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Everyone who starts working as a freelancer thinks it's just going to be rainbows and sunshine, but that's far from the truth. You're going to screw up from time to time, and some of those times could kill your website completely, making it a requirement to start over from scratch. Now that won't happen every time, maybe not at all with you, but it's a possibility that could happen so you need to try and do everything right in order to avoid this.
If you're a freelancer, you will fail from time to time, but you need to learn from it and not let it get you down. Think of it this way, you're doing the work so you can make money and you mess up, it's similar to going to school and failing a test. The only difference is that the work you're doing to make money will set you back further than a bad test score lol. This is why you need to learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them over and over again. The more you screw up, the more money you'll lose in the long run because people can't find your site after you gained a penalty or your customers don't like the work you did because it's sub-par.
In the following sections I'll be talking about why you shouldn't be afraid to fail, think of it as a learning experience.
Failing is inevitable, you won't get it right from day 1
Not every business you see was successful from day 1. In fact, there are plenty of business owners that are on their 2nd or 3rd try with owning their own business and they had to screw up a bunch prior to being successful. More than 70% of businesses fail within the first 3 to 5 years. That means the successful businesses, if they're on their 3rd try, have at least 10 years of business experience behind them and can make it look easier than most people.
When you fail at something you can't let it get you down, it's a learning experience. I've failed plenty of times in the past from burning websites to the ground on accident to buying bad ad space that I wasn't sure was going to pan out. All I had to do was some research and I could have avoided these devastating mistakes. Nowadays I research 2 or 3 times and then make a purchasing decision, unlike when I started out and I would just take chances.
Failing teaches you how to set up and run your next website even better
Like mentioned before, failing at something will be a learning experience so you know what not to do the next time. If you keep setting up websites and building 1,000,000 profile backlinks over night using Xrumer, but still wondering why your sites get penalized, I don't think you're learning too much.
I myself have burned a website or two while a long time ago because I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing when it came to SEO. Now I know that I can't run GSA SER on all of my pages at the same time and expect to be ranked #1 for every single keyword possible, because Google will hate me if I do lol. It was a learning experience and now I do everything manually, if possible, until I start to gain some authority within my niche. Until I'm an authority, I don't think of using software at all, and even when I do use software it's never on my website or tier 1 links
Failing might inspire ideas for your next successful project
When you're working on your next big idea and it's not panning out how you expected, there are usually some hidden gems in your process that can be set up as their own business idea. There have been times I took months to set up a business plan and when it started to fail I had that "Ah Ha!" moment. I noticed a few little things within the business idea and website that I could just simplify and run as it's own service, and it worked out very well for me
Your ideas don't have to be too complicated, like my example above, in order to be successful. You might fail at the crazy difficult ideas as often as you fail at the smaller ideas. How you get back up and overcome your failures is what makes you successful.
You never know how many failures it will take before you become successful online, so never give up
In Conclusion:
You need to be learning everything you can as often as you can. I rarely read books because I'm always online reading forums and blogs in order to learn what I need to know about tips, tricks and techniques both old and upcoming. My girlfriend says I never read when I'm at home, but in reality I'm reading for 6+ hours a day because I'm constantly researching and learning new things. If you do end up failing, big or small, be sure to pick apart everything to see why exactly you failed. If you can figure out why you failed, you will know how not to do the same thing the next time you try to take over your niche
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