
3 tricks you can use to make more content from your blog posts

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3 tricks you can use to make more content from your blog posts

We all know that content marketing is, and probably will always be, one of the top ways to bring in clients for B2B and B2C businesses.  Even knowing this, a lot of companies fail to have a great content marketing strategy in place in order to pull in new clients.  You don't need to be writing 100 blog posts a day to do this, in fact, you can target a specific topic and write many posts about it.  Sure, your posts can be similar, but they can't be identical.  You will need to write on various points for a different topic in order to be seen as an authority within your niche.  If you're just rewriting the same article over and over, you won't be seen as an authority by your readers or Google, and you won't see a flow of traffic coming in.

It doesn't have to be a complicated thing, but many webmasters and bloggers turn it into one.  People tend to overthink all of the topic they want to write about, but you need to slow down and just write in a way that you can churn out quality content without putting your readers attention span at risk lol.

Below are 3 ways you can turn create more content for your website or blog

Turn to Social Media
Social media platforms are a great way to get a little bit of content, or a massive post, in front of plenty of eyes who want to read what you have to say.  Below are a few little ideas in which you can do just this

  • Write down 20 or so ideas, points of discussion, or even quotes that can be turned into a post on social media.  When it comes to twitter, anything under 140 characters (could be more now) can be turned into a tweet for anyone to find.  Be sure to use your hashtags right and get seen by even more people.  When it comes to a platform like LinkedIn or Facebook, they're not as worried about your character length so you can go all out on their platforms 3 tricks you can use to make more content from your blog posts
  • You can use bright images with your posts in order to increase engagement.  Using nice images, that are high quality, was proven to increase engagement by over 80%
  • You can schedule your posts to go out every day or every week.  I would suggest to have something go out every day or every other day on twitter and once a week for platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn.

People like Visual content
You'll always need to avoid a wall of text when you're posting to your blog.  There have been many studies that prove using a good image with your posts will always help your posts.  Now, you can't use just any image with your new blog post, it has to be related to your content in order to have the best effect. 
  • Use some sort of infographic in your blog post.  You can take key points of the blog post and turn them into a sort of infographic to be used as your thumbnail or even insert it within your posts to increase how good everything looks.  If you can't do this yourself, I'm sure you can find someone here who can get this done for you relatively quickly 3 tricks you can use to make more content from your blog posts
  • Add a nice video that allows people to watch instead of read.  Of course, if you're writing a 5,000 word blog post, you may not want to outsource the video creation because that could cost you at least $450, but shorter blog posts can be done for relatively cheap.  You can always do the videos yourself, just be sure to make them as high quality as possible so you still look like a professional.

Expert Roundups get people reading
When you're thinking about writing an Expert Roundup, you'll need to be collaborating with a few others or even a few dozen people.  The more people you have in this roundup blog post, the bigger your reach will be because each expert will likely share your post when it's finished 3 tricks you can use to make more content from your blog posts 

  • What you can do is reach out to 20ish bloggers or experts within the same industry you're in, and ask them to contribute to a blog post you're thinking of writing up.  You can give them a specific section to write up on, since usually they will have a specific expertise they can easily write a novel on lol.
  • When you get back all of the content from the experts, you can compile it in any way you'd like.  You will also need to add a ShareThis or AddThis button for easier sharing, or you can just use whatever you like for social sharing purposes 3 tricks you can use to make more content from your blog posts
  • You will also need to set up posts on platforms such as Facebook and tag the contributors to thank them for their contributions.  This is an easy way to remind them to share the content they helped write 3 tricks you can use to make more content from your blog posts

In conclusion
You don't always have to write up 10 different blog posts each day, you just need to think a little different and publish content in a way that keeps readers coming back.  You can get on social media and bring people in that way, which always works great when trying to increase your subscribers.  You can use amazing images to pull people in, which pairs great with social media posts.  You can also work with other experts in your field in order to get massive amounts of content without investing all the time it would take to do it yourself 3 tricks you can use to make more content from your blog posts  Generating content doesn't mean you always have to be on your blog and writing quality content.  You can think outside of the box a little bit and make massive amounts of content that will bring people in 3 tricks you can use to make more content from your blog posts

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Beautiful piece of advice on the Social Media thing. I never thought Facebook, for example, can be a source of content ideas, or content creation. Really great tips Razzy! There is so much content in the form of posts and comments on social networks it would be a pity not to exploit the hell out of it, of course, not direct copy paste, but as you said inspirational stuff.

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For a Facebook fanatic, he would say that everything is in Facebook and I have to agree because social media is a digital society where all kinds of people converge with all kinds of ideas. If you are looking for an idea for writing your blog then just open your Facebook account and read what’s posted on your timeline. Sooner or later you will find some ideas that are worthy for writing an article or maybe even an e-book.

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Yes, I think most of us know to put a graphic in with the text. Also, making use of experts in the field if you have access to them is another way to draw in viewers to your blog or website. I think that many people don't really think creatively about all the things they can do to draw in readers.

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Just putting graphics in might not always be enough. When it comes to choosing the right image, you have to make sure that it's eye-catching, memorable, good quality and relevant to the content/post. Also, the statistics show that videos are overtaking the pictures in term of the engagement so including them might be a good idea.

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Another person recommending RoundUps. I like the way that you spoonfed on exactly how to accomplish this task. Now all I have to do is muster up the courage to approach the bloggers. 3 tricks you can use to make more content from your blog posts

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There is no doubt that the visual aspect attracts the attention of many people, so... What I think is an excellent combination for the readers is the union of the visual aspect associated with the contents of qualities. Both being / working in harmony to complete each other in a way that satisfies the readers. 3 tricks you can use to make more content from your blog posts

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My problem is not with having ideas for content. My major problem is developing ideas into a full content. First of all, I am too occupied with short-term work that I cannot work with long-term projects. By short term, I mean the job that pays instantly. By long term, I mean you work on your blog which is not earning anything now but surely earn in future.

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Valid points there, if one needs ideas on what to write,social media can help develop them.There are always topical issues, some bizarre stories, happenings, and discussion on social media that get people talking that we can always blog about, hereby giving our own input but more in a professional way than the chaotic nature in social media .Adding visuals to it help the readers to even understand the more.

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If I want to stretch a topic into multiple articles, most of the time, I'm able to, by discussing specific points of the topic with each article. I try not to do it too often as I find that my viewers like having self contained articles most of the time, so I mostly just do this when it's necessary like when I can't fit the whole subject into just one and would need multiple ones to go more in-depth. I find that viewers like this also sometimes since they get to read more about the topic they like and also the detail can be more pronounced since you don't have to fit everything into just a few paragraphs of one article.

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I agree. Especially with the part about visual content. There is so much to read on the internet if you can find a way of breaking it down for your readers through video or picture illustrations, I think you will be way ahead. Personally, when I'm going to read an article and it looks bulky and boring I skip it. I prefer listening to it or seeing it illustrated in pictures. I think as a writer you should make your posts as short and entertaining as possible, to retain readers. There are so many blogs out there, you want your readers to choose yours.

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I haven't tried the expert roundups or adding videos to my website. I have only tried the point about social media. I find what you have mentioned to be informative and I will practice the last two points. 3 tricks you can use to make more content from your blog posts

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Visual content is great. I think people nowadays tend to have much lower attention spans and they also have less time because of the fact that everyone is so busy all the time. And because of this, I think it is important to have some sort of visual content on your blog. You can use them to summarise your posts or catch the attention of your reader.

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Visual content turns out to be one of the best options because most readers are attracted to it (for some of them, this is something essential). But it's always good to remember that this is just a tip of the iceberg.

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Yes, social media is the way to go.

Imagine more than one billion users at your fingertips. Imagine targetted advertising which goes directly to people who share the interests you are looking for. That's the power of social media.

Just to be clear, I am talking about Facebook. To venture into cyberspace and not use Facebook is kind of like going sailing without knowing how to swim.

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I personally am a big fan of the visual content idea, but I may also be a little bias given that I have a background in graphic design, so naturally I'm a fan of visual communication. Combining visual content with social media is an incredibly good way of sharing your content and ideas.

Sites like Reddit, for example, rely heavily on visual content and are great ways of gathering a lot of attention, and quickly at that. Of course Instagram and Facebook are phenomenal for this as well.

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This may not be exactly what the OP is talking about, but I came across a service that will convert blog content into video. It makes use of a virtual narrator and will automatically create graphs and other elements. I've been tempted, but haven't tried it yet. But, this does seem like a possible way to extend or repurpose evergreen content.

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I agree with your point #2 about visual content. I, for one, is attracted by blogs with photos and images. Even for business blogs like travel destinations, those with photos instantly attract my interest even if the write up is not that interesting. Images are like advertising tools for the blog that will get the attention of the reader. But, of course, the images should be directly related to the topic of the blog.

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There are nice tricks with which you can make more creative contents from your blog posts. The first trick I use is blog commenting and replying. I engage my audience through this trick and generate lots of content from my blog posts. I currently have a hundred posts on my blog and request comments to all of these posts daily. Furthermore, I make contents using the most advanced keyword search tool in the world which helps in creating articles of length 1500-2000 words easily.

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To make more contents to your blog or website, you need to plan for the number of fresh articles that will be published on your site daily and the number of comments and feedbacks that will be approved and published daily. When you publish an article and you request comments to that page, people will definitely post comments, but you are expected to post your own replies as soon as you can.

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With regards to posting video links, are YouTube ones copyrighted? I am always hesitant to use any form of media that may land me in trouble, I'm only starting out..... and already been banned from one site for posting a link to another (I thought I was helping). Producing my own videos is not an option.
Do you ever use Tumblr as a marketing tool?

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