
5 ways online marketers normally misunderstand how influencer marketing works

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5 ways online marketers normally misunderstand how influencer marketing works

When you talk about infulencer marketing, you're talking about one of the most powerful marketing tactics of our time right now. There's no shelf life of this type of marketing, so you might as well start using it now just in case everything goes south because of a Google update, and you know they would do something like that. Influencer marketing doesn't seem to be slowing down, so you should probably be reading up on what to do and what not to do, but since you're here you probably are doing just that and I'm going to help you along the way 5 ways online marketers normally misunderstand how influencer marketing works

The jump in influencer marketing came about because people are losing trust in big brands and are now looking towards your every day person posting a review about their experiences with a service or product. This carried over to people building accounts and testing out products and services, for a fee of course, and they will then post for you on their social media accounts to help you with your business. A lot of big brands, and smaller marketers, still misunderstand how to do this and waste a good amount of money each day paying the wrong people to post for them. This means if you do it right, you can capitalize on the fact that everyone else might be doing it wrong 5 ways online marketers normally misunderstand how influencer marketing works

Keeping all of that in mind, I'll be going over 5 ways online marketers normally misunderstand how infulencer marketing works and how you can benefit from it.

Influencers aren't affiliated with the media
When you're talking to an influencer, you're not talking to someone who works for the local news station or even a national one at that, you're talking to someone who is an expert in their field who also knows how to do good marketing. They post regularly about what they know and they interact with their followers whenever they can, making them inflencers in their fields. Most of them get into social media because they want to post quality content that people will love, some of them want to make money from it right away while others don't think about money until someone offers them $15, $40, or even $750 for a post on their Facebook or Instagram accounts 5 ways online marketers normally misunderstand how influencer marketing works

The main thing you need to remember is that influencers aren't evaluating the most common marketing metrics like we do. Influencers are more focused on posting what will get a reaction from their following, not how many sales they will make for a certain post. If you're a marketer like myself, you are probably thinking "Well that's not a great way to run a business!" and I thought the same thing. After sitting down and learning even more than I already do about influencer marketing, I came to the conclusion that they likely have better results because they're not pitching to their following and they're not expecting a sale, which actually increases their profits because their following trusts them even more for how they post and act 5 ways online marketers normally misunderstand how influencer marketing works

Influencer marketing doesn't mean you can relax and watch the sale roll in
If you're paying for influencer marketing, you probably know that you need to stick with it even after you have some posts live and sending in traffic. You can't just sit back and relax after you get some posts going up on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, etc. You need to respond to anyone asking a question on these platforms because those will be the people who will open up their wallets and give you money in exchange for your product or service.

The best way to get the most out of your inluencer marketing campaign is to work with the influencer and see what they think will work best for their users in order to get you more followers, clicks, traffic, sales, etc. If you boil it down, it takes a lot of work to do influencer marketing becasue of all the stuff you have to add onto your already cramped schedule and work load. If you're just paying an influencer to post for you and not doing anything else after that, you'll simply be wasting your money.

Infulencer marketing doesn't mean you need to target celebrities.
A few years ago, just having a big name would make you an influencer since you'd likely have a bigger following. The problem with this though, was that the bigger names were the big brands selling the products and not people who were simply interested in the industry. People know that celebrity accounts and big brands are run by teams of marketers in hopes to increase awareness for themselves. For this reason, people are catching on that celebrity and brand accounts on social media aren't very authentic, and they are now moving over to the everyday person who is posting their own reviews on products in the industry.

Micro Influencers, the ones who have a much smaller following compared to the bigger brands and celebrities, are the ones who have a dedicated following. They are usually industry leaders with a well established background in terms of posting online about what they love. This means they're typically more respected when they post because they are more genuine and trusted because of it. This also means your ROI will be much better working with the smaller influencer compared to the one who is considered a celebrity and doesn't care much about the industry, they only want money.

There's no short term when it comes to influencer marketing
So many people think that you can just pay an influencer one time and that's it, they will post for you and you'll make money from the clicks. What they aren't realizing is that your own brand needs to build trust with the influencers following and one post won't do it. You will need to work with the influencer multiple times and get your service or products in front of their following in order to build your own credibility. If a credible and trusted influencer is posting about you, they are giving you their vote of confidence, which their following will see. Just one post won't get them to trust you, because the post could have been a fluke by the influencer, so you'll need that influencer to do multiple posts over the course of 30 days in order to get everyone to trust you and open up their wallets 5 ways online marketers normally misunderstand how influencer marketing works

You'll also need to work with your influencer so you can build a relationship with them. You're not just building a relationship with their followers and hoping they follow you, you're building a business relationship with the actual influencer to have a better campaign down the road.

Influencer marketing isn't a quick money grab tactic
A lot of people see influencer marketing as a one time quick money grab with great potential, but it's not like that at all. You need to use influencer marketing as a sort of branding play that will likely bring in a few sales, but not a ton since you're not yet branded or trusted yourself. This is a long term marketing strategy that takes many posts on the same influencer profiles before it will start to yield any positive results.

In Conclusion
You've likely seen plenty of positive reviews from people who have been using influencer marketing and making a good amount of money from it. What they don't tell you is they've been doing it for 6+ months and only now are profiting because they've built up their own authority within their industry after working with the influencers. Erase the misconceptions there are out there about influencer marketing because it doesn't take one post to make you a millionaire. It's better to work with a regular person instead of a big brand or celebrity, because those normal people have a more trusted following than the brands and celebrities who have teams managing their accounts. If you want to be successful with influencer marketing, you need to stick with it and work with your influencers as well as engage with your following.

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Awesome post and it's very good explained all about influencer marketing. Also it's true that real influencers doesn't specially work on influencing. By doing usual daily social media or blog updates, they becoming influencers without knowing it or without their intention for it only.
While i was tweting a lot about #socialmedia #marketing and #SEO tweets on Twitter, introducing my followers to great tactics about these two strategies with included hashtags, and also promoting some Seocheckout services as affiliate marketer, one day i found on that i was listed as influencer on these two topics among 100 other people i was 15th, so i was stoned but happy too. However i become one without knowing or running for it 5 ways online marketers normally misunderstand how influencer marketing works

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That point about real influencers doesn't especially work on influencing is really something people need to hear. Influencers are organically influential. There is no trick at doing it. A person can either move tides or they can't.

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Do you mean to say that you can be an influencer of sorts when you are tweeting a lot about a particular subject? I would love to be considered an influencer and this is an added knowledge for me because I was looking in that direction. We all know that an influencer has many advantages particularly when it comes to marketing that’s why I want to learn how to be an influencer.

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very well explain !!! I think influential peoples are who which is connect with more peoples. It's very useful to make a connection with stronger people its help in marketing.

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Once again I think you have hit the nail on the head in terms of defining the issue and how we can use influencer marketing to our benefit. Thanks for the concise explanation.

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You said it all. Very nice article.

There's no short term when it comes to influencer marketing.

This is a very common mistake of people thinking of making the road shorter by following the wrong ideas. The result - mostly - is a lot of frustration and disappointment (rushing things in a bad way is a waste of time).

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An influencer is a person who has a large number of followers on various social media sites and gets a lot of engagements on his posts. For instance, if he tweets, his tweet will be retweeted or viewed by a large number of people. If he posts an status on his facebook, will receive numerous receive and comments. If we can get such influencer to market our contents, we can receive volume traffic, since the influencer is recommending, we may even get sales.

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I agree that's how things happen most of the times. And that's common on the instagram and youtube too. Lot of people are making money this way. I won't recommend doing things any other way though. Considering a lot of time paid endorsement can go wrong. So one has to be careful with how they do it.

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That's true. If the influencer is promoting too many products, his followers might lose traction, the influencer might even lose his followers. Therefore, while choosing influencer a lot of care should be taken.

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I think lot of influencer usually make use of the product in their random images. So it kind of works out. I guess adding very carefully is the key.Because not using it would be waste of resources. So its definitely a good idea. But I think influencer tricks are different for sure.

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The term "influencer" is something new to me, reading it for the first time here in this post, but I've definitely been familiar with the concept.

For example, if I'm not mistaken, there are plenty of people on YouTube who could be considered influencers. People who run unboxing channels often get sent products for free on behalf of a company, just so their product and brand is exposed to hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

Another example would be Let's Play channels. Many Let's Players get sent copies of video games, sometimes even ahead of the initial release date, for the same reason.

Is there an actual difference between paying an influencer to promote your product and being a sponsor, though? They kind of seem like they're the same thing to someone uneducated such as myself, or at the least just very similar.

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I have found that connecting with stronger and influential people helps with the marketing. And it can give you boost to your marketing posts. You may not be able to get the most out of such campaigns all the time. But it does help with the various types of the post. I think some of the marketing options are not easy to implement with the online social media options. But it depends on how people execute.

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You can find influencer even among your followers/friends on social media. I have a friend on facebook. he has taught in half a dozen schools colleges and universities. he has almost 5000 friends on facebook. When he posts something, he gets 100-200 likes with 15 minutes. I can use his position to market my works.

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It’s not only in business but also in the government you will see the influencer marketing styles. Over here, some government departments are hiring influencers in promoting their interest to the public. In fact, one influencer has been hired by one government department as undersecretary. It goes to show that influencers is a force to reckon with.

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Yeah, the need for them is growing by the day. As we can see, they are always going to assist when you are looking at getting the things done as you get to see that all that you need is to hire the right ones as see better results coming in.

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One thing about influencer marketing is that you are not going to hit the millions immediately when you start as there is need to he patient and hope for the best of it. This is one of the reasons we always ensure that those that are doing this type of marketing understand the need of being patient. You all need to put every thing in place and hope it pays out at the end of the day.

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