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When you start working online for your own websites, you think of how you can generate sales, if you don't then you're just going to be wasting your own money to post content and images. Everyone knows they should be running an SEO campaign, PPC campaign, pushing out press releases, and adding content to their websites to bring in sales instantly and over time. A lot of companies aren't thinking outside of the box when it comes to generating leads and sales because they're comfortable with what they are currently doing. If you want to be the leader within your industry, you need to get out there and have people see your name as well as your logo as many times as you can in order to boost sales.
When people think of an unconventional way to generate sales, they think of how they can sit on their couch and type up content on a 3rd party blog or website to bring in traffic or buy some ad space on a website that's isn't exactly related to your niche. Those are both great ways to bring in traffic and sales, but they're still pretty common practice when you've been working online for more than a year.
The methods I'm going to cover in this discussion are ones that you might have heard of, and you might even be doing them, but the majority of website owners are not doing these. Those lesser known ways to boost sales for your company, are:
Flyers and Door Hangers
Many people aren't doing this because it takes a great deal of work, and a bit of an investment into the actual product before you even get it to the people or companies you're targeting. You can go to any company that prints up advertising materials and they can usually do both flyers and door hangers, which is convenient if you want to do both.
If you're strapped for cash, I would recommend going with flyers since you can get many more for the same price as you would door hangers. Think about it, you can get 1,000 pieces of paper printed out for $75 or you can pay $400 for 1,000 door hangers. Sure, door hangers are more noticeable and more professional, but they're not always necessary.
I know of a painting company that only used flyers for their marketing and over time they had 8 teams working full time because of all the clients they had coming in. They would buy just as many rubber bands as they did flyers, and roll up each flyer like it was a newspaper, then wrap it up with a rubber band. The beauty of this is that they would then go door to door, use the rubber band that was holding the flyer together, and stretch it around the handle so that it was sure to be seen when someone got home. They would hire college kids to hand out the flyers, and someone would drive around with them so they were sure the kids were doing their job instead of just dumping the flyers into the garbage and saying they were done. They would each hand out around 1,000 flyers a day, so 2,000 in total since there were 2 kids doing the work, and they would get a few calls every time.
After roughly 2 years of this, they went online and started up a Facebook and Adwords PPC campaign in order to target more people. This was perfect for them since they already had hundreds of positive reviews to back up their claims of being the best in the area, and people trusted them right away, then signed up for their services
Door to Door Sales
This method comes with a lot of rejection, but if you're good at talking to strangers, it could be your meal ticket. A lot of sales people don't like talking to potential clients over the phone, and even less when they are in person, so this sales generating method will only be done by the brave few who want to get out there and talk one on one to potential customers.
I don't know what it is about my house, but I get a ton of door to door sales people wanting me to sign up for various services they are offering. I don't have a massive house, I'm not rich, and I don't have a fancy car parked in my driveway so there has to be another reason why I get more people at my door than anywhere else I've lived.
Regardless of how many times people come to my door, I will usually turn them away kindly but I'll always take a business card and say I'll contact them if I'm ever in the market for what they're selling. What I'm really doing is looking up their websites and figuring out how they're generating sales Usually, they're a local company and they have a few trucks or vehicles and an office location near me, so I'll drive by and check them out. What I found out was pretty amazing, they don't do much advertising and sometimes they don't advertise at all, and they rely solely on door to door sales.
It's true, if you can talk to someone face to face you will always get better clients than if you talk to them via email or chat box. Sure, a lot of people will close the door in your face, but if you stick it out you can boost your sales exponentially with all the sign ups you can get. I actually just had a weed eater company come to my door today, IN DECEMBER, and I won't be able to see my grass for another 2 months lol. They're starting early and giving out free quotes to anyone interested in fighting the weeds in their lawns. The guy who came to my door today was named Jake, and I'm sure he doesn't realize he inspired this discussion I'm writing now
If you can dedicate yourself to walk around outside, go door to door, and sell your services or products you can usually get a decent amount of customers. You will likely convert at around 1% or less, but in advertising it's always a numbers game, and the more people you get in front of meands the more chances you have at capturing a sale
In Conclusion
If you're willing to put in the leg work, literally, you can convert homeowners to loyal clients for years to come. You can talk to them face to face, understand their needs, and fill a void with your services or products. These methods work great for everything, but work best for products and services that a homeowner could use. Think of it this way, that weed eater company could benefit me and so could a painting service. I may not use them, but they targeted the right person since I have a house with walls that might need to be painted and a lawn that gets weeds from time to time lol
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Thank you for sharing this! I agree with you. Though these methods might be considered as old-fashioned, they might work really well. In my country, there are still many people who do not go online, especially the older generations. In order to approach them, I think these are the two ways we have to do, besides cold calling. There was once my business partner was doing door-to-door sales, and planning to distribute the flyers as well, though our product didn't turn out to be good and the project is considered failed, these methods did work as he did get good contacts and interests from some companies. Thank you for sharing this!
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