
One big article every week - 2018 personal blog challenge

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One big article every week - 2018 personal blog challenge

Giving the fact that brand new year just started a few days ago, I want to start a personal challenge in 2018, and I'm gladly advising you to set similar goals.

My goal is to write one big article per week on my personal SEO blog. I started my blog back in March 2017, and I haven't written as much as I wanted over there.

I did fix up all the design, user experience and programming problems and errors, everything is up to date and looks nice, I just need to create content.

Why do I need a personal blog for you may ask?

Well if you are working on anything related to the online industry, I believe you should have a personal website. It is just like having a business card or a social media profile, but you have the opportunity to control everything and show off your skills and knowledge.

I'm not doing it out of pure pleasure. I just need it. Sometimes, such a website can be a CV on steroids and may open a lot of doors for you. Not to mention the opportunities it provides for you to connect with other people in your industry.

We all need to evolve and reach an entirely another level in 2018.
What is your goal? Share your "challenge" in the comments below!


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I've actually set up a few challenges for me, one of them being to get some whales on board for content writing One big article every week - 2018 personal blog challenge I've already gotten one, but I was working on them since October of 2017 and they signed on the first of January 2018. I assume that after I get some content rolling out for them I will get more whales on my radar, since I can use them as an example of what I can do for big corporations One big article every week - 2018 personal blog challenge

Another goal of mine is to hit $150,000 profit in a year as quick as possible. If you do the math, that's $423.97 per day, which isn't entirely unobtainable. That's 3 SEO clients at $5,000 a month or 10 at $1290 a month, which I can easily get on board if I do the right marketing and build up my company the best way I know of One big article every week - 2018 personal blog challenge Now, that's just with SEO, that doesn't factor in my affiliate sales, content writing profits, consulting, my niche websites selling a service, or my future physical product that I hope to start pushing this year One big article every week - 2018 personal blog challenge My goal is $150,000 in a year, but I'm going to do whatever I can in order to hit that mark as soon as possible, and if there's enough time in the year I might even increase it to 125k or 150k One big article every week - 2018 personal blog challenge

It's a long shot since it's only the 7th and I'm technically behind the $423.97 per day, but I can still keep pushing to boost my profits and get as many clients on board as possible One big article every week - 2018 personal blog challenge

I hope everyone else has similar goals and isn't going to just waste their entire year on pointless things like partying in the city or going out to bars with friends to get drunk One big article every week - 2018 personal blog challenge

- Razzy

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This is a really cool idea--I do something similar, but only for a month, for National Poetry Month, where you have to write an original poem a day for the entire month. I think that anyone serious about his or her blog should do at least one entry per week, and this is a great challenge to keep all of us on point. I know that i could use a bit of a push in this department, and this is a challenge I would gladly accept. This might end up creating more disciplined practices, in terms of blogging, for some of us who do need a bit more motivation at times.

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A blogger should be writing at least 2 blogs in a week so that the regular readers have something to look forward to in a matter of days. If you post only once a week on your blog then there is a tendency to lose some of your readers. However this challenge is still a good way of nudging the bloggers to at least write. I know that some bloggers lose time and interest particularly when the blog gets just a few readers.

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This is a great one for you,I believe it always a good one to always specifically state our goals if possible just one big one that can be still early in the year and making great goals or a big one should be on one's mind, so as to be successful, I think for me is to make more money online.Complete tasks on time and beat deadlines.This has always been a problem but I have decided to do away with it.My set goal to achieve.

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Nice goal and I wish you good luck. I haven't set goals yet but I will in March or April. I just want to be done with the postponed exams solve some minor things in school then focus on other things and make goals. So in short words, I want to remove some pending issues from my mind and be open minded to other things. So I will need two to three months to do so. I suppose it is already a short term goal even if I don't want to call it a goal.

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My challenge this year is to start off a blog and try as much as I can to make it popular around the niche that I plan to run it on. The thing with doing so is that it is going to assist me write my contents and post it there and see how the visitors will rate it at the end.

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I think one big article can bring a lot of traffic over a period of time. You can see that there are plenty of people making use of the social media. And if you write 1000 word article every single day. You can reach more people in due time. That's something we have to consider in case of the blogs and the writing challenge. I'd say this can be a good challenge of making 52 posts in entire year. Surely it is a good project.

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Having your own blog can really help you attract more opportunities online. I actually just started my blog two months ago. It is my goal to write more content in this year and of course, I'm hoping that my blog could help me generate passive income.

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that is a One good goal for you. I am planning to continue writing Hubpages for my recipes, I had stopped writing for 1.5 years, need to write one recipe per month

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I think this is a good idea and it's just the right amount for a challenge for a whole year. I myself have a blog and put out articles twice a week, but I wouldn't consider them big articles and I think if I were new at this and would just make a personal blog, this might be how I would go about it as well. I think it's a great idea and the reasons you have behind it are very sound so I wish you luck and hope to see your site when it has a lot of content on it already.

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Wow, that big article every week is a big challenge if you are not a professional blogger. What I mean is if you have other things to do regularly like an office job then that big article is a daunting task. But I like your positive outlook to start the new year with a bang in terms of work. And it looks like you are determined to reach your goal and I’d say good luck to you. Please post an update of the development and I want to see your blogs.

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I think this is a great idea, but I am wondering what you mean by a big article? How long will it be? What sorts of things do you need to do to make it happen? Are you talking about 2,000 words or what? What makes a long article? I wish you luck with this.

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Last year I created a couple of websites in order to flip and make quick money. sadly, I was unable to sell my website. This year I have made a goal "not to sell" my websites instead work on these websites and earn me revenue. One of my websites that I intended to sell is an affiliate website, I am thinking to change it to ecommerce website. I think I will do dropshipping, which I have never done. My another big goal for 2018 is to launch a front store for my online store.

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I'm actually working on a similar goal myself. Long story short, I would definitely like to get into blogging. If not to make a profit from it, then to at least have a website that exhibits my writing skills so I can potentially attract more clients in my freelancing endeavors. I haven't gotten started on the blog itself, but what I have been doing is motivating myself to write at least 1,000-2,000 words a day, as a means of stretching my creative muscles and accustoming myself to writing effectively about different topics. So far, that goal has been going well for me. I hope you succeed in all the goals you've set for yourself!

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I'm writing this at nearly the end of 2018. I like this goal, it's big ambitious but very achievable. I’ve already started working on my 2019 goals. I like the idea of writing one big article per week however. I don't plan to put it on my blog but an article site where I can sell and hopefully make some money eventually from it. In 2019 i plan to make some serious money from affiliate marketing. The years 2018 was my chance to learn and sort of put my feet in the water now I plan to get very serious about it. I have made a bit of money not a lot. The point is that I know I can do it.

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