
Top online marketing trends of 2018 that I feel intimidated by

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Top online marketing trends of 2018 that I feel intimidated by

The online arena is always evolving and changing. As far as SEO goes, I always try to keep up with everything that's developing. I keep myself informed by reading popular SEO specialists I trust, I'm being careful to whatever Google is doing or saying, and I always test new stuff and try new strategies to figure out and develop my own tactics.
Top online marketing trends of 2018 that I feel intimidated by
But there are a few things out there that I feel intimidated by and simply scare me to some degree because I don't have much knowledge about them. Or better yet, I don't know yet how to use them to my advantage.

1. Voice Search

I think 2017 was an excellent year for 2017 and will only going to see a rise in 2018 as well. I'm not using voice search on a daily basis; in fact, I only used it to test certain mobile and Google features.

I feel unprepared when it comes to voice search-based campaigns, and I feel Google and other voice-based assistants are stealing organic traffic by providing users with a direct voice-based answer.

The only effective way of dealing with voice search that I know off is staying away from ranking queries for which there is a voice-based instant answer.

2. Artificial Intelligence

I simply don't know where to start. Sure those social media based bots are fun, I can even understand specially designed bots that great you on certain websites.
The thing is, bots have actually been around for a long time, unlike some people think they weren't invented in 2017. I remember playing with such bots back in 2003-2005 IRC, a same coded technology designed to respond to certain triggers, nothing special.

So I don't know where this online AI trend is going and if it will have a breakthrough in 2018. Sure, companies like Google are certainly investing a lot in AI-based technology, but is it time to include AI in any marketing based campaign?
I really don't know.

3. Augmented reality and Virtual Reality

Pokemon Go was a big hit, for about one month. Do you know anyone that is still playing? I don't. Sure, it still has a huge fanbase among kids, but it wasn't really the "revolution" some of us thought it would be.
Does Augmented Reality have a future?
What about Virtual Reality?

It seems to me that things are moving rather slow in both industries and none had a really big breakthrough.
I think VR is indeed the future but not with the technology currently available. I believe people need simplicity beyond anything else and VR isn't simple enough to appeal to the masses just yet.
Should I start preparing for VR based marketing? I don't know yet.

4. New social networks

Let's face it. If Facebook retains this current state, it will die off in the next 2-3 years. It has already become a hugely irrelevant place, filled with fake news, propaganda, ads, memes and a bunch of people signaling useless stuff just like zombies.

Not to mention the platform is bloated with useless settings and complicated specifications. I believe social networks are a finite trend that eventually dies off.
This is why I'm scared of new social networks. I didn't jump the Snapchat wagon. How am I going to figure out which the next big social network will be?
I want to get in early, but will I be able to recognize it when I see it?

What do you think?
Of which online trends do you feel intimidated by and what big events will 2018 bring to the online arena?


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I think AI bot were good last year. And now we can have more interactive apps for the android and other frameworks. You can see that some of the time it can be really hard to make use of those apps. But AI continues to improve. and who knows what are some of the new changes are up in the works. I am looking forward to some really good trends out there.

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In one discussion there was a comment that said AI is the future of technology. Maybe we can be seeing the proliferation of bots that are moving in the internet. That can be a prelude to the AI of tomorrow. It’s just sad that bots have a bad connotation because some smart guys are using the bots for their own advantage like the fake numbers in social media followers and likes.

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AI might be intimidating, but it is defintely here to stay. I am looking forward to further refinement with it, so it can be used to help both business owners and customers alike, in a more efficient manner.

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In fact, I am not familiar with all of these, I did not even try them out much as a user. I have no idea how to include these features in websites or apps. I am really not up-to-date with all these new trends. I am glad to know more about these new stuffs from you and this platform.

By the way, my husband and his bunch of friends are still playing Pokemon Go. They are not kids, but working adults or retired adults. I actually do not know any kids who play this game, but those hardworking guys. They work hard, but also play hard.

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I also still play Pokemon Go and I am not a kid anymore either, haha.

In fact, three of my close friends do as well. I think many people still enjoy it but obviously some stopped after the hype toned down.

I really like the game though.

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I am not familiar with how to use these formats, and getting started is not simple. My sons are done with most aspects of all . It seems like the process of information is never fast enough for them. And here I am just getting started. When I see -" Love " in script on a pillow advertised for sale on a site. My artistic abilities have nothing to do with my lack of sales. In this case I need a mentor or books and study.

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I don't know if I am truly intimidated by any of these trends if I am honest.

All of the things listed above are just part of our future and the sooner we accept and embrace it the better.

I actually find things such as the A.I. or virtual reality extremely interesting and I am curious how it will develop in the future. Just imagine the possible positive effect it could have on our daily life.

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The talk about AI and watching all of it's advancements makes me think that SkyNet will take over soon lol Top online marketing trends of 2018 that I feel intimidated by Every time I see a new robotics program becoming better and better, I just think that a T1000 is right around the corner and will come back to kill John Connor so he doesn't begin the revolution that will take down the machines haha.

Something similar to AI is going to be launching within the next 5 to 10 years, and that's automated employees at fast food restaurants. People in my state are complaining that the minimum wage is too low to live off of, and now they want $25 an hour, which is spurring companies like McDonalds to start testing robots to make the food and take orders. The employees are going to get $25+ an hour, but there will be a fraction of the employees after the robots are implemented and tweaked to do make sure every order is done just right. Their voice actually spurred the outsourcing of their jobs, and they'll eventually be looking for new employment, which I hope is in a different field other than the food industry lol.

Alexa scares the shit out of me right now, she's everywhere and knows everything, which I'm sure the government would love to tap in to. It's only a matter of time before the NSA, CIA, or FBI start tapping into Alexa to monitor everyone around the world. I myself like searching for the answers to my own questions because I feel I learn more than if someone were to just tell me the answer Top online marketing trends of 2018 that I feel intimidated by

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I have been reading about new social networks coming up soon. For now, Facebook is the toast of the town and for some, it is more than enough so when a new social network emerges, it would be so difficult to gain a foothold on users. However, what happens if a new social network suddenly overtakes Facebook? That would be very intimidating especially if we didn’t expect it. But for now, I don’t see any new social network in the horizon so I have peace of mind on the issue

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If Facebook retains this current state, it will die off in the next 2-3 years. It has already become a hugely irrelevant place, filled with
fake news, propaganda, ads, memes and a bunch of people signaling
useless stuff just like zombies.

This really made me think of something... "Zombies"... I have such bad feeling that too many people is turned into such state to leave like zomies, while they trust so much things found on social networks like Facebook. They blindly believe in what they read there without any thinking, research or logic. Sad but it's true. So i personally don't believe Facebook will die because this kind of fake news, propaganda, memes and other rubbish is so much supported by most of members, even in some way it's "cool" and even way to go... So sad....

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I am also intimidated with all of these marketing trends for 2018. I have never done voice search because I don't think Google will understand my Asian dilect. My assumption might be wrong though. I am also intimidated with AI. I have never used both to ease my marketing campaign, however, I might use this method for 2018. I am also intimidated with the new social networks. These days, the old social media sites have lost relevance because of new social media concepts.

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Well, the thing with voice search is that you are not really going to have the best out of it when we try to speak the way that we want. I always try to speak with the English intonation when using voice search and it has been awesome for me.

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I don't mean to say that my English is terrible. What I mean is whether Google understands my Asian dialect or not? Google is also available in local language and I can search in local language if I want. However, I use Google search mostly to do research for my writing projects, and I don't feel the necessity to do voice search.

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Thank you for sharing your ideas.
I think these suggestions will be our future but in not in the next year, maybe it will take few years.
I agree with the development of voice search and AI, so we need to update out sites in accordance to that.
I think than possible online marketing trends in 2018 can be further increased of UI and UE, better content for readers, engagement in other social networks, etc.

Hope it works!

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In my opinion Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality would be the next big thing and social media platforms would be a good way to launch it. With regards to Facebook I don't think that it would go down without a fight. A company that big which has influence over billions of people would be very hard to topple.

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Facebook has been trying to improve the way that they operate and this is nice. You get to make quality calls and video calls using the chat options which is something that we never expected that they should have allowed to happen if not for the competition that they are getting.

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