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We all know that we need to do some marketing and branding in order to have a successful website, but we never think about what can go wrong if we screw it up. A lot of people don't know what they're doing when it comes to marketing and branding, and they will actually go down the wrong path and hurt their own image online. Now, this isn't a huge deal if you're not a multi-billion dollar corporation, but it will do damage regardless of your income. The more money you earn online or offline, the more you'll put into marketing and branding, which means the quicker it could go bad and blow up in your face. This is why I always recommend to companies that they start slowly with their marketing and branding at least until they know what they are doing, so they don't screw anything up.
Marketing isn't the easiest thing to do for your website and branding is even more difficult. They aren't hard because of what you have to do, they're hard because of how easily you can screw them up and hurt your own image along the way. So, in this discussion, I'll be going over outcomes of a bad marketing or branding campaign and you'll see why you should hire a company to do these for your or research everything prior to jumping in yourself.
Bad branding will kill your profits
Branding is known to be difficult to do, but it really isn't, you just need to know what you're doing. If you do it all wrong, and actually hurt your image, you will notice your profits dropping and we all know that's not a good thing. Your business relies on your profits, unless your a business that has an angel investor, so you'll need to protect your image as much as possible to keep your profits high.
Bad branding can come quick and hurt you even quicker. Think about it, how often do you think a company is on top of their damage control every second of the day? If you said "Not very often!" you're completely right, sort of, because most corporations will catch on to bad PR in the media or online and start to put out the flames. Usually, the flames can be put out quickly, but if you're a smaller company you might not notice the fire growing and by the time you do it's too late.
Branding and online marketing follows you
Whatever you say about your website or business will follow you through the years. This can be a good thing or a very bad thing, so you'll need to be careful what you say and do prior to actually doing it. Your comments and fights online will follow you around, like an angry puppy that bites people who get too close lol.
You could have been a different person 10 years ago, and run the same website, but people online don't care about any of that because they won't usually look at dates on a post when they research you or your business. You could literally have posted something negative when you put up your website XX years ago and it will follow you around in the SERPs for people to find before they make a purchasing decision or change their mind about even contacting you.
You might have to start over
One of the worst things about bad branding or marketing is that you could have to start over from scratch. You might hurt your websites own image so much that no one will want to purchase from you, or even go to your website. If your traffic and sales tank and your SEO is top notch, you're likely being hurt by your branding and how you did your marketing. You will have to start over, which isn't the worst thing in the world because it's just a website name you have to change, but it's still a lot of work transferring all the code and doing the optimization again to get back to where you originally were.
You could hurt your own image, not just your business image
When branding and marketing go wrong, it could hurt your own personal image and not just your business image, which is a career killer. Your branding might go the route of Papa Johns and hurt the image of your CEO, as well as the image of your business itself, and you could see a dramatic drop in sales because of it. If you're seen in a bad light, by the masses, you will hurt everything you touch and not just the one business you're currently with.
In conclusion
Branding and marketing should never be approached like they're an easy thing to do, even if they are because you could screw it up fairly quickly. It's easy to do, but even easier to mess up, and that is why I suggest you read everything you can and take it slow, or just outsource the work to a credible freelancer or agency that can do everything for you and keep you in a positive light with the search engines as well as your visitors
Remember to follow me!
Tommy Carey
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Centurion Thanks for the beautiful article. You said true. One time bad remarks is enough for life time work. Once I had received a bad remarks on my first username and later I have changed the username and now I am doing work with the new username. I have faced a huge trouble for my old username. But currently I am getting huge facility with my new username. So bad branding can make any one huge trouble. Thanks Centurion
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