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When we think of lead generation for our websites, we usually have influencer marketing in there somewhere, but it's not always the main thing we think will generate the most leads. The safe things to do are invest in PPC campaigns on social media as well as through the search engines such as Adwords and BingAds, but we don't always get into influencer marketing as quick as we should because it's not an instant return of investment. If you're not expanding your horizons and trying to work every lead generation method until you're 100% sure it's a failure, you will never know your best source of sales. Sure, you could make money from PPC campaigns on Adwords that convert at 4% and keep bootstrapping your profits to continue making plenty of money.
What if I told you that influencer marketing usually converts less in the beginning and trumps PPC campaigns 3 to 1 after you've invested plenty of time and some funds into it? Would you believe me? Well it's true and there are plenty of companies out there that credit influencer marketing to be the reason they rose to success. They run all the other lead generation methods, but influencer marketing is how they got their brand name right in front of people who may not have been targeting them in the first place, but now they're listening to the brands they're following and making purchases from those websites they wouldn't have found without this type of marketing
In this discussion I'll be going over 3 main reasons how influencer marketing is reshaping how we approach lead generation, and those reasons are:
Easier to get out name out there
Think about it, when you run a PPC campaign through Adwords and Facebook you're getting your name out there, but you're targeting the people who are already looking for you. PPC is an amazing way to boost your sales and branding, but if you invest into influencer marketing you can brand yourself much easier and boost your sales exponentially. It's definitely possible to trump all of your PPC campaigns 3 to 1 if you're doing it often enough and also doing it the right way.
Think about it, you're building up your brand by getting it in front of the people who may not have been looking for you. You're getting on their radar and they might remember you when they need to make a purchasing decision. If you use influencer marketing just once or twice and think you're going to brand your website, you're wrong, it takes 10+ times on just one influencer profile to begin seeing a massive amount of branding taking hold. Think about it, if you post just once to an influencer profile, you won't be seen by everyone which means you have to post multiple times. If you post 3 different ads, at 3 different times, you will likely get seen by many more people that if you just did the one ad. If you do this 10+ times, you will get seen by a massive amount of people and they will likely share your website as well as make a purchasing decision solely on what the influencer said about you
People trust social media more than search engines
It's no secret that people trust social media more than what they find on the search engines. This is because when someone is on social media they see it as a peer to peer sharing system, and these influencers are their peers saying your products or service are amazing. When someone uses the search engines, they see it as Google ranking websites that have built up authority within the niche and that means they're more corporate that anything peer to peer related.
Influencer marketing is similar to if your mom or best friend told you that the sweater they bought was the best in the world, and then you go check it out and make a purchase. People trust these influencers and they will trust your brand if the influencer has good words to say about you
Influencer marketing has a better ROI than most lead generation methods
The ROI of influencer marketing might not be the best in the beginning since you're just starting to build up your brand. It does take some time before you make a few sales and start to see a positive ROI. It also relys on your niche, some take ten dollars to post on an influencers profile who has 500k followers while others will take $750+ to post on a profile that has 200k followers. If your niche is filled with multi-million dollar corporations, you will likely have to pay more for some influencer marketing since these influencers can charge that amount and actually get it on a regular basis.
No matter the niche, influencer marketing has a great ROI when you've done it for long enough. This is because people will begin to trust you and purchase whenever they want to get something you're selling. The influencer says you're a good website, the people following the influencer will trust them, they will follow you, they will purchase from you later on when they've seen your business name pop up multiple times on different profiles because they will think "Oh hey! I know this company!". In the beginning you will likely lose money, but after a month or two you will begin to profit from all the work you've done and it will only carry over month to month
In Conclusion
Influencer marketing isn't going anywhere soon and it's actually on the rise. You can pay anywhere from $2.01 per post to $750+ depending on your niche, and almost all of the times you'll be profitable if you can stick with it long enough. I've never heard a horror story from someone who's been doing influencer marketing for 2+ months, but I have heard people complain about spending $75 for a post and they didn't make any money. I've done plenty of influencer marketing so I'm speaking from experience, it does take time but it is profitable if you stick with it
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