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Organic Rankings [VS] Paid Rankings - Which you should target first
When you start out, you won't know much of a difference between organic rankings and paid rankings. Both of these rankings are shown on the same pages, but once you pay for and the other is earned over time through various methods of SEO. As an online marketing, I've been working on various projects for clients in terms of increasing their rankings and managing their advertising accounts in order to get their business in front of the eyes of potential buyers.
Many people want to be at the top of the search engine results pages because that's where all the traffic is. If you end up on page 2 or 3, you won't get a flood of traffic since not many people will look past page 1 for the information they want or need. Companies usually rely on their organic and paid rankings in order to bring in a consistent amount of sales each day so they can keep the doors open and become the top company in their industry. Without paid and organic rankings, a website won't get much traffic unless they are advertising directly through webmasters and paying each of them for ad space.
In this discussion, I'll be going over what organic and paid rankings are exactly, why you need them and which one you should go after first in order to have a successful business in the shortest amount of time ![Organic Rankings [VS] Paid Rankings - Which you should target first Organic Rankings [VS] Paid Rankings - Which you should target first](https://www.seocheckout.com/images/emoticon/emoticon-smile.png)
What are Organic Rankings Exactly?
Organic rankings are when you show up on page 1, or lower, within the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and Bing. To get top organic rankings for your websites or blogs, you need to do proper on-page optimization as well as quality off page optimization.
On Page Optimization:
You will need to focus on a few things when it comes to on-page optimization, such as:
- Header tags
These tags are like putting tabs on the titles within your pages. This lets the search engines know exactly what is going to be talked about in the next section. Getting a keyword in the header tags is crucial, especially the first couple.
- Titles
These titles are different than the header tags. These titles are what will show up in the tabs you open up within your browser. You edit these within the code and add a sentence that titles the page.
- Descriptions
These are similar to the Titles because you'll have to add them within the code itself. These allow you to write up short descriptions of the page, and you can add a couple keywords within each description.
- Contents Keyword Density
This is one of the trickier parts of on-page optimization because you need to watch how many times your keyword gets in your content. I try not to get over a 3% keyword density but some people still feel safe with 5% or higher. In all honesty, going over 3% keyword density might make your content seem spammy anyway, so try to make it more readable and the search engines will love you more.
What are Paid Rankings Exactly?
Paid rankings are pretty easy to explain because you're just paying the search engines for your rankings at the top of their search results. You will set up a Cost Per Click (CPC) or a Cost Per Measure (CPM) campaign and pay a varied amount depending on your niche.
- Cost Per Click (CPC)
A lot of advertisers will go the CPC route because they can be guaranteed a certain amount of clicks for their daily investment. If you're setting your CPC at $2.25 per click and your daily limit is $15, you can expect around 40 clicks a day. People can measure the success of their campaigns easier with this type of bid because everything is easy to estimate before you even begin the campaign.
- Cost Per Measure (CPM)
A cost per measure campaign is when you pay forever 1,000 impressions of your ad. You could make more money with this type of advertising if you have well-converting ads and sales pages, but you could also lose a lot of money if you don't put time into your ads. You can potentially make more with this type of advertising because you could bid $10.00 per measure (1,000 views) and get 100 clicks on your ad. With CPC you could have bid $2.25 per click, and getting 100 clicks would mean you just spend $40 on your ad that day. Now, CPM campaigns can also get you 0 clicks for every measure, making your campaign a dead one.
What are the Benefits of Organic Rankings?
Everyone wants organic rankings, but they aren't exactly the easiest thing to obtain since they usually take a while to start showing up. They take a while because you have to prove to the search engines that you're the main authority within your niche and you should be rewarded with some high-quality traffic from their search results.
Organic traffic is 100% free to get, you will never have to pay for a single visit if you are ranked #1 for all of your keywords. The SEO services that you'll likely have to purchase are not free, which will help you immensely when it comes to ranking for all of your keywords. SEO companies make a decent amount of money because the investment is worth it for most businesses, even though the results aren't seen right away.
What are the Benefits of Paid Rankings
The benefits of paid rankings are that you don't have to worry about the search engines to rank you, like organic rankings and search engine optimization. You can literally pay your way to the top of the search results and get high converting traffic right away, as soon as your ad is approved of course.
Which Should I Target First?
Most people who don't have an advertising budget will start doing their own SEO so they can rank higher for their keywords, which is smart but could actually damage their rankings if they don't know what they're doing. I would suggest researching SEO's best practices before you go out on your own and building backlinks. If you do have an advertising budget, I would highly recommend going with Adwords (Googles Advertising Platform) and getting to the top of the rankings as soon as you're approved. I would also suggest to do SEO, or invest in it, right at the beginning as well as run some ads if you can. And if you have a big enough budget, you should invest in a credible SEO company as well as some paid ads so you can get traffic in right away as well as build up your authority within the search engines and rank higher over time
In conclusion
Paid and organic rankings aren't anything new when it comes to making money through your website. Paid rankings are easier to get because you're just buying your way to the top, while organic rankings take time but can bring in a lot of free traffic from keywords you might not even have been targeting. Both paid and organic rankings have their benefits and downsides, but the benefits vastly outweigh the downsides so you should be doing both in order to be successful online
Remember to follow me!
At least in my experience, when I see that a site has paid for their rank, I feel no inclination to click on it. It gives me this automatic assumption that their content isn't good enough to be ranked organically, so instead they have to pay for it. Because of this, I scroll right by them and go to the first organically ranked search result.
This isn't always the case, but I do find that it is my initial impulse. I personally feel like everyone should try to shoot for organic ranking, even if you have the budget for paid ranking. If I'm not mistaken, don't sites which have paid ranking have a little "ad" symbol next to them when they turn up in your search results? At least in my experience, when I see that a site has paid for their rank, I feel no inclination to click on it. It gives me this automatic assumption that their content isn't good enough to be ranked organically, so instead they have to pay for it. Because of this, I scroll right by them and go to the first organically ranked search result. This isn't always the case, but I do find that it is my initial impulse.
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