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When you start your company, you never think of giving something away for free in order to boost your profits. Sure, you can always give away a little trinket or discount code, but that's not what will build brand loyalty and keep people coming back for years to come. What you'll be giving away is information and your time, because it's extremely valuable if you're the main professional within your niche, or trying to be seen as one. When someone has a question about their business or website, they will go to the masses online and see what others have already asked and what the professionals have answered. Usually the answers are there, and the person asking the question doesn't always have to post it themselves, which means you can actually get multiple clients from answering just a single question online
Helping people has always been a great way to boost your sales over time, but not many people do it because it's not an overnight type of success. People will ask multiple questions, over the course of a few months, before they even think of hiring you to do all of the work for them. You have to slow play everything and subliminally market yourself and your services at the same time if you want this to go right. You'll need to show an email or domain name/url at the end of every question as a signature. Most forums will allow signatures and your email will have one by default that you can edit. Having this link and email there is how people will contact you, but they only way you will build trust is if you help them out for free in the beginning. There are plenty of benefits to helping others out with their problems, such as:
Giving away free information
I'm sure you've heard that "content is king" and it's completely true. How often do you stumble across a "How To" type article to get an answer for your question? If you're like the majority of the world, you stumble across these fairly often when searching for your answers online. These types of articles work so well because everyone needs answers, and Google knows your article is exactly what they're looking for, so you get sent traffic.
What you'll want to do is write up dozens of "How To" articles for your industry, answering common questions, and hopefully over time you will be able to get them ranked. People will start to gravitate towards you if they know you're the source for their answers, and they might outsource work to you later on since you're not their authority on the subject
Being a free consultant in your industry
This is a big thing when it comes to building trust with your potential clientele. You will literally be a consultant that does not charge for any of the advice you tell a business or website owner. You will be their right hand man and not even be a part of the company. Think of yourself as their dictionary, encyclopedia, and even their advisor all at the same time. You will tell them what something is and even how to perform a process that you've done hundreds or thousands of times.
This is a slow way to build trust with a potential client and a great way to get people to pay you for your services. It doesn't matter what industry you're in, if you show them what to do and they feel it's too difficult, they will want to bring someone on board to do the work and usually they will run to you for a recommendation This is where you tell them you run a service that does just that, and the potential client just turned into a loyal one because you've been essentially mentoring them towards success
Helping someone with a problem
If you run a brick and mortar type store, you will need to be close enough to your clients in order to actually solve a problem for them. Think about it, if you run something like a plumbing service, you won't be able to give away a lot of things for free since you pay for all of them yourself. If you let them know that you aren't going to charge them for labor, just for parts, they will thank you beyond measure and come back time and time again. Of course, you won't be able to do this all the time, because you need to make money for your business. The beauty of this is that they client will save a lot of money with your engagement, and they will always come back to you for additional services as long as they had a good experience the first time.
Your name will begin to spread
One of the best things about this is that your name will begin to go viral within your industry as the person who helps others and doesn't ask for anything in return. You will have plenty of people flooding to you, asking questions and needing advice, and that will always turn into more sales down the road
In conclusion
Helping out people with their problems is a great way to build your own brands awareness. You can become a major authority within your niche simply by giving away free information, answering questions, and being a consultant to anyone that needs help. You will always be the person they come back to, time and time again, when they need something answered or done for them. If you're giving away something for free, make sure that you don't lose much money, and you will build trust without spending too much of your own profits. Sure, you'll lose out on the initial sales, but you will be creating a loyal customer for years to come that will spend money on anything that you recommend.
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