
4 ways to incorporate email marketing into blogging

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4 ways to incorporate email marketing into blogging

When you're blogging, you're posting information that was previously researched or something you already have a vast knowledge on.  Usually these posts will be enticing to your audience since they have similar interests to what your blog is all about.  Now, email marketing is a way to get the word out to your subscribers which helps with branding and engagement.  Both blogging and email marketing should be combined as a sort of 1 - 2 punch marketing plan, because they compliment each other very well.  Many big bloggers have learned the secrets of combining blogging and email marketing, and they've even opened up about it many times, have you caught on yet?

Blogging will help increase your rankings and help you bring in people from the search engines, while email marketing helps get your current readers engaged a bit more.  Getting people on your website through blogging, getting them to sign up to your newsletter and then selling them in your email marketing campaign is what you should be doing to push your sales sky high.

Even though email marketing and blogging are two different methods to get your information out, they work the same way since they are used to get people on your website or blog to make a sale.  Both methods of content distribution are great for branding and promotion, so they should almost always work in tandem with each other.  Both of these things, blogging and emailing, compliment each other very well since you can promote your newsletter through your blog posts and you can promote your blog posts through your email marketing campaign.  One thing to remember before you start, everyone is on their phone in today's world, so make sure everything you do is mobile friendly 4 ways to incorporate email marketing into blogging  

Now that you're caught up a little on how blogging and email marketing compliment each other, lets dive in a little deeper 4 ways to incorporate email marketing into blogging

1) Your blog posts are like pieces of candy
One of the best ways to get your newsletter subscribers to click through to your website is to add links from your blog posts to your emails.  This will be like you're adding little pieces of candy to your newsletters and people can cherry pick what they want to read.  You can set up some third party services like MailChimp and Aweber to help you automate everything, but if you can't afford those just yet, you can easily do everything manually 4 ways to incorporate email marketing into blogging

Sending out weekly, bi-weekly or even a monthly newsletter with all of your top blog posts is a great way to get people to engage with your blog.  You can cherry pick your blog posts by which ones are getting the most traffic, shares and comments.  When you have a few picked out, simply add them to your email and send them out.  You won't have to do much research on if these blog posts are going to perform well because your current visitors already did the split testing for you 4 ways to incorporate email marketing into blogging

2) Share your guest blogging post with your readers
A lot of people don't do this because they feel that they are just giving away their own traffic.  In reality, this is completely false because the person reading your email won't unsubscribe from you after they read another blog post on a different website.  The blog post you're sending them to was written by you, which gives you a little boost of authority in the readers eye.  They will think "Hey, I subscribe to this guys blog and he's sharing information on this website too!  How Cool!" and they will return to your blog right after they're done reading the guest post you made, usually.

3) Free content updates
If you have a page on your website or blog that offers free information, services or software you can always use it to bring in massive amounts of traffic.  You will usually get a decent amount of traffic from the search engines because people love free stuff, but your subscribers list will love getting updates when you add more free stuff to your website for them to use for their own benefits.

People tend to share this type of information with their friends, family members, colleagues and even random people around the internet since it's free and useful 4 ways to incorporate email marketing into blogging  This will only increase your subscribers list and in turn snowball in a positive way 4 ways to incorporate email marketing into blogging

4) Use Social Media for almost everything
Social media platforms are only getting bigger each day, which means they are getting more advanced by adding advertising analytics and tweaking them for your benefit.  Since there are massive amounts of people on social media platforms, it's a no brainer that you should be on them as well in order to pull in more readers and subscribers.

Posting on Facebook alone won't usually get you a ton of subscribers that you can eventually put into your email marketing campaigns.  You will have to boost your posts or set up an ad campaign in order to get people to either your blogs Facebook page or by sending them directly to your blog posts.

In Conclusion:
There are many more ways to help tweak your blogging and email marketing campaign, I just touched base on the main ones that the bigger companies are using in order to keep their readers coming back in.  Getting your readers to come back to your blog through an email isn't a difficult thing to do, you just need to know what to show them in order to get the engagement you desire.  By adding your more popular blog titles along with a snippet of text from the body of each will usually entice them enough to click through and read what is on your website 4 ways to incorporate email marketing into blogging

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Your number one above is excellent. I am slapping myself right now for not having thought of this idea before! If you entice those on your mailing list with bits of this "candy", as you call it, then they should want to come to your page looking for more or to finish the passage which you gave them a snippet of. This totally makes sense! I also like the idea of maximizing the posts which obviously show that they have the most appeal and popularity. I am definitely going to steal this technique from you!

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I like the candy metaphor too..or little nuggets of information you pass along to your readers. It is simply the way to get the kind of information and readership you need when you are looking for others to benefit from your knowledge and to read your blog on a regular basis.

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The email and blogging is a good combination because they complement each other. The email can promote the blog and the blog can somehow promote the business that you are promoting in the email. Adding the snippets of the blog in the email is like giving the email an item that is interesting. It is an advertisement, all right, but it depends on the kind of writing. If you are creative with your email then the ad for your blog would be as enticing as a trailer of an upcoming movie.

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snake oil
~ a substance with no real medicinal value sold as a remedy for all diseases.
~ a product, policy, etc. of little real worth or value that is promoted as the solution to a problem.

Someone casually remarked one time that they felt social media was nothing but “snake oil” being sold to the masses. I understood their frustration because it wasn't really bringing in massive traffic to their site. By the way, their site is awesome. He's a chef and a food blogger. But since he has a real job, I suspect he doesn't have the time to devote to his social media management. As for me, I would not have an online presence were it not for social media. It was literally the only way to connect with fellow humans. So I follow your 4th tip religiously.

Your Number 3 Tip, however, has peaked my interest. That is something I have not tried and I think I shall explore this further. Thanks!

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Yes, I think that are problems with social media "experts" so to speak, however, that being said there doesn't mean that there are not things to be learned from these people. I think that alot of it is common sense, but not necessarly with out merit.

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Thanks for these great ideas. I have blogs and I try to publish regularly. There was a time when I used to send emails to my subscribers, however, I stopped doing this because there was almost zero conversion. After few months, I stopped sending newsletters. Email marketing works only when you have genuine subscribers who are actually interested in the contents and products you are promoting.

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It really does seem like an underrated method of marketing these days. I always just tweet out or share on other social media platforms what article I've uploaded, but that's mostly because I'm not really treating the blog as a business just yet and more just as a hobby. I imagine that if I were to take it more seriously, there is much benefit that can be found in giving the readers some type of round up every few articles where they can see a review of what topics have been discussed in their absence.

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I am making that move from hobbyist to business man, when it comes to blogging, this past year myself, and it is definitely a learning process. I was happy with the readers and audience I had, but a lot them. and a lot of my friends, started saying, "You know, really should start getting paid for this seeing as how much time and energy you put into it". So i started researching and doing things like frequenting blogs such as this where there are usually some really good suggestions about how to increase your pay and audience traffic.

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Candy, eh? Interesting concept. Never really thought about it that way.

Myself, I have always looked at my content as a well of knowledge. I put my knowledge and experience into the well. And, hopefully, my visitors find my content to be useful. Sort of like quenching their thirst for something to add to their own knowledge and experience.

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Yes, one can only hope that the visitors are "thirsty" for the knowledge that you provide though. It seems like sometimes they are, and sometimes they aren't. Hate to be hazy on this one, but I am gonna have to all "depends" really. I guess you can just put it out there and hope for the best.

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Depending on the niche of your blog and the frequency in which you post content to your blog, I think sending either weekly or even month newsletters with links to your blog posts is a great idea. It can definitely help increase engagement with your content and it may even encourage a few users to view your blog after seeing the newsletter that you have sent them.

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I tend to look at email marketing as a necessary evil. Most that I receive get deleted without me ever looking at them. But, there is one company that sends me emails 5 to 10 times a day and I look at every single one, and will visit the site at least once a day. Their emails are very targeted and personalize, and I am still trying to figure out how to use what they do on my own site.

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I am still not sure how to use it for my freelance business though. I mean I have done this for clients. And I can recommend for other business. But not sure how that can be useful for my business. That's one thing I am trying to learn here. There may be some options in such case that can make this useful. But overall it seems to be something I wish to learn as well. And wish to invest into the email if that converts for me.

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Maybe I will go for the social media marketing because for me, that is the most practical approach for marketing your business. The social media is the largest pasture there is so we can cultivate it for our purpose. But for starters, you need to have an active account with a substantial number of friends and followers. You can exploit those people in your social media network for the support to your blogs. And if your blog’s niche is relevant to them, you already have an instant audience for your blog.

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