
What's the best time to write effectively?

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What's the best time to write effectively?

Writing is a form of expression. I am not an expert and I don't have to be. As long as I'm happy when I am able to write down my thoughts, share them in every way I want to, and that I don't step on or hurt anybody for that matter, I won't stop. I'll keep on. 

But sometimes, I sense nothing comes out from my brain or I don't have that aura to write. I wonder, what is the best time to write, to bring the best of me in writing?


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Well the best time to write anything would be when you're awake and alert. Writing while tired or exhausted is never the way to go. I find that I get my best writing mojo in the late afternoon to early evening portion of the day.

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For me, no matter what the time is... But writing tired / stressed is simply impossible (at least to write something good). Everything is badly made and messy and usually doesn't reflect who you are as a writer.

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Oh yes absolutely, whenever we are "under the gun" so to speak is usually not the best time to write, unless you are one of those individuals who works well under pressure. If this is the case you might write better then.

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Welll... If I can choose, of course I'll never want to work under pressure (mainly because it'w very exhausting)... However, whenever that happens I can handle the situation well. I'm very ok with that. ;)

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Some people actually work at their very best capacity when "the heat is on" so to speak, but it can be stressful and unnerving at the same time, and most of us don't prefer to work that way.

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ience using it all to accentuate your new kitchen.In actuality, you may take one part of the subject and turn crazy in it.For case, one North west decorating approach is to spotlight a North western object like some cowboy boots or perhaps a cowboy head wear.You will even combine aspects and apply both masters as any central redecorating theme.
One can find all sorts of decor on the Western enhancing theme.Try searching for cookie jars as well as other ceramics that anyone can sit on your counter for a interesting consequence.Also seek western style curtains and even light button covers.One fun route to spend a new Saturday afternoon would be to scour your neighborhood antique specialists for American themed home decoration.You'll often be surprised for the interesting items one can find! You incorporate the use of browns, inflammed, navy, or gel to pull in your Americana theience using it all to accentuate your new kitchen.In actuality, you may take one part of the subject and turn crazy in it.For case, one North west decorating approach is to spotlight a North western object like some cowboy boots or perhaps a cowboy head wear.You will even combine aspects and apply both masters as any central redecorating theme.<br />
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One can find all sorts of decor on the Western enhancing theme.Try searching for cookie jars as well as other ceramics that anyone can sit on your counter for a interesting consequence.Also seek western style curtains and even light button covers.One fun route to spend a new Saturday afternoon would be to scour your neighborhood antique specialists for American themed home decoration.You'll often be surprised for the interesting items one can find! You incorporate the use of browns, inflammed, navy, or gel to pull in your Americana theme towards the mix likewise.<br />
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One good idea to pull off the theme is usually to also locate accents produced from unfinished lumber.You could find game tables and chairs that truly look like we were looking at made through unfinished firewood.These are perfect for a West decorated house.In improvement, you incorporate the use of photo eyeglasses that take a look unfinished and additionally put pictures on your family or possibly of european mountains together with hills in the individual.You might also find a large number of items comprised of tree twigs or logs together with items made out of deer antlers in addition to items paid for in cow obscure (either imitation or realistic! )<br />
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Another thing to apply is birdwatcher or dark colored iron accents.You might get away using either the hands down.If you've got a pot hanger through your home island, make an attempt mixing both equally copper types and solid iron types.In improvement, you will even use placed iron skillets or simply pans for the reason that wall home decoration and hold them as necessary.And do remember pot stands, tablecloths as well as dish towels constructed of Western idea fabrics.<br />
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Try the Western enhancing ideas inside your kitchen to discover exactly the things works for yourself and everything that doesn't.The North western theme is perfect fantastic hobby to constantly sense that you could be the "Wild West" or at a log home.It could look great in a home for everybody who is consistent together with the decor.Using European style accents at the counters, blinds, floors in addition to walls can help pull the design together and help you become feel such as you are rustling away grub for ones cowhands at a Western ranch you will still are keep in mind that a current city place!

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When I would reach home coming from work, I always feel exhausted that I’m sure it’s not a good time to write because it’s not just the mental fatigue but also the physical fatigue. After dinner time when I had relaxed a bit and ready for the bed, sometimes I feel so energetic that I feel like writing otherwise the idea of what to write would haunt me when I am in bed. Maybe my mental and emotional strength are peaking during that time

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The best time to write is the time when I feel creative. For instance, yesterday morning, I felt very creative and I wrote an article. However, this morning, I did not feel like writing and I did not write anything even though I have deadlines to meet. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to write.

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There are so many factors which weigh into this--it could depend on your circadian rhythm, your content, your basic composing and editing process, your experience with writing, the topic at hand, how tired you are, etc. Also, you should try to write anytime that inspiration strikes--that's why I always carry a little black notebook with me everywhere I go so I never lose an idea. I am, myself, getting more and more to be a morning writing person. I like to get up around four or five in the morning and make some coffee and get the juices flowing with writing. Sometimes, it can be hard when one hits writer's block or writing fatigue in general from freelancing and other mental activities, but if you pay attention to yourself, you should be able to develop a relationship to the patterns in your best writing and the times when you write the best!

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I usually write during night time because I have a regular day job. I could not tell that it is my best time of writing because it's the only time that I have to write. And sometimes I could not write especially if I'm so tired, exhausted, and could not motivate myself to do so.

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For me, to be writing more effectively will require a quiet and comfortable place meaning not too warm and not cold. Another factor is my mental and emotional condition. It’s not easy to write when there is a nagging problem especially if it involves health. And for the time of day, I find morning the easiest time to write maybe because my mind is fresh and my reflexes are quicker.

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There's no such thing as "best time" because we are all different. We work completely differently. You will find individuals that love to write in the mornings right after waking up but then others will prefer working into the night. It will come down to your own personal preference and finding out what works the best for you. Ask yourself when do you feel like your writing is the best quality? When do you feel most creative? And the answer is the so-called "best time".

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Well... This is a very particular answer, because the schedule that will work for me may not work the same for you, right? But answering your question: I prioritize writing at night because it's the time I'm most willing and that my mind is working faster.

During the night is the time that I feel more creative. What

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True. Based on work schedule - you can write anytime you want. But based around my work schedule - late afternoon and evening time is when I am at my writing best. Mornings I can handle also. Just so long as it isn't anything before 7 AM.

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This question of the best time to do something is totally relative / subjective. Of course the tips can be changed, talked about... But that doesn't mean they'll work equally well for everyone.

Just do what's best for you. What

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I personally think that it would have to depend on the type of content you're writing.

When it comes to creative content, I believe that there isn't a time and place for it. Creativity and inspiration strike like lightning, both suddenly and unexpectedly. You could be doing something completely random and unrelated, and suddenly be hit with a stroke of inspiration. That is when you get out your notepad or laptop and start writing until you get that creativity out.

With more technical writing which requires studying, research, formatting and such, I find that it's best done in the morning while my mind is still fresh. That sort of writing requires minimal creativity and is more standardized, so if nothing else it requires me to be focused and concentrated, which of course comes after a good night's rest.

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For the most part, I need structure to write well. So, that means I get the best results working 9-5 like a regular job. However, I will admit that my very best writing comes from moments of inspiration, which could come any time of the day or night.

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I like to write first thing in the morning when they are few distractions and I feel like I'm the only one awake in the world. Before I begging to write, I make sure that my mind is aligned with positive results. I do this through affirmations, motivational quotes, and videos. I need to remember why I am writing. This helps me to focus and stay motivated. Sometimes it's hard, to get ideas flowing. I do this by listening to music. Rock music works best for me.I also find that when I am in nature I get major bouts of inspiration. Maybe you should find surroundings that work for you.

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To me, the best time is day time where my mind is fresh and awake, by night, I am sleeping after cooking, washing , guiding homework and household chores. I usually write early in the morning, 6am before I start my chores at 9am

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I think that really depends on the person. The time to write effectively is going to vary from person to person. What might work for one, is not necessarily going to work for another.

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I write mostly in the mornings when everywhere is calm and cool.I tend to get my creative and thinking brain very high, so that the ideas flow naturally and without hassles.It not good to bring when one is bored, it can be difficult getting the spirit to cooperate to write.Sometimes,I put on my favorite music to get me going.

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I don't know why but I work a lot better late at night. Maybe it's because of the fact that there are much fewer distractions or just that I'm more of a night owl but I just work so much better and I'm a lot more efficient especially when I'm writing. In the afternoon or even morning, I just get distracted so much and end up just visiting other sites or doing something else.

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I pretty much agree with Tronia. I don't think there's a "best time" to write. Primarily because ideas a for different articles of content come to my mind periodically throughout the day, and into the night. Normally what I do is write down the title of the topic, along with a few key notes on my smartphone. So I can revisit those topics later on to write full articles. However, I do feel there are better times to write than others. For example, my ideal writing times are from 2:00 am to roughly 5:00 am. At this time, the environment I'm in is mostly quiet, which equals minimum distractions. It works for me but everyone is different due to their schedules.

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If you're bright eyed and awake - yeah anytime after 1 AM is a good time to write. I hope you have a lot of energy drinks on deck though - or coffee.

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I like to write quite late in the night as well but I have never bothered to even try writing or doing work in the early morning. I'm not sure how effective I would be at writing stuff at 2:00 in the morning or even 5:00 in the morning. I could do anything else like gaming or watching TV but anything that requires a lot of thinking, I would just not be able to do it that early lol

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Well, my sleeping patterns are quite interesting right now (lol). From roughly 6:30 pm to 1:00 am I normally sleep. Usually, when I get home, I eat, shower, and hit the bed because I'm too drained to do anything else. So I get about 5-6 solid hours of sleep during that course of rest. When I wake up in the early hours of the morning, I like to be productive because things are quiet. WiFi connections are also strong during this period. So I can multitask without having to worry about being throttled by my ISP provider as well. From about 2:00 am to 4:30-5:00 am I'm writing for myself and freelancing for others. Then I take an hour or two for a short sleep, only for my normal day to start back again. It's a full routine I've developed but seems to work for me because I also like filling up my days too.

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For me, I think mornings are the best time to write because the mind is still fresh so I am able to write a lot more effortlessly during this time. Sometimes I write as soon as I wake up and I find that I usually write way faster when I do this as opposed to when I write later in the day or at night and I think it's because by night time I'm already very tired or I'm already preoccupied with the thoughts I've accumulated throughout the day. Sometimes if I'm in the right mood, I'll write a little better during the night time, but in general I find myself being better at it during the day even though I do prefer working at night a little more.

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The best time to write effectively depends on each user's experience and availability of time. Personally, I like writing during the day when I am alone and with no distractions. I also like researching more in the morning because my mind is fresh and I will be able to pickup important points more effectively.

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I'm am basically the opposite, I can not do my work during the day that much because there is too many distractions. I even thought about sound-proofing a room because where i live there is a lot of car traffic noise. But that is not really a reality for me because i have no idea how to sound proof a room, lol. So i just wait during the nighttime to get things done. Yes, it may ruin my day schedule, but at least what I need to get done is getting done! Lol.

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I am the same way and I agree that it is probably different for each person and it probably even also depends on what phase in their life they are in. There was a time when I was way more comfortable working at night or midnight when everyone was asleep but these days I feel tired by the time night time comes and I feel a lot more comfortable during the day when my mind is still fresh and awake.

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Though there's no time I cannot write, the best time for me to write is the night time. This is because in the afternoon, I get lots of distractions from everyone and this affects me from being composed to write well in the day time. At night, I enjoy the silent hours and this settles my brain to be able to write comprehensively and accurately. Writing content for a website must not be done with levity, but must be taken serious because search engines are involved.

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I get my best writing done at night. Whether it be writing code, or just writing an article, or even replying to discussions. I think this is because during the day, it is very noisy and I can not concentrate.

So from the time 10PM to about 3AM is the best time for me to relax, and unwind and get to my online work. I sometimes can not do it during the day because there is too much noise. For instance, I live right near a highway, so there is always car noise during the night. At night there isn't much because well.. not a lot of people drive during the night.

In order for me to even attempt to do my online work, here's some things that need to happen first:

1. All distractions must go.
The television, noise, etc must be turned off or tuned out.

2. House chores need to be done.
If I constantly work online, then my house would become a huge mess. I do not like mess.

3. I must be relaxed and comfortable.
If I am not relaxed then I do not want to do anything. This isn't a big issue but one that i must list.

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The best time to write effectively is when your in a good mood, inspired, and have enough and right sleep. This three pointers help me to write effectively and to think what to write and to edit if anything is not very sound in reason.

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I really dont think there's a thing as the best time to write effectively on a general scale. Time shouldn't be a factor that plays when it comes to writing. Correct me if am wrong, but writing isn't always something that comes whenever you decide its time to write, for me it isn't. Inspiration can come at any time. When it does, it becomes the right time to write effectively. I always make sure to move along with my pad and pen everywhere I go.

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I have so much going on in the morning that I tend to write at night. Because the house is quiet and I can contrate. On average, I do at least 2 or 3 hours of writing every night on various websites. All I need is some snacks, some good music, and lighting and I am ready to write all night.

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Everyone has their own idea of what it means to be a “good” writer. Opinions on quality vary, depending on who you ask, but effective writing is hard to argue with. It gets the job done — plain and simple.

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Thanks guys for all your replies. You never fail to amaze me. Hope we can be friends here too cause somehow, it inspires me to write more and better, to be more engaged in content writing.

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You shouldn't wait till you are mist comfortable to write effectively, but should rather train yourself towards writing wherever you find yourself and whenever you have some free time to write. Writing is a means of communicating yourself, special ideas in you, and lots of skills you can share with other people far and near. The only thing you can do to make your writing task more effective is to spend much more time on writing when you are idle at home.

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I have been into writing for so many years now, one thing I know about writing is that there is no right time to write effectively.

I have wrote so many rules regarding writing by out famous authors and writers including the self published ones, some of them just put up their on rule on how to write for you to follow, so many people have followed it and it went down well for them. But for you to write effectively at the right time you have to choose how it works for you, you have to create your own rules on writing and how it should be done for your own self, you might get to follow those writers rules and you find out that it doesn't go down well with you.
When I started writing newly I went through many rituals and processes on writing and I found out that I wasn't all happy about it, because I discovered it wasn't my way of doing it but rather their way, so I developed mine; mine might work out for you and it might not. One thing I can say is that the right time to write effectively is everytime depending on how you want it or when you want to start, even though am out or in a ceremony I have my note pad so when the thoughts come k will just flow with it.

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I can get inspiration at almost any time to write, but generally speaking during the hours between the time that I wake up to about noon or mid-afternoon, that is usually my best writing hours.

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I have to add on to this comment because I forgot to mention that I am now submitting content to more than one site. My problem now is not with the best time to write but rather: “To which site should I submit the content?” It's rather a nice problem to have. I do remember when they weren't very many social blogging communities and online writing sites to choose from.

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If I am excited about the content, I can write at any time. Generally, I prefer to write at night when the house and world is quiet, days are too busy and there are too many distractions. I am not a professional writer which I think plays a huge part -I don't think I answered the question sufficiently for you or that you will benefit.

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I prefer to write in the morning for many reasons. I find it easier to concentrate in the morning and I get more ideas flowing. It is also quieter and there are fewer distractions. I also work as an online tutor and I give tuitions until 9 pm or 10 pm at times. I usually feel tired afterwards and I can't get the motivation that I need.

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I used to say that the best time to write is when there's less distraction. It can be at midnight or dawn. I used to stay overnight to write but I have since changed my schedule to accommodate a new online work. I am now writing early in the morning or before midnight and my brain has adjusted well to the change. I actually feel more normal than ever. I'm no longer the vampire that I used to be and it feels good to write in the morning when my son is at school.

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A good writer can sit down and get some penning done at any time of day that is presented to him, or her.

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There are huge places to write article or posts in this world. You can write on blogs or website. You can earn huge by writing also. There are huge and huge places available where you article will be show by ad. You can earn huge by offering ads on your articles.


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It could be best to write if your mind is fresh. If you have already a plan on what to write. I think writing something that excite you will be a good idea cause you have that motivation to finish it. Travelling also is a nice way to generate Ideas about your article.

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