
What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing

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What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing

Everyone hopefully knows they need content for their websites and blogs, I hope.  So when you're writing your blog posts or making sub pages full of content on your website, are you doing it on your own or outsourcing the article writing?  If you are doing it all on your own and being a super hero, that's awesome!  The sad truth is that most people who own a business don't usually have the time to do this task on their own.  Another reason they don't do it on their own is because their grammar might not be at a level that the readers expect from the niche the blog or website owner is in. 

If you are struggling to do all the content yourself, you will likely need to outsource the work to an article or content writer.  The upside to this is that there are plenty of writers out there that can get the job done.  The downside is that there are plenty of writers out there that will screw up the job you are hiring them for lol.  Because of this, you will need to weed out the bad writers by using a few simple steps, which are:

Hiring a native writer
When you need high quality content for your website, you won't usually get it if you hire someone from India and you're in the USA.  This is because English is not the first language of someone in India.  Now if you're looking for something in Hindi, you can always go to a writer in India and get some great content written up.

There are few exceptions to this rule.  A good example of this rule is if you are in the United States and needed some content written up, but you're on a budget and can't afford to hire someone like myself.  You need good content, but you can't afford to pay a native writer, it's frustrating.  The loophole with this is to figure out where English is a primary language of a country, but not necessarily the first language.  I like outsourcing work to people in the Philippines because they are taught English in school from their very first day.  This means that their primary language isn't English, but they are still very fluent and can write well if they keep up their studies.  I actually outsource a lot of work to the Philippines because they are extremely fluent in English and it's easier to keep up a conversation with them since there isn't a language barrier.

Asking plenty of questions prior to hiring the writer
This may be pretty obvious, but you need to ask questions prior to hiring someone.  If you're here on Seocheckout and thinking of outsourcing the work to a freelance writer, you will want to be sure they know what they are talking about before you start the job. 

I recently started my own writing service here on Seocheckout and noticed almost every client asking a few questions prior to purchasing content from me.  I wrote up my service page in a way that would reduce the amount of incoming questions, but everyone still wants to get in touch prior to purchasing What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing 

You can see how I wrote my service here:

If you look through it, I tried to answer as many questions as I could think of, without making the sales page too long. 

Questions you should ask prior to purchasing:

  1. How long have you been writing content for yourself and your clients?
  2. How many articles do you think you've written in your time as a freelance writer?
  3. How many niches can you write in?
  4. Will your content pass CopyScape?
  5. Are you native (language here) writer?  Example: "Are you a native English writer?"
  6. Do you optimize the content you write?
  7. How long will the articles be?  (if it's not apparent)
  8. Do you spin your content?  (if they say "Yes" please avoid them)

Asking for writing samples before agreeing to the work
If you're purchasing a writing service from someone, they should have at least a few samples of their work, even if they just started.  This is because writing an article isn't too difficult to do, and they can get the samples done right after you ask.  They might not have any samples when you ask, but they should afterwards if they want to make a sale lol.

With my writing service, I did it a little different so I don't get the "Do you have any writing samples?" question.  I wrote up 600+ discussions here on and linked to them for anyone to skim through and read what they want in order to get an idea of my writing What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing  Now, not everyone will be able to do this because they don't have a ton of content written up on, but that doesn't mean they can't start now and link to their discussions pages What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing

Asking for samples is a common thing to do prior to getting some content written up.  When it comes to SEO and Backlinking, I don't usually give out samples of my work because they can just break it down and do it themselves, losing me the sale What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing  But for content, I don't mind if someone reads what I previously wrote because it's already out in the public and if they use it on their own website or blog it won't benefit them one bit What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing

The more samples you have, the better it will look for you.  Since I linked to my discussions page here on seocheckout, it will always be increasing due to me writing almost every day here What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing  I don't have to go on a blog or website and link to a subpage that I have to constantly update with examples, it's all done right here and my clients have loved that little extra step I took in order to please them with samples What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing  Hopefully your writer does the same thing, since it really validates their writing because it is literally linked to the same account you're talking to here on Seocheckout What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing

An important thing to remember, asking for examples isn't the same as asking for a review copy.  A sample is something that was already done for a client in the past, a review copy is something that they writer will give away for free in order to get a review from you.  Don't ask for hand outs, if you plan on outsourcing the work to a credible writer, be sure to pay them for their time What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing

Reading reviews the writer has from previous clients
This is a big thing you need to remember because clients are VERY honest when it comes to leaving a review online, usually.  If the seller is giving out review copies, which I don't think is allowed here on seocheckout, they will likely have all positive reviews in the beginning.  This is because it's an unwritten rule that if you're getting a free review copy, you will give a positive review in return for not having to pay a single penny. 

Here on seocheckout, you don't really have to worry about fake reviews because everyone has to pay for the work that is done.  You can't get a free article from a quality seller, because they are making plenty of money from their current clients.  I've gotten plenty of potential clients asking me something along the lines of "Can you give me one article for free?  I will buy 10 if it's good".  This basically tells me that they saw my 600+ discussions and want some work done by me, but don't want to pay for it.  I will turn them down and say that I have a bunch of examples of my work, and that every client I've had has never been disappointed with their content.  So please don't ask for free review copies or free articles with the intention of purchasing more later on, because that's never the case lol.

In Conclusion:
If you go over this discussion prior to outsourcing the content writing you need for your website or blog, you will usually be able to weed out the writers that aren't right for you.  You will always want high quality content, not something that is spun or written in a way that is noticeably a broken language.  Read the reviews of the writers you want to work with, and ask plenty of questions before you pull the trigger and hire them.  After you have done all of this, you will always have a great writer in your bullpen who is ready to get the job done What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing

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I think this content is not only for people who want to hire writers but also for writers that are looking for writing jobs. The discussion give also tips to writers about the skills they need and what preparation they should have in order to offer writing skills to clients and get the job.

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Correct What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing

I like to cover a lot of information in order to help out as many people as possible What you should know prior to outsourcing your article writing

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You are really great Razzy. You've contributed 600+ valuable contents here on seocheckout. How I wish I could be like you. I'm not a native English speaker that's why I struggle creating quality contents and I'm just new in this writing endeavor. But I'm determined to develop my writing skills and hoping that one day writing would become my primary source of income.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge!!!

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Simple and well written the following points are to be considered

If the writer is a native speaker

How long the person have been writing
look at the work sample
Take a look at the person previous reviews dropped by other clients

To a look at the person's rating.

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Some of these guys, pay for reviews, I have seen some freelance writers buy reviews and ratings, that is why you should be wise, when dealing with freelancers, not only writers. That is why previous samples, that are related with what you want is the your best bet here.

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Wow. I never knew reviews could be bought now. That jeopardizes those who work hard for their ratings.

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Yep but it is the truth. Everything can be bought nowadays which is why you should trust nobody on the internet and make sure that you are hiring the right writer.

You can easily see how quality their writing is when they send you a sample. Also, generally, you can tell who is "legit" by talking to them.

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Well, just like in any other hiring, you are always betting 50% on that person for a legitimate work and another 50% on doubtful work output.

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The best way to gauge the skills of the prospective writer to hire is the work. It’s not actually the sample but the past work that he had published whether for a client or for his own blog or website. When it comes to rating, I don’t rely on it because rating depends on the rater and we know that even judges in a big contest have their own biases and prejudices. It is only you who can make a fair judgment so you can base it on his past work.

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Nice Tips.
The writer you're be hiring should be able to provide samples of their works, and not only samples, but samples that are related to the niche in question and proof. This is an important thing that, people should take note of. when you will ask a writer, how prolific he is in front of this niche,, they will usually put of the aroma of confidence, and if you get swayed away by that, without getting samples. There is a high probability that you will be rejecting the work.
I have been in such scenario many times,

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You're right about getting someone who is a native speaker. Even when they don't live in the US, you could usually determine if they will provide good writing just by chatting or talking to them because if they show any signs of poor grammar or sentence structure at any point then you could just move on to the next candidate. I also agree that hiring from the Phillippines is the best option for now since schools require it to be taught from an early age.

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Hiring a native speaker is always better. My friend once hired a writer for his site after doing a test with him. He seemed to be a very good writer but the content he wrote for my friend was very poor. He had to work on it all over again. We must learn more about the freelancer before hiring him. You can view his previous works and also read the reviews like you said. I personally prefer to hire a high quality writer even if he charges more as I know that my job will be done perfectly.

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I agree with hiring a native speaker because although individuals who are not native speakers may have good grammar, it often takes a native speaker to understand the nuances and idioms of the language. Some of these things might just go over the head of non native speakers.

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Will your content pass CopyScape?

I believe that it is so odd to ask a cotent creator if their content will pass copyscape. If you are hiring a content writer, surely you would think that the content you are paying will definitely pass copyscape as it hopefully will not be copied.

I believe most content creators are actually ethnical, meaning that they will not copy from other articles or already existing content on the web. Their content will be unique to only the website in which you are hiring their for. However, some people have to ruin for others because they are not totally upfront and honest about their service.

However, based upon my experience with content creating what I noticed is, creators who are not native english speakers will more than likely copy articles from different websites and spin them to make them "unique". I do not like spun articles as the spinning could lead to different meanings of words and a negative feel for the website.

I personally would not hire anyone that wasn't a native english speaker to write content for me. No offense, but if you totally do not understand the language, and my targeted audience then I would feel you are not fit for the task at hand.

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Well, I personally write all of the content myself but I also get hired by others all the time. I love your post Razzy.

I think that many people that hire writers don't know how it all works and what to look for.

The most important thing is definitely asking the right questions and asking for a sample of their work prior to hiring anybody. That will give you a rough idea of how good the person truly is.

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Before outsourcing your article writing, you truly need to know certain things and these have to do with what should be the basis for writing, the scope, the expected traffic and sales generation. As far as driving traffic is concerned these days, content is king. The use of a native writer is quite great, but one must ascertain that the articles to be delivered must be search engine friendly. One must ensure that images and videos need to be attached to the content in order to boost traffic in no time.

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Even though I'm not a native English speaker and most of the times I'm the one being hired or outsourced to write content, I've hired plenty of times freelance writers to take off some of my orders.

The problem is, I never quite had a positive experience outsourcing content. I still wanted to turn a profit around so of course I didn't hire native English speakers and that's when I've run into trouble. All of the freelancers I hired were way below average regarding non-native English writing skills. On every occasion, I've wasted time fixing their texts because my clients expected higher quality content than these guys produced.

So yeah, if you are a native English speaker and you have a reasonable budget go for the native English speaking writers, you will get mediocre content in the worst case scenario. Another suggestion would be to find the cannery in the coal mine and get a non-native English speaking writer that can write above average content at half the price a native asks.

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Outsourcing your article writing is a bad idea period. If you are a company who wants a press release done for a product or upcoming project? Fine. But writers or so-called writers, should never outsource their article responsibilities to another person. Just feels dishonest imo.

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When I started in online work, I have tried joining one forum that I didn’t notice the disclaimer that only US and Canada residents are welcome. And when I started posting, I got a note from the admin that my English was not good enough. Well, that may be their impression simply because they had read my originating country in my profile. Anyway, I respect their opinion and I understand that they want to be sure that their writers can cope with the real English that they want.

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I have hired writers a couple of times, however, I have never hired a native English writer because of the cost involved. I can get the best writer from India for $10 whereas it is difficult to get the best writers from English speaking world for this price. When I hired a writer, I checked his reputation. I asked for his portfolio and read his best work. Sometimes I have even asked for a sample work.

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