
Google is always grading you, then ranking you

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Google is always grading you, then ranking you

Google is ranking you based on some very specific factors, how are you standing out from the crowd?   Did you know that there are at least a billion websites in the world today?  That means if every website has an average of 10 pages, there are at least 10,000,000,000 web-pages that are competing for the top of Googles rankings.  Now, this estimate is far off because I've never had a website under 75 pages, but 10billion is a nice number to work with so that's what I'll be sticking with Google is always grading you, then ranking you

There is a massive amount of information out there that you have to compete with.  Sure, not all of it is going after the same keywords as you, but there is enough competition for every keyword that there needs to be a sort of grading system implemented by Google so their users get the highest quality content in front of them for each and every search done.

Unlike what some people are saying, search engines are extremely smart and will know about your blog or website shortly after you go live.  This is due to their search algorithms and spiders, or bots, that will go out and explore the internet for new websites and pages to add to the search index.  Once you're added, it's pretty tough to get removed, unless you do something really bad and get your entire domain penalized and then de-indexed. 

When it comes to Google grading your website, there are a few things you can do to stay in their good graces and get a better score than your competition.

  • Your Content Length:  It's been tested plenty of times, and the results always show that blogs and websites wil pages of content over 1,000 words will almost always rank better than a competitor with 100 to 300 words of content.  This is because you can obviously get more information within the 1,000 words than you can 100 to 300.  Google wants their users to have the best experience possible, so having more content is always better than a little snippet of info.
  • Content Spelling and Grammar:  Your spelling and grammar should be top notch if you want Google to see you as an authority.  If you're using a ton of slang, spelling words wrong or butchering your grammar, you can expect your rankings to be tanked until you fix the problem.
  • Your Traffic: The amount of traffic you get isn't a direct reason as to why you get a better grade.  Your traffic will always help by increasing your shares and comments, which do help you out.
  • Your Shares:  Your visitors will share your website or blog, resulting in Google noticing you're becoming a power to be rewarded.  More shares means people are liking your website, and Google will love this.
  • Your Blog Comments:  Comments on your website or blog will help increase the word count on your pages, increasing the chances of ranking in the top spot for your desired keywords.  Google will see people engaging with your website and boost your rankings because others are having conversations with each other on your pages Google is always grading you, then ranking you

Google will also take into account the optimization of your pages.  This is actually kind of funny because if they think you're optimizing for them, they will knock your rankings, but if they think you're optimizing for your readers they will boost your rankings exponentially lol. 

What you will need tooptimize
  • Your Titles:  When you're optimizing your titles, you will want to get your keyword right at the bginning for the best affect.  It's not a huge deal if your keyword is in the middle of the title, just try to avoid having it right at the end.
  • Your Descriptions:  Optimizing your descriptions is a little easier than your titles because you can fit more characters into it.  You will be able to put 1 or 2 keywords into your descriptions where as your titles should only have 1.
  • Your Header Tags:  Your header tags let Google know what part of the page is about what.  It's like having sticky notes on your pages for Google to reference as they are reading down the page.
  • Your Alt Tags:  Alt tags need to be optimized to help Google reconginze images better.  The more optimization you do for your users (google) the better your rankings tend to be lol.
  • Your Content:  When writing your content, try not to go over 4% keyword density.  I try to stay around 2% or 3% just in case Google decides to change their mind on how many keywords per 100 words there can be for top rankings, but this is up to you. 

What you'll essentially be doing is giving away free content that people actually want to read.  It has to be factual and unique at the same time, you can copy and paste false information to your website and expect top rankings for all of your keywords.  Google is much smarter than you think, and if you're caught doing this, you will notice a nice little slap.  You need to have your content written in a way that it will increase engagement from your users.  If you just post any sort of garbage writing, you can expect Google to hate your website and not move you to the top of the results pages anytime soon.

In Conclusion:
Treat your website or blog like it was your house.  You want it to be nice and clean for your friends and family who are coming over to watch a sporting event, or whatever else is on TV lol.  If your friends and family come in and say "Your house smells great!" or "I love your living room" that's the same as visitors coming in and commenting on your posts or sharing your content Google is always grading you, then ranking you

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Well it is interesting to know the kind of things that Google grades you on. I would have thought that it was strictly based on traffic, but apparently that is not the case. Thanks for the breakdown of how Google is looking at your site and what they are looking for.

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I know that Google and other search engines have been checking on the sites at random. The list of criteria may be longer than that because there are other elements that search engines evaluate like the design of your site and also the design of the web pages. But as I said, everything is done on a random basis since the search engine couldn’t check all the criteria on your site.

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So much to keep in mind when trying to get ahead of the competition.

Content length seems to be an ever changing issue. I remember when the recommended word count for blog posts would be between 500-800 words. This was the magic number that I'd find on a lot of instructional guides for starting and maintaining a successful blog.

These days it would seem that people consistently recommend 1500-2000+ words. I wonder if that number is going to grow, or finally reach a point where people unanimously decide these posts are getting just way too long.

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Great post here--and those numbers are no less than daunting. I think that I am pretty concerned with my titles and keywords; I worry that they can be either TOO unique, and thus obscure, or not unique enough, and thus, well, obscure. I can see treating my blog like it's my house, but I don't want it to be some generic house found in every other cul de sac. I think I need to find a way to strike a balance between my own creative play with language and with what is being searched out there, but that most likely comes with practice. I think that your suggestion regarding content length is also a very important one. I've actually seen many blogs where the responders are doing more development, consistently, than the blogger himself, and I thin that, overall, this should not be the case for your blog.

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Very informative post and thanks for sharing your experience Google is always grading you, then ranking you I agree with you completely. However there is constant war on ranking between white hat and black hat. Google algorithm is very smart and getting smarter every day, but there is still a lot of ways around people looking by trying to avoid clean game and overtake competitors at any price, no matter what...
I do still believe that "clean house" win in long run, so let's stick to white hat SEO and win

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thanks for this write up,I have always known that get ranked on the first 3 pages on Google isn't just on one factor,so many factors come into play but couldn't really pinpoint them.You did a great job by showing us these points.

I have really assimilated them and I will be working solely with see if I will have the needed effect and result.

I'm a culprit comes to writing short posts, I hope to refrain from that.

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I remember the days when search engine optimisation just involved you having your website link all over the internet. You could just create a page that had your link repeated thousands of times and it would help you rank better for searches. But like you said, search engines are a lot smarter now which means your content has to be excellent. You cannot get away with poor content that people do not find useful anymore.

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I am not sure how this works. But I have seen scraped content, and the content with grammar mistake ranking. So it's kind of weird to see how google gives preference. I think a lot of SEO speak is hearsay. Because if grammar and content quality were to be ranking why do we see the scraped and copied content to be ranking more. That's the thing that is puzzling me a lot lately. So we have to think about how the google changes affect us in many ways. We learn from those things slowly.

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The thing is that it is not just spelling and content quality that matters. There are other things that Google takes into consideration which means that they are obviously doing something else very well because of the fact that they are ranking well even though they have poor quality content. It could also be due to the fact that they are targetting a less popular keyword which will help them rank higher even with poor content.

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Yes that's my point. Because many forums have members who are posting in SMS lingo. And they seem to be ranking too. So it does not mean that one site has to be grammatically correct for things to go good. I'd say that alot of SEO stuff is heresay for the same reason. And lot of such content quality related stuff is pure assumptions.

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Wow. It's amazing to know the numbers on this. How a billion website will compete against each other constantly. When you think of it and how it evolves through the years it still gives a fair fight for newcomers.

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Yes, you are graded and ranked by Google and other search engines with your website based on parameters such as plagiarism detection, content accuracy and length, the use of English grammar, SEO skills and reflections. The success of any online business depends on these parameters. If your website is catching tons of traffic daily, it's obvious that you built a solid foundation for your online business. Before getting started, it's safer to begin with adequate training.

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Very informative post. I used to think it was difficult to understand how Google ranks webpages. Now I know the rudiments.

I've read and tried a lot of ways to make my webpage rank better on Google all to no avail. It's been tough keeping up with their strict guidelines.

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in addition to everything stated in the original post, I have also read that Google's latest algorithm evaluates user behavior in real time. So, as an example, if a web page starts to have a poor bounce rate, that is added to their evaluation and almost immediately reflected on results pages the next time a search is performed.

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I have been writing online since 2010. However, blogging is relatively a new vocation for me. I did not launch my blog until the end of 2015. Since I had a long experience with online writing, when I launched my blogs, I was already equipped with techniques. However, sometimes even if you know the techniques, you seem to omit some of the important points. Thankfully, I am following most of your tips, however, I very often forget header tag and alt tag.

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I think the spelling and grammar of the content will not matter much because of the tools that can be used. There is the speller of the word processor and I think it also has a grammar check. And with the website, there is Grammarly that is a clone of the speller and grammar check. But I know there are still errors in that aspect so that website with errors will suffer in ranking because of Google’s grading system.

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