
How will smart speakers affect the future of SEO, web traffic, and online advertising?

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How will smart speakers affect the future of SEO, web traffic, and online advertising?

Presently smart speakers like Amazon Echo and Google Home support asking certain types of questions. Amazon Echo supports getting info from Wikipedia, and Google Home's Google Assistant uses Google Search results from the web.

In the case of SEO, what things can be done to make your site more readable by web capable smart speakers? And how will this affect your site's traffic and ad revenue? If a user asks Google Home a question, and it gets that info from my site, is it Google's IP address that visits my site, or the users? With technology getting smarter, how people access the internet is changing. In time websites themselves may be a thing of the past as people rely more and more on apps, and digital assistants.


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I don't think you can do much at the moment because these smart speakers rely on cards that are displayed when you search for something specific. For example, if I search "how to cook a brownie", you will see a card at the top which gives you instructions without having to even click on a website. Smart speakers read that and don't actually read websites.

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Does that mean that smart speakers are not counted in the SEO game? If that’s the case then we can breath a sigh of relief because that is another chore less for the SEO work. But if that smart speaker counts in the SEO ranking then we have a little problem. The fonts and probably the images should be clearer so the Google reader can easily recognize what your website is showing. And when it is offered to the searcher then that’s it, you’ve got a good hit in the rankings.

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There is no denying that their influence will increase as time goes by, but in return... People will also be more aware of what will or won't suit them in the best possible way.

It's clear that not everyone has the discernment for this and they are very influential, but the other side presents very conscious people about what is yet to come.

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I'm not sure but I think the transition will be fairly smooth considering the experience with any of these services has already been fairly easy even if SEO is still made solely for traditional search engines. I'm guessing that the job to make the translation between search engines and smart speakers will be the responsibility of the companies behind them and from the looks of it, they are able to do very well already with the current state of things and if they were to need to transition further then I am guessing that the changes will be made in minor increments so I personally wouldn't worry too much about it.

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I think if someone wants to visit a website via any 'smart device' they'll simply request the device to take them there. Not sure there'll be any major problems in the future except maybe for sites that are hard to pronounce. Or have funny-sounding titles.

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It's exactly in this issue that you have approached that it's pertinent to comment on how choosing the title of the blog / website is very important. The name has to be creative, but at the same time it has to be catchy and easy to remember.

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Yes, I mean you see that available already through google searches, Siri etc. We already have that voice assisted searching so it is just likely to increase in the future.

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Not just future it is already happening right now. For example TEDX is conference where people go to speak. And they are already changing the way things are going. You can see that future of the speakers who are into every speaking engagement like this. They are doing lot better through these type of the options. Apart from that you can see that SEO traffic seems to be focused on people who are known. So speaking gigs definitely helps people get more SEO juice. I'd not be surprised as search engines favoring them.

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I seriously don't know. I can ask Alexa a question and get an answer without touching a website. How do you convert a lead that never touches your site?

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This type of thing will only be effective for certain businesses really. Like you said, users never tend to actually go on the website because Alexa or Google will retrieve the information from the website for you and then read it out to you. But certain searches like "nearest cake shop" can actually be excellent for your business.

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Depending on your location 'nearest' anything could be hours away. I can imagine how off-putting it would be for a person living in a rural area to ask alexa for nearest grocery store - and alexa replies with 'name of store' followed by 'x amount of miles away.' For some people - it could be up to a 90 minute drive.

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The thing that I think about is Google will penalize a website that scrapes content and republished it, even it that content is curated and repurposed in a valuable and useful way. Yet, Google and Amazon are essentially doing just that. Asking Alexa a question about "What is [anything}?" and they are scraping the content from a creator and using it their benefit, while the content creator's website may get mentioned and credit, doesn't get the traffic.

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Well, I guess but then it's also a good thing because it means that Google has identified your content as being better than others to answer that particular question/query. Plus, if anyone does not want their site to be amongst those featured answers, they can easily opt out (information about this can be found here -

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Very interesting topic and one I have never contemplated to be honest. It is really food for thought. I think SEO will have to cater to these types of services as they are becoming more and more popular. It would be silly not to factor them into SEO.

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True, but ultimately if your users need or make use of this service then adding it to your site is a great idea. But some people will add it to their site just to 'keep up with the Joneses' per say. Not a good idea. I imagine this type of technological add on won't be cheap - and also will be ultimately a waste of money if your users don't employ it.

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I think that smart speakers would make Seo harder. It would mean to get your site ranked you would have to have fabulous content. Apart from the algorithm you would have another machine/bot judging your content. It is sure to pick up on what the other machine missed. I think it would make things easier for people searching for content, but more difficult for people creating that content. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

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When you say fabulous content, do you mean the content to be lengthy? I have read in one discussion that a good content should be more than 1,000 words which he added that the longer the content, the better. I develop mental fatigue when the article I am reading is more than 1,000 words in length but I guess the bots do not experience fatigue that it may enjoy if the content is much longer than that measure.

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