebook ads are sly in their style.

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I closed my Facebook account many years ago. It was decent, but then they started wrecking it. Sounds like it continued in that direction since.

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Oh I would love to do it. Do you know how to get rid of all the content you have posted on it? Because I don't think is just going in and erase everything. I have erased a lot of pictures I used to have, and getting out of groups and all those things, but how can I make sure that I will be able to erase all the content I posted on it?

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I feel like facebook is tracing your activities too, it will collect all the data of what you've been checking previously and it will show you related things about your recent searches. That is how facebook monopolize the market. Think of it this way, if you want to advertise something facebook will help you find your target audience easily through their tools available out there. So for me facebook is still great specially if you are looking at it as a tool for your marketing business. So let the people stay hook at it How I gave up on everything Facebook

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Google, twitter and many other companies doing the same. In fact google has more ways to track you. Facebook account deletion can reduce your footprint. But google tracks you with all their services. So nothing new between facebook, google and others.

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Though you are from an upper world countries and you have huge and huge app facilities for that reason FB is bad to you probably. But I am from a third world developing country- on my country 8.5 crore peoples are accessing internet and every body have FB and here we have huge authentic news system. Its a record for FB station based and our position is second in this world. Secondly this is one of world largest virtual station and I am proud about to have a part to make this in this world.

FB is well for product promotion and PPC program. FB is useful for making friend in this world.


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I find FB ads are more or less hit and miss. And it's not going to be any easy to work around those type of the ads. I think there are some of the people who are doing good with the facebook groups and the pages. But that seems to be their own way of handling things though. It's not always going to work out on that part. I guess we learn from experience. But I personally don't invest much into FBAds.

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i am with you on this point. Facebook is navigable, and you can figure out how to tailor-make it to your own needs with your settings and other mechanisms. I am hesitant to get rid of Facebook because of all of my contacts there and how I can channel them as resources for traffic towards my other sites and blogs. Also, I have had so much luck in networking on Facebook that it is really tough for me to just give it up because I am always looking for more of its potential around the corner, if that makes any sense. I don't invest much into Facebook ads either--I give samples of my content on my page and then use those to entice traffic to my sites, and I have had great luck in doing so.

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Yes the addiction part seems to be real as OP pointed out. But the thing is that people are finding it good for the business and finding their business reaching more people. And on that note you can see that some of the time it can be good for the conversion. I guess proper facebook promotion is hard work.

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There was an alchemy, in the 14 century (I think?) named Paracelsus. He once said, "There is no such thing as the poison--there is only the dosage". In other words, as long as we learn to moderate and regulate our usage of social media, then we are able to use it positively. When something is "using you" more than you are "using it", then I would venture to say that you have lost a sense of balance in that relationship with technology. I think that this issue is going to become more and more prominent in out society as we use virtual reality technology more and more. Facebook is merely a tool, in terms of business, for self-promotion, but it is also quite a tempting place to get lost in if one is not careful!

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Interesting example of paracelsus. That is something interesting to think about. I agree that moderation seems to be the key. That seems to be fixing a lot of things about our life. And it seems like we have to learn from our experience.

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Personally, I don't take 90% of the Facebook ads that I come across with any form of seriousness. I would just practically ignore it and move on. It gets annoying for me when I accidentally click on some of the ads and get routed to some useless site.

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I don't like Facebook anymore but at the same time if I don't go there a couple times of day I will miss something important. I don't find it to be a time consuming obsession though. It is something I use to see what extended family and friends are up to. I also play a game on there. There are items of value posted on it from time to time.

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You're right, and actually I'm not always online in my Facebook account. I'm just using the messenger to send messages to some of my friends. I'm tired of reading some fake news, articles, or what ever propaganda by individual person or company just to earn profits. Right now, only Facebook is my social account site and not really active. I don't get any reliable information anymore from any social sites.

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Well, as you have said, you only really dropped Facebook on your phone... not all together. I think that dropping it completely as in not using it at all would be a big waste considering what a big influence it can have on your business/service/company. I personally mainly use it for gaining new clients and advertising my Facebook page. I don't use it that often for private things. I just tend to prefer Twitter.

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I am active on Facebook only because I have my business page on there and I have to respond to my customers. I have to admit that I don't really find any useful news on Facebook either. I am just fed up with those people who keep updating their pictures every hour or updating their statuses or sharing where they checked in. We also have certain businesses which keep advertising their products all day long and this is annoying. I have unfollowed some of my friends and those annoying pages as their activities were just irritating me.

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I am like you in this regard--I have so many followers, and a lot of legitimate traffic and friends and family on facebook, and so I think it would be more damaging for me to shut it down than it is for me to keep it. It has really filtered a lot of people to my blogs, as I use it for promotional purposes and for keeping in touch with friends overseas. I know that there are many different social media options, but i tend to stay away from drama, on social media and in my REAL life, so I have not had any pressing reason to shut down anything because it has all been pleasant so far.

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Social Media can be helpful, I think you just need to take a break from it. If you decide to come back to the FB World, then you must set limitations both in usage and time spent on it. Limit the number of friends you have also the number of groups you belong too.

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Generally speaking, I do not use my smartphone to access social media sites. The only social media site that I use on my phone is facebook and messenger. I don't use facebook and messenger app for a long time on my smartphone.
I access my social media sites through a computer. Buy I am not using what's app, viber, snapchat, instagram which are very popular these days. I use facebook, twitter, linkedin, Google +, and Pinterest for social media marketing.
Yes, you get fake news on facebook, however, by linking the official pages of reputed news media pages, you can access authentic news.

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Yeah, right now I only use facebook to communicate with friends and check their photos when they go somewhere. I don't post anything anymore or actively check the news feed as they are really time-wasting.

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I didn't close my FB account yet. I have not visited it for years. I find that FB is simply a junk site where people simply sent in junk links, pictures and comments that aren't healthy at all. A show off site where people are not thinking straight. However, I do use FB to promote my articles, that's all. I do not interact with the FB followers at all

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On my smartphone i use only messenger to keep in touch with friends and family, while i find that viber is even better for it in some way...
A Facebook... Oh yeah it's full of crap, fake news, fake popular people and so on, but instead of closing my acount or something like that, i unsubscribed from most of news pages, unwanted groups and unfollow some people, so now i have really clean wall with only informations i like to see when i log in, even if it's one or twice per week...

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I gave up on Facebook a while ago to be fair. It's not too much about the fact that they are increasing their advertisements and stuff, but the platform has just become way too boring for a younger audience. I tend to now use Twitter a lot to keep up with friends and other topics and WhatsApp as well. Those are the only two primary apps that I use and SnapChat from time to time as well.

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I'm also not using my smart phone to any social site, I'm saving my battery. smart phone battery drain faster by using it in browsing. checking emails call and text is the only use of my smart phone, not even games.

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What smartphone do you have? It might be time to get a new and better one if you battery is being drained by these apps. I use my phone throughout the day quite a lot including various social media sites, watching videos, listening to music and it still lasts around a day which is great. The battery life is excellent on my phone (Samsung).

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I'm using Iphone 5, and yeah, I think it's about time to change my battery, and my problem about the android phone is, there're a lot of applications running even you not using it. that's why I switch to Ios. Your right about the Samsung they improved the battery life of their new model and it's for gaming now, so it's really worth to buy, I think I need to earn more, to buy new phone.

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I can see where you're coming from, but dumping a whole platform just because you have chosen - yes, chosen - to fill it up with fake news and misleading content seems to me being akin to killing a fly with a shotgun. Yes, it gets the job done, but it'll just damage more than it'll heal.

Facebook, and any other social media, is based on the content, and if you follow bad content, you will get bad content. Pretty much as simple as that. Obviously the opposite would be being in your own echo chamber, but luckily these are issues you have complete control over.

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Good for you I must say. Judging from your post above, I gathered that you never liked Facebook from the get go. It's only normal for you to discredit the said platform over a fair amount of misinformation.

No matter how market oriented Facebook has become, it still serves it's purpose of connecting billions of people around the globe. With over 2 billion users and singins' every single day, fake news are bound to happen.

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They don't call it Facebookistan for nothing! How I gave up on everything Facebook I clearly remember Zuckerberg saying it was his goal to connect the whole world.

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I'm not really active on Facebook and I only use it to chat with my sister who's working abroad. I have long been bothered by the ads and the fake news on the site.. I hate how the purveyors of fake news take advantage of the laziness of people to read or listen to the real news. There are earning sites, though, that require their members to use Facebook to sign up or log in. I had to open a separate FB account to sign up for those sites.

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I too actually DESPISE the fake news on facebook and the proliferation of pseudo-news and propaganda there. It is unbelievable how rampant that is and how gullible people are who are prone to believing in it. I have used facebook to my own ends for profit, but I do not trust it in the least in terms of what many of its members present in their daily feeds and their politically-based attempts to sway online populations using social media in completely unethical ways! I agree with you here 100%.

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It's also the problem of the users if they can't tell when a news article is real or fake. Most of these people only read the headline and immediately share it on FB.

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I really hate the fake news on Facebook, some of them is just a click bait. and worst is fishing site. The Facebook should aware of that kind of advertisement it's not really helping. They kill a lot of famous people in Facebook but when you use the google to confirm it, they're still alive and kicking.

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I must that this is really a brave decision that you took and one that anyone that is everything against social media should do as well, but the reality is that the social media has got so much to offer as long as we are able to make good use of it in the long-run. I could recall when I was looking for a new job, it was the help of a friend that I made on facebook that enabled me to get work where I am working at the moment.

So, what I'm trying to say is that probably you associated with those that are just there to chat while on Facebook and we all know that most of the social media sites have got ads. That shouldn't really be an issue in my opinion.

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Just like you pointed out, Facebook is good as long as you making use of it the right way. Some people make the mistake of liking several crazy pages and celebrities which gets their news feeds jumbled up with lots of irrelevant content that would bore you and make the usage of your Facebook account uninteresting.

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Well once again, I have to laugh at myself. Just as I begin to think I'm learning how to get somewhere with this social media, somebody says “Oh I left all that behind. I'm doing this now!”

LOL. The story of my life. How I gave up on everything Facebook

I finally started really making connections on Facebook. Next thing I know, everybody is screaming at Zuckerberg, he just settled a lawsuit for $55 million, etc.

Someone finally invited me to Instagram and I set up an account. I only have about 150 posts and I'm still trying to find my feet. Now you saying it's worthless?? (O.o)

(Huge sigh.) Right at this moment, I'm too tired to make another move. I'm just going to stay put!

* P.S. I never read Facebook for news, fake or real. WHY?

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In my opinion, this is one tough decision that you took to root out your participation in Facebook, messenger and whatsapp. In fact, it's like almost all the popular social media sites that you opted out from. I must commend your efforts on doing this, it's not something easy to do, personally I wouldn't be able to see myself taking such a hard decision.

Facebook and most of these social media sites have done so much for me that I simply cannot live without them. In as much as I'm aware that lots of fake and useless stuff crop up on the social media network, it still offers me good service that I certainly cannot get anywhere else.

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At first it was exciting to use facebook because you can play facebook games. The truth is that I got to used facebook because of games I played there. It was long time ago, I think it was nine (9) years back then and at that time facebook was still not famous yet because people were more likely to used friendster and multiply. I have to admit that I have been addicted to facebook especially if I post some pictures or new profile picture and my friends in fb will like it. I was also able to find my foes and childhood friends there and started to have conversation with them. Of course a lot of girls will find and search their crushes and I am one those girls. The updated facebook has a lot of features and trending videos and posts which is why people enjoys more facebook, the same as me, I'm kind of enjoying facebook since then especially if I am so stressed in school. I have to find enjoyment and facebook is one of my favorite past time. But sometimes it is not already helpful most especially if there are important things to catch up and there I am, I am still using facebook even if I have some important things to do than that of facebook.

Recently, I just ignore facebook because sometimes I can't really focus on my work which will messed up my schedule. I find it useless already and a distraction to may daily routine. I can still use it but maybe after the work is done. Sometimes I got tempted to look for my notifications but I'm trying to ignore it. I just realized that we must limit the use of facebook atleast it helps us to be more productive if we less our time in social media except if your work is a Social Media Manager or a Graphic designer that will design some advertisement and answers the inquiries and comments of the viewers.

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How do you live without social media? No Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. That 's torture to be perfectly honest. I agree with some of the comments made here. The problem is not the sites as a whole, because you can chose what to consume.You can chose who to follow . I get my news from all sites and also find out what's trending. I think by not connecting with social media you miss out on three quarters of your audience or potential clients.I just don't think this is the best idea.

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Yes, I agree with you. I think we just have to limit things from facebook but totally giving up on it, I think I can't do it. There are also things that benefits facebook. It serves as our past time. It also serves as a news, know the latest trends and serves as fun and entertainment especially when we are stress. In my case since facebook distracts me to do my tasks, I just limit checking my notifs and newsfeeds

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That's right. the only thing I think why the people hate Facebook, or something that they're not happy, because they're always compare their self to the people on their friends list, and it cause depression to them. Well, just my opinion.

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For me facebook is getting very bored. its dying slowly.

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I think it's a fake news, I notice that, some of the users is not using their true identity right now, but they are very active. Facebook is not dying, just the users become much more aware about their privacy and hide their identity.

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I couldn't agree with you more! Facebook sucks and you are right it has been a long time coming. I have felt more and more that my time was being wasted there but since I have one Facebook page that has over 58 000 followers I am still on Facebook. If it wasn't for that I would be gone.

But even now with the latest updates my page has lost its value in such a big way, my reach is not nearly what it used to be and my traffic to my website has dropped significantly.

It is so bad that if the traffic to my website declines much more than it is now I may not even see the point in taking the time to share content to my Facebook page. I am finding much more success on Pinterest than on Facebook!

At some stage I may do away with Facebook, like you say the quality of that social network has done such a drop and I can't see it improving any time soon.

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I think social media is developing into a new cyber world. I've experienced the online gaming world were you can have you're own made-up existence and live on what is called the cyberspace and I think that Social Media like Facebook is beginning to evolve to some sort of a cyberworld.

Any person can create a fictional character account in Facebook, and one can develop this character along with other Fictional accounts and create their own world in group sites, a group can then engage into GC's or Group Chat on which they can live out their fantasies. I think this is where the danger lies.

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With people assuming that Facebook membership quality is dropping, well it's a fair assumption considering there's a lot of advertising being done on it but if you really want good quality then find it in groups. There's a lot of good quality groups and there's a lot of crappy groups, what can you expect there's more than 2 billion people in it. It's not like other social media that has only a few members. And what's always important and true to marketing is its always a numbers game. I'm sticking with the biggest because it's what logic dictates.

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Honestly, even if I want to deactivate my account on FB, I couldn't do it because FB is a way of communication here for free. I also use FB messenger for free even if I don't have a data all I need is just a signal on my phone. It's kind of hard to leave FB totally but I'm not already active posting there I just use it for free sending messages to my family and friends and if I have a free time I just browse for a bit and read some news. Mark Zuckerberg is on trial so let's see what's gonna happen next for FB. I'm kind of wondering about FB could be shutdown if ever they found any evidence that they violated the law.

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Facebook and twitter are not my cup of tea. I gave them up long ago. Too much trash from the unknown people. Don't bring any traffic to my blog either

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I support you on that. Facebook is full of fake news and trolls nowadays. It is truly not reliable. Even twitter also is not good for every individual because it is also source of pornography. They should create restrictions for those unhealthy social posts.

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