
Top 10 Best Sources To Learn SEO From

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Top 10 Best Sources To Learn SEO From

If you are a newbie SEO specialist here on, you will probably want to stay up to that with the latest happenings in the SEO community.
Top 10 Best Sources To Learn SEO From
It took me a long time to accept the fact that I continuously need to follow new developments, news and read case studies written by people much smarter than me and much more connected to everything SEO compared to me. There is no shame in being a nice and even less shame in wanted to improve yourself continuously. 

Keep in mind SEO is a vast topic and in essence, nobody can know it all or practice it all. I believe there is no secret tips or success advice somebody can teach you about SEO; it is all hard work and tedious learning. 

I've written this post because a lot of you here had asked me for SEO tips, SEO learning platforms and best places for SEO news and case studies. So here is my list:

1. Moz - The website. If you are a beginner, probably the best SEO guide around is available on Moz:

This is a complete, well written, updated piece of substantial content that should basically become the Bible of every beginner SEO specialist out there. 

Moz also offers some of the best SEO tools around, most of them being free and probably the cornerstones in the industry like the open site explorer, Moz keyword explorer, and Mozbar.

2. Backlinko - Brain Dead is a fantastic SEO with excellent results! If you want to learn about link building and how to make it on youtube, this is your guy! Aswome case studies that are indeed valuable and provide insights on this you can't really learn without testing them yourself. Backlinko mostly saves you from all that trouble giving straight answers and tips. 

3. Quicksprout - Neil Patel. I personally don't like this guy. He sometimes goes over the top, and it is too "commercialized" for my taste, sometimes I like taking Neil's claims with a little grain of salt. But yeah, overall Quicksprout is an excellent resource for learning new things about SEO and reading big and complete pieces of content and tutorials! 

4. Google Webmaster Central Blog - It doesn't get more official than this. This is Google official blog about indexing, crawling, and SEO. Follow it! Read It! Don't ignore it.

5. Moz Blog - Again with Moz. But yeah. They really have a great blog with lots of case studies, tutorials, and news! The best pieces of content are  Rand Fishkin's White Board Friday. In fact, I don't know why I placed this blog in the fifth position. It should be in the second place right after Moz general.  

6. Search Engine Round Table - Barry Schwartz is one of the biggest veterans in SEO. The man is a legend and has been around ever since SEO was born. He knows it all and is probably the best place for inside news stories about SEO. Make sure you don't miss reading this guy on a daily basis! 

7. Search Engine Watch - Lots of articles by many popular SEO specialists. They publish constructive posts and tutorials, high-quality SEO content that you shouldn't miss. 

8. Other Blogs to follow: Not everyone deserves their own special place on this lists. Here are some of the not so famous SEO blogs out there hut yet still highly important to read and follow: Ahref Blog, SemRush Blog, Kissmetrics Blog, Search Engine Land and Search Engine Jurnal. 

9. Twitter profiles to follow:
Rand Fishkin, Barry Schwartz, Danny Sullivan, Neil Patel, Julie Joyce, Matt Cutts and John Mueller.

10. Google. That is right. What about Google? What about googling your problem? You should try it, it works wonders! 


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WoW, this is great post and thank you for sharing your experience. Some very good tips here and couple of websites i never visited before. Well when it comes to SEO, this is not just for beginners to learn SEO. Even advanced SEO freelancers have to be updated all the time with latest news and algorithm updates from Google and other relevant search engines, so we have to follow up in order to supply our customers with quality SEO services or even to do right things for our blogs

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The best sources to learn SEO from are numerous. No single SEO expert can boast to be the best SEO specialist. You just can learn through many sources online. By using the search engines, your opportunities to learn SEO are unlimited online. Google will do all the jobs for you. Apart from this, there are some affiliate companies online that offer training to members, but persuade people to upgrade to premium in order to have full access.

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I learned a lot of backlinks tricks from the backlinko. And there seems to be very efficient guides on his website. I think for anyone trying to learn about backlinks and the reputation management. It seems like a good resource worth learning about. And even better it seems like a good website in general. I guess even the moz community blog can be good enough for the content as well. So you have to check that part as well.

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This is the first time that I have come across “Backlinko” as a means of learning the ways of backlink building. To be honest with the issue of backlinks, I am really confused until now about the quality backlinks versus bad backlinks. There’s also the no-follow and do-follow URLs that added to my confusion. What if I would post the backlink on a forum or a blog, there are requirements to be followed so I guess I really need to learn more about backlinks for SEO.

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Backlinko blog seems to be a good blog to learn about new methods of getting links. And there seems to be a lot of such blogs. But very few have content that converts. So on that note I'd say that you should check out some basic blogs and then move to some complicated SEo specific agency blogs that offer some good trick in their blogs.

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I would like to put questions on forums and get fast answers about SEO, it is one of my ways to learn SEO.

Some forums I would suggesting are:
Webmaster Sun
Warrior Forum.

Hope that helped.

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Thanks for sharing this, this was quite insightful and refreshing also.I learn my SEO methods from blogs associated with technology but now I have places to check it out.I have just saved this page will be checking all out to know those I really need to work with.Thanks for the added knowledge.

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I'm a newbie in SEO and I really want to learn about this stuff because I'm seeing lots of people earning decent income by offering SEO services to their clients. Thanks for providing this valuable information.

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You're surely going to benefit from MOZ. You'll learn a lot from their guide. And there are plenty of tips and tricks you can learn from the forum. I am guessing that can be useful in many ways. You can see that those sort of stuff can be good in many ways. I have realized that some of the time such SEO based communities can be good enough. So there are plenty of things to learn as well.

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I could design/develop a website but SEO is a skill that I have been lacking ever since. It's because I haven't given much time to learn SEO. But it's the skill that I'm eager to learn now because of the opportunity it brings. Thanks for the information.

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SEO is very easy compared to code. There is nothing secret. Some of the basic thing in the SEO are easily explained in some of the WordPress plugins. So you can do that very easily. But for some really more tricks you have to read up. And to be honest it's not that hard either. You can easily get it done if you work hard enough. So in that context I'd say learning SEO on time is the way to go.

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Most of the tutorials that I've read and watched teaches only how to create the title, metadata, and description. So it really confuses me how to optimize the actual content.

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I think for content related things you should read MOZ. They update a lot of things on weekly basis. And they seem to have a lot of content on that. I have learned most of the SEO updates from that site. And they seem to be really good at what they are doing. So I'd definitely recommend them.

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Make sure you are ready for endless hours of working online if you do decide to do SEO as a means of income. It is really hard work, especially if you have a lot of clients with large orders.

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Maybe I would just limit my clients so that I would not have to work too much and be burnt out. What I like about SEO is I could work from home. If it could give me good income then I would prefer doing SEO rather than working full time on regular job.

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This is definitely a very useful thread. I started to learn about SEO when I created my blog. I am still learning about SEO and I am sure that those sites will help me. SEO is very important nowadays. I also bought some books about SEO and I learned so much from those books.

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Thanks for this. I would say that I'm in between a beginner and an intermediate when it comes to search engine optimisation, so these sites should hopefully be able to help me become a bit more advanced when it comes to knowing a bit more about search engine optimisation. I would also say seocheckout. The community here is quite knowledgeable and if you have questions there will always be someone who can help you out

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Yep, Seocheckout is an incredible source of SEO and other type of information. I have really learned a great deal through it.

I still remember when I was a complete beginner and had no clue about anything SEO related. I felt intimidated but the community here is so friendly that over time I started to feel like at home.

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I agree with you. I would say that like you, I was a bit of a beginner, to be honest with search engine optimisation. But I have read so many comments on here, some of them being posts about tips that users have shared whilst others have been comments that people have left on other users questions, and I have learnt so much from doing so. It is such a great community and I am so glad that I am a part of it because it has helped me become better.

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I personally love to use and read the Moz website and their blog. Both are probably the best platforms for SEO. Even if you aren't a beginner and have some experience, I would suggest reading through.

Their articles and blog posts are so informative. I love the videos as well because they make hard to understand things very simple and easy to grasp.

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Thanks for sharing such useful information. As a beginner. it's very important to learn the basics of SEO. Though some tips have been discussed on this site, it's still a good idea to learn more SEO resources to widen our knowledge about it.

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A lot of useful resources here for newcomers to the world of SEO. Without a doubt Google is one of my favorites, simply because of the fact that you can be as specific as you want about an inquiry and you're almost guaranteed to find an answer. That being said it's probably not the best for someone looking for an all inclusive guide for beginners. Personally I started my education on SEO using a course from I had free access to it while I was in college and the site is absolutely amazing at what it does.

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I AM a newbie, and this post is a very informative one and one that I can take suggestions from which I can put to immediate use! Search Engine Watch looks particularly interesting to me, and I think that I will really learn a lot from there, and from many of these other resources which you have provided. Thanks, also, for the Twitter names to possibly check out and follow. I think that there is always room for all of us to learn more about SEO, no matter how long we have been doing it or how much experience we have amassed. Forums. like this one, always give me interesting new paths to follow.

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Thanks for the post Christian! I appreciated your reminder to keep up to date on your education. It seems obvious, but its the most difficult part of learning any skill, especially SEO. I've been trying to learn for quite sometime now and relaxing after learning something new is the worst thing you can do.

Thanks again for the resources!

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The list omits some of my favorite platforms to learn SEO: hubspot and udemy. I have subscribed to hubspots and they send me email regularly about SEO strategies. I have also attended a SEO course on Udemy. The course has taught me so many things about SEO.

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Interesting list of resources for SEO.

Myself, I am more into Latent Semantic Analysis aka LSA and Latent Semantic Indexing aka LSI. From what I understand, this is closer to understanding how Google search bots work. I remember at one time, keyword stuffing was the in-thing. Then Google caught on and keyword content was degraded. Same thing happened to keyword domain names.

What it boils down to is that there is no way to get around the fact that content is king. So how to measure content? Certainly not by keywords. The answer lies in LSA which leads to LSI. Content has to be coherent to be relevant. Content must revolve around a focal point to be meaningful and valuable to search bots. That's how Latent Semantics works.

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Nice one .... Was thinking on how to run this in my thanks anyway

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I think I like that Google Webmaster Central blog because it is the official blog of Google which is our main subject matter for SEO. And I guess reading those blogs can give me a complete idea of what SEO is all about and how to go about making steps to increase the ranking of a website. But for sure, those blogs will be long and will take time to finish reading everything because I have to admit that there’s a lot of knowledge that I have to learn before I can fully understand SEO.

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