
6 SEO basics that will help increase your website or blog gain traffic

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6 SEO basics that will help increase your website or blog gain traffic

We all start off online with hopes and dreams of gaining millions of visitors but quickly realize it takes much more than an idea in order for the traffic to show up.  A lot of bloggers still don't understand exactly how to do SEO for their posts, and this is one of the main things that will help you gain a massive amount of traffic for free.  Yes, you don't have to pay for search engine traffic because they rank you based on how much of an authority they think you are and how much their visitors will like your content.  Don't get me wrong, you can pay for top rankings on all of the search engines, but that has nothing to do with SEO.

I've started working with people who are just starting off with their first blog, and I quickly noticed a lot of them actually have no clue what they are doing lol.  That is why this discussion came into my head, I've been helping them and I want to help out many other new bloggers so they don't have to go back and edit anything for better rankings in order to get more traffic 6 SEO basics that will help increase your website or blog gain traffic

If you've been blogging for a few months, you likely know what I'm about to go over, but this discussion should still be a good read so I would urge you to stick around and let others know a thing or two that you didn't know about blogging when you started 6 SEO basics that will help increase your website or blog gain traffic

Now then, let's get started!

Your Keywords
Sure, a lot of bloggers likely start writing about things they like and don't really worry about their traffic in the beginning, which is a good thing to do, but if you aren't targeting the right keywords in the beginning you will likely have to go back and edit a few things.

No matter your niche or industry, you have keywords that will bring in a decent amount of traffic and others that won't bring in anything.  It doesn't matter what you like, it's what the majority of people are searching for that will determine how much traffic you can get to your website or blog.  The more people search for a keyword is difficult to figure out, but you can do it using tools like SEMrush and even Google Adwords Keyword Tool 6 SEO basics that will help increase your website or blog gain traffic  You can get an estimate on how much traffic a keyword is getting, then target it with your content and blog posts 6 SEO basics that will help increase your website or blog gain traffic

Another way to come up with some keywords to target is by looking at the suggested searches that Google, Yahoo!, and Bing will give you when you search something.  You know, the few links at the bottom that say something like "Related Searches" and has a few links?  Well, those terms have been searched a decent amount of times by people on that particular search engine, so you know you can pull some traffic from them if you end up ranking over time 6 SEO basics that will help increase your website or blog gain traffic

Proper Alt Tags
Bloggers and website owners use images all the time, and I'm not talking about a simple background image, I'm talking about an image you place within the text to show your readers exactly what you're talking about.  If you're not using proper alt tags, the search engines will just see that there is an image there and they will move on.  If you use the right alt tag, and add in a keyword, you can let the search engines know exactly what the image is and they will be able to evaluate you and rank your page(s) accurately over time 6 SEO basics that will help increase your website or blog gain traffic

Alt tags became more popular a little while ago because Google started putting more priority into images and how to rank them.  By helping out Google and the other search engines figure out what your images are, they will likely boost you in the rankings 6 SEO basics that will help increase your website or blog gain traffic

Your Titles
Bloggers who are just starting off probably don't think about how their titles will alter their rankings, but they quickly figure it out when they decide to boost their traffic 6 SEO basics that will help increase your website or blog gain traffic  Remember when we talked about keywords a little while ago?  Well, you'll need to get a keyword into your title in order to let the search engines know exactly what you're talking about.  Your title is one of the first things that the search engines will read on your website and it's usually what is indexed within their search results.

By having your keyword within the title, you're increasing your chances of boosting your rankings within the search engines and gaining plenty of free traffic that converts at a much higher rate than most other sources. 

You'll want to try and get your keyword near the beginning of your title so you can be sure it will be seen by the search engines right away and also show up when indexed.

Good Meta Descriptions
Just under your titles, you'll have a meta description, which is something that will also be indexed within the search engines.  If you go to Google and type in any search, you'll see many results showing a title, a URL, and then a short description.  You'll edit this snippet of content within your blogs CMS or in the code of the page itself.  If you're using WordPress, you can just use an SEO plugin and edit everything as your writing up your post 6 SEO basics that will help increase your website or blog gain traffic

Meta descriptions can help you get ranked, just like your titles, so be sure to add one or two keywords into this in order to have the best benefit from your writing.

Your Content
A lot of people think "as long as I'm adding content I'll rank for my keywords" which is a naive way of thinking about it.  Sure, you'll likely have your keywords within the content, but this can backfire if you're not watching what you're doing.  You can easily saturate your article or post with keywords, making it something that will get you a penalty due to keyword stuffing.  If you get penalized for keyword stuffing, you'll have to edit everything in order to lift the penalty, and there's no set time of how long it takes to get this lifted.

Your keyword density within the content should be under 5%, but realistically you should target 2% or 3% because it makes your content more readable.  You'll also need to write for your readers, not the search engines, and this will take time to learn how to do all while optimizing your content at the same time.  Remember, Google and the other search engines want you to post content for your visitors, not for their spiders who are coming to see your content and index it.

Building Backlinks
Now a lot of us will know what this is, but again, the newer bloggers might not understand exactly what a backlink is.

Well, a backlink is just a 3rd party website that links back to you because they like what you wrote or they like how your blog or website works 6 SEO basics that will help increase your website or blog gain traffic  The search engines don't like it when you build your own backlinks, but there's no real way to track this, so go for it lol.  Just be careful because this is the one thing with websites and blogs that can go wrong and really hurt your rankings.  If you don't know what you're doing, I would highly suggest talking with someone in order to outsource the work.  Just be sure you're paying the right person to do the work and you're not just hiring the cheapest person that you talk with lol.

If you don't want to outsource your backlink building, you will need to learn about high authority links.  Look for high DA (domain authority) links that are related to your industry and niche.  These will be the best for you because the search engines want to see links going to your website from related websites and blogs.  If you're in the pet industry and getting backlinks from car dealerships, you won't see a huge boost in the rankings lol

In Conclusion
If you've been blogging for a while, you likely know all of the points I touched on above.  If you're newer to blogging, you likely didn't know a lot of what I covered and I may have just saved you from obtaining a penalty from the search engines 6 SEO basics that will help increase your website or blog gain traffic  I encourage you to always research something before you post because you never know what could actually hurt your website.  You may think you're doing something right, but you could actually be harming your website.  Outsource the work if you don't have time, or just can't understand how it works, so you're guaranteed to be safe.

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Thanks for putting all that information in one place Razzy. You really have a way of cutting through the chaffe and letting people know what is important when it comes to starting a blog. This information is something every new blogger needs to understand.

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Razzy is really good when it comes to explaining technical stuff like this and that's the reason he is one of the best we have around here.

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Well, when you see someone who knows what they are doing, the content of their write up or article speaks a whole lot of how good they are with the job, and from the looks of everything, it's very obvious that @Razzy is good at what he is doing.

He did a wonderful job in explicitly explaining everything in this content write up in such a way that even a layman can easily grasp the intended message. Good job Razzy.

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Yes, he gives a wide variety of helpful advice. Whether you are a veteran blogger or a beginner you can get the type of infomation you need from Razzy. He has tips for all people who are interested in making money online.

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Yes, seriously I'm impressed with the work he is doing. It's gives one the zeal to work harder and make his or her blog get better.

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yes, I agree. It is very helpful to have all the comments written down in one place,

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Aswome basic advice Razzy! I never reached any success as a blogger. But I did blogged for my clients and had optimized blogs for clients for a long time now, and yeah, some of them reached a nice favorable amount of organic traffic just by following some basic SEO guidelines.
Overall, the biggest problem with SEO it the fact that it needs to a constant thing. If you start doing SEO for a website, you need to keep doing it! All the time! It never stops. Sure it may get easy at one point after you've implemented all the on-page best practices, but you can't really stop, ever, because your competition won't stop, search engines are always updating stuff so you will have to constantly

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This is basically why every blogger needs to be on his toes keeping his website or blog up and running with good content writing and keywords to make it much easier for higher ranking, it's definitely going generate lots of traffic and visitors to your blog.

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Backlinks are a double-edged sword. Google has become very good at segregating paid backlinks from earned backlinks. So, while the new website owner needs to understand their importance, they also need to know the real damage they can do outsourcing backlink building.

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Thank you for giving me the information on how paid and earned backlinks work. I will try to see a way to learn more on it when I start off with my blog.

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@TimothyAlex You really said it well about backlinks, as much as they are good to SEO works, but one need to be careful of how it fully works in order not to get the rough end of using backlinks.

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Thanks for this information. I'm just new to blogging and I just getting started learning SEO. I'm guilty with item #5. I'm creating my content without actually thinking what keywords I'm going to include.

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Understanding your keywords can go a long way in making things work better for you when it comes to ranking higher on Google search engine.

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@Barida It's true with your statement about keyword helping with ones ranking in Google search engine optimization. It's the keyword that helps Google Spiders to pick your content and make it easily accessible online when one makes use of Google search, it helps get your content write up more visitors if it's ranked higher.

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I really need to understand and learn keywords searching so I can create content that will target my readers and will be good also for search engines.

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I started this way too and I think it's okay since it's something that more advanced bloggers would employ. Mostly I think when you are just getting started you just have to worry about putting up content and fixing the blog itself so it has a good structure. Along the way you can start looking at keywords you want to include. At first I just focused mostly on social networking and I think that is good enough to get your blog started since you can't really rely too much on getting searched and found yet at that point.

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The inclusion of "Your Titles" was great because I believe that it is one of the most important things that can help increase your website or blog traffic but I think a lot of people still do not focus on it enough. A good title will contain keywords related to the article content and that can help a lot in bringing in traffic to your website or blog especially from search engines such as Google.

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Those points are valids and the way to go for would be bloggers and existing bloggers. The two viral points are proper content and great headlines or topics. it helps search engine rank us higher and this automatically means organic traffic to our sites. Saving this to use later.

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I've learnt so much from Razzy as well and one good thing about a good content contention one can be able to have more visitors as the contents rank higher on search engines which is really great.

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Understanding the title to take for your article is one sure way of getting higher ranks on search engines. Those that understood that are reaping the benefits now.

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Good titles makes your work unique because it's absolutely what would differentiate it from others works easily without having to read the full content of the write up. This is why a good title or head paves way for better ranking.

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Good titles makes your work unique because it's absolutely what would differentiate it from others works easily without having to read the full content of the write up. This is why a good title or head paves way for better ranking.

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You really summarized all of the important points of SEO that everybody should take into consideration when trying to rank their website higher up.

The combination of the right keywords and high-quality content is golden and I always strive for that. Also, I suggest that you do the building of backlinks manually and be careful to avoid spammy ones.

If you follow all of the 6 listed points, you have nothing to worry about.

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These tips are definitely going to be helpful to newbies that just bumped into SEO. You did a wonderful job in sharing such vital information here, it's definitely worth a trial by anyone looking to succeed in SEO jobs.

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Alt Tags, Title and Meta Description. It took ten years but I finally realized how important they are. I had to get a few of my blogs deleted before I figured it out though. It was a hard lesson to learn but I learned it!! I seem to recall there are free tools out there to help you with your Meta Description.

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Content is king as far as getting blog or website traffic is concerned. If you are really willing to succeed with your online business, then you need to be a regular content writer. You must post articles at regular intervals and the articles must be unique, original and long. The length must be as long as 1500 words and must not be plagiarized from another source.

The use of keyword tools is a great way to boost traffic to your blog or website. Choosing the right keywords for all of your articles and titles is a step to your online success.

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Everything is under my control when it comes to do SEO on my websites, however, I am finding difficulty with building backlinks. I have not bought any backlinking programs or hired anyone to build backlinks because of the budget issues. I have tried to generate backlinks through forum signature, footer link and blog commenting. However, I don't know how effective is this method.

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Content is always my best bet when it comes to a website whether it is a blog or not. The content is the building block of the site and you cannot have a website if you have no contents to speak of. For the traffic, content is the main attraction although the teaser is the title. But once the reader gets into the body of the content, he will leave if there is nothing there or he will continue reading if there is something there.

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