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Types of methods to make money online, and what you should start with
When it comes to making money online, there's no guide to show you where to start and what you should be doing. When I started my "Make Money Online" journey, I didn't really know what I was doing because I just jumped in and followed the very first method and system I came upon. I spent years of researching and failing until I knew enough about websites in order to start turning a profit. But don't worry, I'm here to help you out if you're a beginner on your road to success with online profits 
Starting off when there's no direction to follow means you have to do massive amounts of research prior to just jumping in. Unlike me, where I just grabbed the first system I came across and ran with it, you will need to figure out what works best for you and your time. If you have a little bit of time to do the work, you won't be able to do anything that takes hours a day to complete and run properly. On the other hand, if you do have a ton of time on your hands, you can do pretty much anything. You can run a big authority website and manage it for hours upon hours each day, or you can set up multiple websites and focus on each of them for an hour a day. Really, the decision is up to you and your schedule.
In this discussion, I'll be covering some of the main ways to make money online, and those are:
Becoming an Affiliate
Affiliate marketing is nothing new when it comes to making money online. There have been some big affiliates out there making millions a year through their own systems and tricks to pull in sign-ups. You won't be a master affiliate overnight, but in time you can definitely make enough money in order to quit your day job and go online full time 
- People this is good for:
If you don't need to build a second income, becoming an affiliate is a good thing to get into. You won't be profiting right away, so if you don't have to rely on your affiliate commissions, in the beginning, you can build your income stream gradually. No affiliate income stream is built overnight, so invest some time into this and build it gradually. You might get some big breaks, and have some great months in terms of profits, but that can all change later on. I would suggest running multiple offers on multiple websites before you even think of doing this full time.
- People this is bad for:
Becoming an affiliate marketer isn't a great idea if you need to make some quick cash. You won't see a lot of profits coming in right away because you will need to learn and develop, a lot of your own tricks in order to pull in sales. Even if you get a lot of sales, you won't get a payout right away. Some affiliate systems pay out once a month, and you could likely miss the payout date and have to wait 30 days before you see any money coming in.
Being a Blogger
Blogging is great to do if you have a lot of knowledge on a subject. I wouldn't recommend blogging about something if you don't know what you're talking about. The big bloggers usually stick to a niche and industry they're familiar with, this is because they don't have to do massive amounts of research prior to posting.
- People this is good for:
Blogging for profits is good for anyone really, as long as you can write a decent amount of quality content on a subject you're familiar with.
- People this is bad for:
Again, this is bad for those people who think they're going to make money hand over fist almost immediately after starting. You won't see a ton of traffic and sales or clicks until you become an authority within your niche. Once you become an authority, you will notice more and more people coming to your website and clicking your ads or links.
Running an eCommerce Website
When you get a little more advanced, you can start selling products online. This is what is called eCommerce and you've probably seen hundreds of these websites online. If you can go to a website and purchase a physical product that gets shipped to you, you're on an eCommerce website
Types of eCommerce
Selling Your Own Products - You can develop and make your own products then sell them on your own eCommerce website. This will make it so you are operating and making your own products that are being sold on your own website. You won't be relying on other people to ship out your items since you have complete control over what is happening with your business.
Dropshipping Other Peoples Products - This type of eCommerce is what a lot of people gravitate towards because it's simple and effective if you do it right. Dropshipping means you are selling other peoples products, but it looks like they are your very own. You sell the products on your website, under your name, and they get sent out under your own name or business name. This works well if you can set up your eCommerce website an automate the purchase to shipping tasks. If you have a lot of sales and have to do everything manually, you could go crazy in a little amount of time lol.
- People this is bad for:
Drop shipping isn't a good thing to get into if you don't have the time to invest into it, as well as an advertising budget. If you're trying to dropship items, it will take time to source the right products and set up the orders if you do eventually get sales. If you don't have some money to invest into advertising, you probably will think this type of website setup doesn't work. You won't see high rankings very quick because you're running a new website and rankings take time.
- People this is good for:
Drop shipping is great for people who are already established online or people who aren't worried about making one or two sales a month after they take hours upon hours to set up their website. You won't be rich overnight with drop shipping, but you can make a few thousand a month with free marketing methods. You will have to build up your profits over time, and that is the main reason people are deterred from this.
Selling a Service Online
This is one of the best ways to make money online, but you need to have a skill or a high level of knowledge when it comes to making money in specific niches and industries. I've been running my company for a long time now, and I certainly didn't have the knowledge when I first started out, that's why I didn't incorporate until I was working online for 4 years lol. I learned everything I could in my industry, and then I strived out to make money online. I had a job at the time, so I wasn't worried about how much I made online. I treated it as a learning experience and after enough time had passed, and me getting fired from my job lol, I started working online full time.
- People this is bad for:
This type of method to make money online isn't good for people who aren't dedicated. You will need to have a lot more dedication with this type of setup because it's all on you. You can't rely on someone to send out a product or someone to click on a link and make you a few bucks through a commission. If you don't have an original thought in your head, or you can't think outside of the box even a little, this type of work is not going to be good for you.
- People this is good for:
Selling your own services online is great for anyone who has a high drive. You will basically be running your own business and putting your name on it. You are the type of person that wants to make all of the money and not have to give someone else a commission or get a little bit of the total profits because you're simply an affiliate to someone selling a service.
In Conclusion
There are many ways to make money online, these are just the main ones that people gravitate towards. You can test out all of these, or just stick with one, to decide what works best for you. Blogging is usually a good thing to start with if you have some extra time on your hands, even 20 minutes a day to post to your blog is good enough. Getting up to the eCommerce and your own services level takes much more knowledge and effort, but you can still do it if you simply put in the time to research everything you can
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