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How many times have you uploaded a profile picture that didn't actually show your own face? How many times has it been an image or a logo that you had made for your website and wasn't a real person? I'm sure a lot of us have done this over the years, myself included, but did you know that it could actually be hurting your sales and branding? A first-person impression says a lot about a profile, especially when you're trying to sell something or get a job that will pay you more than you make freelancing or with your current job. Think about it, how many times have you been on LinkedIn and saw a professional with a cartoon character as their profile image? Not very often, and that's because it doesn't portray a professional behavior. This is why choosing the right profile image can make or break your business or success.
In this discussion, I'll be going over a few points to think of when choosing the right profile picture, such as:
You'll be seen as a real person
If you have an actual picture of yourself on your profiles, especially LinkedIn and Facebook, it will show everyone that you're a real person and that is a real account. The photo should actually be you in case you ever go meet with a business in your area because the meeting could get a little awkward when you try to explain when you used someone's picture as your own profile image lol. You'll need to make sure it's a recent photo and not one from 10 or 20 years ago, for the same reason of meeting with potential clients or partners in person. If you don't look like your profile image, you won't be taken as serious.
Take my profile picture, for example, it looks like me and I actually have a well-groomed beard. My lady is in the picture, but I have her in there to show I'm a likable person lol Right now I'm sitting at my desk in sweatpants and my beard is a bit unruly, but if I had to meet with someone in person I would dress just like what my profile shows
A great image helps people identify you
Using your own pictures, of your face, will help people identify you across various platforms and not only your main website. Think about it, if you use the same profile picture on your facebook page and your LinkedIn page as well as your website and blog, people will be able to link them together and trust you more. Think about it, if someone were to find you on LinkedIn and research you, they would come across your facebook page as well as your website or blog and see similar images across all of them, then they would trust you even more because you're not trying to hide anything behind an image that was created specifically for your profile.
Your profile image is like an online personality
Unlike writing up content and talking to people through a chat system, your profile picture is what people will see first and evaluate your personality based solely on what it looks like. Like I mentioned above, my profile picture was chosen specifically because it shows I'm a clean cut and loveable person, which has helped me land some great clients ever since I started using it for my Seocheckout account as well my blogs and social profiles
Your profile picture is your first impression
People will judge you instantly based on your profile image, and if you're not seen as an approachable person, you won't get as many people contacting you. Just like the point above, your profile image showing your personality, it is also a first impression that you can't get back. If someone thinks you're intimidating, or a scary person, they will likely avoid your profile or website and try to find someone else that can do exactly what you're offering, but they will look happier and more approachable.
In conclusion
Choosing the right profile picture is a big thing when it comes to creating a positive online identity, and also boosting your sales because people want to know exactly who they're working with. If you're hiding behind a logo, you won't be seen as a real person, and people will likely avoid using your services for the next person who is using a real image. If you do use a real image, make sure you're smiling or having fun, because it goes a long way. I can't tell you how many times I've come across a freelancers profile and thought "Their services seem pretty awesome, but their profile picture makes it seem like they hate life" and I'll avoid buying from them. Smile in your damn picture, look like a professional, and have a fun tagline if possible lol
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Tommy Carey
I would much rather prefer to do business in person and face-to-face, but when doing business online,Me too. I am very suspicious of people who use just random images (if you are a seller here and you use just a random image, I am sorry but that's how I feel). I believe when I uploaded my actual picture buyers took me more serious since they could see the real me, and could actually see who the seller is and get some idea based on the picture about what I am capable of.
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Take for instance, if it's a baby blog or forum that I'm creating an account on, I deem it more appropriate to use a baby's picture as myThis could actually be seen as spammy or deem your account as fake. What I have noticed in regards to fake accounts on multiple platforms, the bots gather images based upon the website's genre and basically build profiles that way (or just use a random image via google or other similar search engines). To upload a picture based upon the website genre in my opinion (just my own opinion, and thoughts) is like spam, that is based off of my own website experiences.. People may not agree but they probably haven't seen the amount of spam/fake accounts/profiles that I have seen..lol I would actually have to disagree with one aspect of your reply: [quote] Take for instance, if it's a baby blog or forum that I'm creating an account on, I deem it more appropriate to use a baby's picture as my profile picture because it tallys with the nature of the blog or forum.[/quote]This could actually be seen as spammy or deem your account as fake. What I have noticed in regards to fake accounts on multiple platforms, the bots gather images based upon the website's genre and basically build profiles that way (or just use a random image via google or other similar search engines). To upload a picture based upon the website genre in my opinion (just my own opinion, and thoughts) is like spam, that is based off of my own website experiences.. People may not agree but they probably haven't seen the amount of spam/fake accounts/profiles that I have seen..lol
profile picture because it tallys with the nature of the blog or forum.
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Good post here. I have to admit that I do appreciate the profile pictures of people who I am doing business with. I would much rather prefer to do business in person and face-to-face, but when doing business online, I think it is smart to present yourself as a "real" person with an approachable personality and demeanor. It is tough to pic the best profile image because you really have to think about how you are presenting your overall image, and the image of your brand, to the overall markets you are trying to profit from. I think that having a great logo is a good idea too, but you should also include a profile pick to add some warmth and welcome to your sites. Exactly--smile, be professional--give us something authentic to grasp. Tommy, Good post here. I have to admit that I do appreciate the profile pictures of people who I am doing business with. I would much rather prefer to do business in person and face-to-face, but when doing business online, I think it is smart to present yourself as a "real" person with an approachable personality and demeanor. It is tough to pic the best profile image because you really have to think about how you are presenting your overall image, and the image of your brand, to the overall markets you are trying to profit from. I think that having a great logo is a good idea too, but you should also include a profile pick to add some warmth and welcome to your sites. Exactly--smile, be professional--give us something authentic to grasp.
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