
New Social Media Platforms of Potential Interest

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New Social Media Platforms of Potential Interest

I am familiar with Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. However, what new social media platforms are you familiar with, and, also, what is new, special, or different about them? I would love to explore more social media options.


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I am using facebook, twitter, pinterest, google +, LinkedIn. Recently, I started using stumpleupon and instagram. I did not know instagram was only available as a mobile version. many years ago I had used stumbleupon, however, I left the site because I was not earning traffic. However, I decided to use it again but with different tactics this time.
I have heard about snapchat, but have never used it.
I was once asked to write a promotional article for a social media site called appendme. I am thinking to check the site and see if I can make use of it.

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I have created an Instagram account because of my interest in the influencer issue. I wanted to get a feel of how it works as a social media. Oh well, it is just the same as Facebook because you can post a photo or a video with a corresponding caption. The only difference is that you can only post in Instagram with the use of the mobile whether it is a phone or a tablet. Desktop and laptop cannot be used for posting.

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I have an instagram account, however, I have less than 50 followers. It is really difficult to build followers on instagram unless you are celebrity sort. You can use instagram on your computer. Chrome has an extension that will let you post from your computer. There are also third party websites that help you to use instagram from your computer.

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I think there are plenty of clones of pinterest, facebook and instagram. And it can be reasonable to say that there are some really nice ways to learn from those clones. Though in terms of the traffic, there are not possible ways to get the people on the social media. But we have to learn how to manage the pinterest for the traffic. And it can give you some good level of assurance for the traffic and the posting stuff.

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I've decided to just stick with the top social medias for now. I have Twitter, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+. The reason I slimmed down to using just the top social media is because I lose a lot of time checking them out everyday. Before, I used to have Flickr and some of the apps that are usually pre-installed in a mobile phone. I joined each and every one I feel like checking out. And it's such a time consuming activity if you do try to check them all everyday. So I decided to make my time more productive and just stick to the ones that the majority of the world uses. I do, however, have Yummly. It's like Pinterest but intended for recipes. What i love about this app is most recipes listed here have the nutritional facts and if you're keen to know your daily food intake, this app is useful. Also, if you own a cooking blog, and you create recipes, you can upload your link on this app and users can search them and direct them to the site.

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Like you, I am sticking with the "big guys" too, but I always feel as if I am missing out on something out there and that I am most likely the LAST one to know about it, lol. I am already pressed for time, if I am honest with myself, in terms of social media when it comes to keeping up with my correspondences every day, and this can be a bit tough the more one's online presence grows. I have not heard of Yummly (although I am TOO familiar with Pinterest), so thanks for mentioning that--I will take some time to check this out.

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I know Pinterest is considered outdated and for older people, but i really love it. I think it's an excellent place for all your marketing needs. Unlike Facebook it's free. All you need is to learn how to use it and it effortlessly attracts followers.Its also inspiring as you get all sorts of ideas. Pictures in my opinion are more visual and resonate more in people's minds than a written message. I've actually stopped using Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest is really working for me!

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I have never heard anyone say that Pinterest is out-dated, and many of my circle of friends and associates uses Pinterest quite regularly to follow some of their favorite themes and to get a lot of ideas for life-hacks and things of that nature. Nothing is "out-dated" if it gives us information or data that makes our lives better, happier, and more enjoyable, right?

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Two things with Pinterest is that they allow affiliate links and also you can use hashtags. Both of these changes Pinterest went back and forth on. (Drove me nuts! ) But they have finally decided to allow both and this really helps a work-at-home Internet marketer like me. Hashtags make it easier for folks to find your pins and of course, if they click and buy, you earn commissions from sales. (Where there is life, there is hope. New Social Media Platforms of Potential Interest)

Another thing about Pinterest is that I found some IFTTT recipes to help me automate my posting to different pinboards to keep my profile "looking busy".

I think my next step might be to use some services here at Seocheckout to enhance my Pinterest online presence. Maybe get some more followers OR get some of my posts repinned. I have not made a firm decision. I'm thinking on it.

I know your question is about new networks but I don't really know any so I shared what I knew about the popular ones.

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Triberr, is not new. It has always been there. All you have to do is join a tribe or create your tribe team that others will join. Connect your site's RSS feed to triberr and every time you post an article, it will be shared.

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I am actually only on Facebook because I value the time that I can share in social media. I have a Twitter account that I am not using anymore because of that same reason – lack of time. Now I am contemplating on creating an account in Instagram because of the encouragement that I have been seeing in forums that you can be an influencer when your posts on Instagram catch fire. But then again, it is the issue of spare time so all plans are on hold and it’s only Facebook for me at the moment.

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Currently using Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, Flipboard and We Heart It. (Have also used Plurk, RedGage, StumbleUpon, and XING.)

  • I use my social media accounts for affiliate marketing. I get the most mileage out of Twitter and Facebook.
  • I found a way to keep my G+, LinkedIn and Tumblr profiles/pages/microblogs updated with some free automation tools.
  • Have had my Pinterest almost since Pinterest began. Now that they allow affiliate links, I try to use it more.
  • My Instagram is new and I'm just getting the hang of it. IG also allows affiliate links.
  • Flipboard is used to create magazines. It has a lovely visual display and it's an easy social sharing tool.
  • We Heart It has a lovely visual display. It was an image-based platform. But now they allow people to write articles. I created a WHI account because I saw people on Tumblr using it. Like you, I don't want to miss out on something I could be using. New Social Media Platforms of Potential Interest

Recently started using Snips for influencer marketing purposes. Supposedly you can earn money for sharing links to your followers on social media. Last time I checked I had earned a whopping 14 cents. It's likely if I had 20,000 followers instead of a measly 2000, I'd probably earn more. New Social Media Platforms of Potential Interest But I'm going to share the links anyway. Why not earn a few pennies?

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Hi guys.

I've discovered this social media platform when one of my favorite blogger who has a facebook page announces that she will be moving to a new social media platform. Have you heard about VK.COM? It is a russian social media platform and it is just like the facebook. According to the users already, it is much faster, etc. (Sorry I forgot the other good things they mentioned). Actually, I haven't tried it yet, but it seems interesting because of the reviews I've read from those users. Also, one of the best social platform for me is tumblr. I can't explain why but whenever I am in tumblr I feel glad.

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