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When you start putting up websites to make money online, or you have some physical locations selling a product or service, you can't let your pride get in the way of your profits. Usually, you're the type of person who thinks they're always right or you think your customers aren't the brightest, and your "pride" will actually hurt your business more than you think. I quoted the word pride because it could actually be false pride, which is actually arrogance showing it's ugly face, and killing your company.
If you're selling a service online, and you reject a customer because you simply don't like their business, your pride is now hurting your profits. You can post something like "We don't work with any porn or gambling businesses" which will pretty much filter out all the negative websites, but if you have a Cristian website hire you for something, you can't just turn them away because you don't believe in god. You can tell them that you don't believe in god, but you'll do the best you can after researching everything possible, and your pride will actually be the thing that makes you money. It's all about how you view your pride, which will make or break your business over time. Your false pride could be hurting you, so instead of letting that take over, you'll need to push it aside in order to boost your profits.
False pride will lose you sales
When you are arrogant, and you don't know it, you'll lose more sales than you know. People will instantly know how arrogant you are based on your responses to them and how you act if you meet them in person. You can say "I'm proud of what I do!" but if you're pushing away customers simply because of how they look, you're jerk and your pride isn't what's pushing the away from you.
Your sales will likely tank in a short amount of time because word will get out about how proud you are as a person, but in reality, you're just a jerk selling a service online lol
You might think you know everything
People who are proud of what they do are usually humble and understand they don't know everything. Sometimes you will come across a person that thinks they know everything, which gets pretty annoying, and this will usually hurt your profits in a short amount of time. I actually had some clients try to tell me how to optimize an article I was writing for them, but they didn't realize that I also ran an SEO company since 2003 lol I told them what I was doing, why I was doing it, and they told me they still wanted their keyword density at 10% because that's what works best
Don't let your "pride" make you look like a "know it all" because that's never a good appearance to show off. Instead, you need to understand that you're not the smartest or even the best at something and your customers will understand. If you aren't 100% sure about something, let the client know, but you probably should know all the answers to the questions they ask because you're the professional lol. Answer any of their questions with a good amount of information, but never belittle them along the way, because that will lose the sale quicker than you can finish your pitch lol.
People may see you as cocky
When you have too much pride in something, you might come off as cocky, which is usually a business killer. Someone that is proud of what they do isn't usually cocky, unless they're pushed into a corner during a conversation and the troll starts to hammer them with insults. This doesn't happen too often, so pride doesn't turn into a cocky personality too often, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
When you're cocky, and you don't even realize it, you will begin to lose sales fairly quick and your business could suffer. Don't be cocky and you'll notice that your business will flourish
In conclusion
Your pride can actually lose you a lot of sales if you don't know what you're doing. You will need to check your pride at the door and understand that you don't know everything. You won't do well if you come off as cocky, so do everything possible to avoid this, even if it requires you to take some classes in order to learn how NOT to do things. Your false pride, which is arrogance, will need to be stopped right away because no one wants a dumb person who thinks they're smart doing the work needed.
Remember to follow me!
Tommy Carey
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