
Going big with one website is risky, spread the effort among an army of smaller websites

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Going big with one website is risky, spread the effort among an army of smaller websites

When you start your online journey, you tend to shoot for the stars when it comes to making money.  In reality, you should be learning along the way and have the stars as your final destination.  You should always think that you need to keep working, even after you're successful, in order to push yourself higher and grabbing, even more, stars, but that will take time and you will need to take baby steps prior to this.  Many people want to put all their efforts into one website because they think that if they invest in one thing, it will be better since they're more focused on one thing and not multiple.  In most cases, this works well, but that's usually for brick and mortar type businesses.  When it comes to working online, you can thin out your efforts across a few websites and make them all successful.

Going big and putting all your effort into one website is risky because you could fail.  If you fail, and you only have one website, you will fail big and possibly be de-motivated to keep going.  Instead of failing big on one website, why not put up a few different websites and have a sort of insurance policy in case one of them does fail.  If one fails, you can rely on the others to help you stay afloat. 

In this discussion, I'll be going over the reasons why you shouldn't start off with a big authority website.  Instead, you should spread your time across multiple websites in order to be safer when it comes to making money online.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket
When you start working on one website with hopes of making it the biggest within a massive niche, you're putting all of your eggs in one basket.  This is never a great idea unless you already have a bunch of other websites making money and you don't have to worry about your mega site to profit anytime soon. 

Big authority websites gain their popularity and trust over time, not right away, through posting massive amounts of high-quality content and engaging with their visitors.  You won't be able to get to this level for some time, so starting off with this plan is never a great idea. 

You will need to have a sort of insurance policy when it comes to online marketing, and by putting all of your eggs in a big authority sites basket, you won't be doing this.  Having multiple smaller websites up and running helps you become an authority over time, so start with this approach and look back in a few years when you start your authority website Going big with one website is risky, spread the effort among an army of smaller websites

Big authority sites aren't always needed for every niche
Many people want to be the authority within their niche, but they don't always need a big authority website to do so.  An authority website is one with massive amounts of content and hundreds of thousands of visitors each month.  You probably don't need that if you're in the "competitive basket weaving" niche lol.

Big authority websites become an authority based on how many people are actually searching for your content and then engage with you.  Of course, you could become a "big authority" in your small niche, but you won't be considered an authority website by most of the marketers because you won't be nearly as big as the rest of the major websites lol.  Think about it, do you have 500,000+ words of content on your website and thousands upon thousands of unique visitors each day?  Probably not, but that's not a big deal because even if you're getting 100 unique visitors to a few of your websites, you can be profitable Going big with one website is risky, spread the effort among an army of smaller websites

Spread the love to multiple smaller websites
Smaller websites, in smaller niches, are almost always easier to rank compared to big authority sites.  This is because big authority websites tend to be in more difficult niches that have more traffic within the niche. 

By spreading the love across multiple smaller websites, you are going to be able to take over a niche or two if they are smaller.  You can add a bunch of content, not nearly as much as an authority website, and still pull in a lot of the traffic across Google and the other search engines for your main keywords. 

Keyword targeting and niche selection are what really determines if you're going to need a big authority website or if you want to set up a few smaller websites in order to take over the first page of the rankings for your keywords.  Taking over the first page of the rankings for your keywords means you will send most of the traffic to your network, meaning you will make even more money compared to having just one website in a small niche Going big with one website is risky, spread the effort among an army of smaller websites

Smaller websites are easier to manage
Big authority websites take a lot of time to manage because you'll have to moderate all the comments in order to remove the spam that ends up getting past your filters, Adding massive amounts of content and marketing your website to be seen as the authority you want to be.

If you're working on multiple smaller websites, you don't always have to worry about the spam coming in because the smaller niches tend to not have as many tech-savvy spammers who can get past your filters Going big with one website is risky, spread the effort among an army of smaller websites

You don't have to invest as much time into smaller websites, unless you want to, in order to be successful.  Of course, the more time you invest into your websites, the more likely they will start bringing in traffic sooner rather than later.

In Conclusion
For all new online marketers, I highly suggest starting up a few different small websites, even if they're in the same niche.  You can be more successful, in a shorter amount of time, if you target smaller niches.  You can invest some or all of your time in these smaller niche websites and see a quicker result since there won't be as much competition, usually.  Smaller websites are almost always easier to manage as well since you won't have as much traffic coming in which can spam you easily.  Simply set up spam filters to block bots, not spiders, so you can automate most of the spam deletion, and you'll be happy you did Going big with one website is risky, spread the effort among an army of smaller websites

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I have to slightly disagree because I think if you know your niche well enough - and have a great marketing plan going in - you can grow one site into a success quite quickly. Managing multiple websites is also very time consuming. On top of having to promote all of them. Expenses play a factor as well. I think a better idea would be to build one brand and then expand on that brand with a few new projects. Thus anything new would be coming from an already established source.

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I actually agree with you. If you know the niche or industry well then it may be wise to just focus on one site because it allows you to focus on it completely. I agree that it's not good to put all your eggs in one basket but sometimes it's better to take that risk. The time you would need to spend on multiple sites would just be too much and because of that I just think that none of them will do that well if you can't spend enough time on each one.

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I agree with you,that's why I'm managing 3 blogs for now.It isn't wise to put all eggs in one basket because anything can happen to the one blog we were nurturing.Risk would surly come but with other sites or blog in tow we can deal squarely with it without been depressed.

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I'm guessing that you agree with the original poster of this post and not me. I didn't agree that it was wise to start a lot of mini-blogs because it just requires so much time and effort. It's better off to put all your time and effort into one site because of the fact that you can do much better by spending a lot of time on it.

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It looks like you have an experience with multiple websites because that’s also my take that it is time consuming. An example of having 5 websites to handle will definitely eat all your daytime hours that you may be needing a virtual assistant to handle the chores not only of maintenance but also of marketing. So how could you do the tracking of the traffic for those 5 sites? You can easily do that if you have only 1 site to handle.

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I also disagree, having multiple websites is a bad idea. Because your workload is spread over multiple websites and your going to over extend yourself and all of your websites are going to suffer or fail. A lot of people believe in the "if you build it they will come idea." And that's the furthest from the truth!

I think people need to be real with people. Because some people will spend every last dime that they have to get a business going that never works. And what's worse is some of them are taking much needed money away from their families. In search of that big break that is never going to happen.

P.S. for anyone thinking about getting rich off the internet. Just think about this for a second! 98% of the websites on the internet don't make a single penny! And out of that 2% that does make some money, 98% of them don't make enough money to live on. So think about those odds before spending money on a website. Only spend money that you're willing to lose!

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To be honest, i tried this idea of running multiple websites in same and different niche, for few different reasons and from my experience it's very hard to maintain, and costly project, time consuming as well... Over last couple of weeks i am actually thinking to invest all my efforts into 1 (or maximum 2 websites) then i can make them better regarding consistency of publishing, marketing and all other aspects...

So i have to disagree as well. To run it as single webmaster without help of others, it's very hard.

From other point of view, running multiple websites makes sense to me as Razzy stated and some reasons not even written here, but as i said, it's a lot of hard work and becoming harder and harder, plus expenses are constantly raising up

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I can't tell you how many good websites and online spaces have had their site runners or operators deliver the dreaded 'I'm leaving to go do this' address to their readers. Basically - the site operator had opened two other sites in addition to the one they were already running. Those other projects began to consume a lot of their time so they decided to step away from their first site to focus on the new ones. They then left someone in charge of their first site while they moved on to further enhance their new sites.

Many problems arose because of this decision. The new person became overwhelmed and didn't know what they were getting into. So they either left or promoted someone under them to do the job instead. Or the new person was fully capable of the workload - but logistically didn't know the site schematics properly enough to get important things posted or to fix something that was malfunctioning. Other incidents that occurred had the original site runner's new projects failing. So they returned to their original site to take back power. But the person they left in charge either did as good or better a job than the old boss. So when the old boss returned - there was a split between the site staff and site readers about whether power should be returned to the old site runner or left with the current one.

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Well that's exactly my fear that something like that could happen on my sites which would be waste of past time and investments Going big with one website is risky, spread the effort among an army of smaller websites

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I have also seen this myself and I will be honest more times than not when the original owner of the website steps down the website starts to tank immediately. Because when you have a vision and you run the website the way you envisioned it, then everything works. But when someone steps in changes everything then it starts to get ugly because most people hate change!

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In as much as I think it might not always work in your favor at the end, opening smaller websites can be rewarding at the end. The only reason this might fail is the site owner fail to find capable hands that can help to bring the smaller sites to good shapes while you, as the site owner, keeps eyes on the big site.

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Some sites can run on their own though. If you can open a site or project that makes money and needs you to maybe check in on it twice a week? Then that would be worth the investment. Most of those types of sites would be image hosting sites. Those really just need MAJOR storage space, ads set up, and a good server. No real mods or admins need to be there every day. Although you'd need to clean the server from time to time of junk uploads.

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I thought about doing this and I ultimately decided to just focus on one because I preferred to just have one blog to focus on. I think this is more applicable to those who see a site or a blog as a business than a hobby, though, as it does sound a lot more practical to do it this way than to put all effort and risk on just one site making it big. I have seen a lot of sites do this and it works great for them, although I would say that I have also seen a lot of other sites that just focused on one place do equally as well. Probably just depends on what you want to get out of it.

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I don't have enough experience to make a truly impactful critique, but my gut instinct tells me that this isn't the way to go for someone starting out in internet marketing.

I feel like it boils down to a matter of quality over quantity. I understand the whole notion of not putting all your eggs in one basket. However, if you're spreading yourself too thin over multiple websites, I don't really see that helping the quality of your content.

Say you're running one website and the content is of truly great quality because you're putting the time and dedication into this one place. I'm sure this is going to earn you at least a degree of respect and authority within your niche.

But let's say you're running multiple sites, and you're trying to churn out somewhat passable content because you have all these sites to manage. I don't know how many people would give that kind of site a second glance.

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I have tried to separate the niches with one website after another. And that never worked out for me. I have noticed that some of the time small websites with less content can be definitely something helps. You just have to however make sure to spend the time and resources on one website at a time. Sometimes I guess going big with one website is the way to go from what I have seen.

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I have tried the smaller, multiple websites thing. From my experience, it was not easier to handle. I understand the idea of not putting all your eggs in one basket, But, I really think you need one main site.

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I like your tips on spreading out your efforts on various websites. I would agree though with the above poster, that having one central website where you base most of your efforts makes the most sense. It is just the easiest to keep track of in my opinion.

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When I first started my online business I was selling on three different sites and I rarely did business with the same customer on the different sites. This is what actually helped me to grow my business. I think the same principle can be applied to website creation.

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Of course. If you have the time and resources to do it. The thing is - not everyone does. Some people do - but feel it would eat up too much of their downtime. Which is necessary for recharging and re-energizing.

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Don't put all the eggs in one basket is the best mantra I have ever heard of doing a business. Therefore, when I was ready to launch my own website, I registered many domains. Once I bought the hosting plan, I did not buy a plan to host a single domain, instead, I bought a hosting plan that could host multiple accounts. Currently, I have half a dozen websites and blogs in different niches. I admit none of these are very good, but I believe having many websites lesson the risk.

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Yes having multiple websites is nice, but what you put too much focus on all of those websites everything suffers. I am pretty sure that I might have killed my current website before it started because of real life issues and I couldn't give it the attention that it needed. Summertime I had 5 times more traffic per day then I am getting every month now.

So right now I am in crisis mode trying to fix the website so that I can get traffic again and hopefully new members. I have fixed so many back-end problems and website problems and I put the website on a VPS to hopefully attract new members.

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That's true. I have many websites and I am unable to give love to each of these websites. I have set different facebook pages for each of my website, however, I am unable to d enough promotion for my website. Having too many websites is like traveling on two boats with one leg on each bot. You will never reach anywhere, or you will encounter an accident.

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I agree with the adage not to put all your eggs in one basket. When it goes down, everything goes down with it. However, I know of some business persons who take the risk of expanding their only business with a calculated risk. When the going is great, especially when the clients are continuously multiplying, it cannot be helped but to go on expansion. That is what you call visible growth which you should grab.

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