
Do you prefer Blu-Ray or DVD?

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Do you prefer Blu-Ray or DVD?

So for those of you who watch movies often or more often than not, and have sampled Blu-Ray and DVD technology. Which one can you say that you prefer? Or are they both equal in value in your mind? Personally, I think Blu-Ray's visual transfer over DVD is a few notches better but with an HD flat screen like I have it's not really that much noticeable enough to spend the extra coin that BluRay costs as far as retail price goes. Blu-Ray's certainly come with far more extras and bonus content than DVD's do. That's by design, but in the early days you needed a Blu-Ray player to play Blu-Ray discs and a DVD player for your DVD's. As newer models emerged that changed. Now, most Blu-Ray players also play DVD and HD-DVDs. While there are also consoles sold by major high-end electronic brands that play both DVDs and Blu-Rays in separate slots. Overall, which one do you guys find superior for your viewing pleasure?


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We rarely buy either anymore because of online streaming services, to be honest. It's just cheaper now to pay for a monthly service like Netflix where you can watch anything you like. I just don't think it's worth buying DVDs anymore because for the same price you get a month of Netflix where you get a lot of TV shows and movies to watch which is just great. But if I had to choose then it would definitely be the DVD because it's just cheaper.

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I am a person who watches streaming movies on Netflix, Amazon, Google Play or what ever pay-to-view digital platform, just to see if they're worth buying on DVD and adding to my collection. Ultimately with a 60 inch flatscreen HD tv, I could never choose watching films on a small laptop or PC screen when I can watch them the way they were meant to be watched, on a big television set.

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Oh, it's a nice system. I also like to have a blue-ray copy of movies that I like. That way, I can watch it using my HD TV.

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I used to like DVD player before now but with the advent of online streaming and paid to aired cable then DVD has lost it value.can't remember the last I inserted a disc into my DVD player. I used to like DVD then.

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Me too. And I think people found the habit of collecting movies. But now it's like its obsolete. People rarely buy them like they used to. I also can't remember how long it was since I last used one. Probably a few years.

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I haven't even watched a blu ray disc to be honest, so I couldn't say for sure which one I prefer. I mean Blu ray is supposed to be superior but who knows honestly? I guess if you can compare the two you might find something that you like better. It is just one of the options that you might need.

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I like the quality of blue-ray copies. Once I discovered them, I kind of stopped buying DVD copies. Now I prefer higher video quality. Especially, because of HD Smart TV.

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I remember when they first came out with DVD's everyone was saying how the quality was so much better than VHS tapes, but honestly, I didn't see any difference. They have to say something to justify forcing you to buy new technology.

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That's funny. I also thought that way about VCD and DVD copies. The only advantage I see is that you don't have to stop watching the video just to insert the other half of the movie.

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Yeah, and of course, storing them doesn't take up nearly as much room. I still have an antique machine that plays both though. I guess I should get a blu ray player instead.

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I think we've all owned them to some extent in the past. It's just sad how technology quickly got past that. I remember buying VCD copies. I was excited to finally watch the movie I didn't get to see in the theaters. How life changes.

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I agree, buying DVD's or any cd related thing is not a trendy anymore, for some people I guess. But you can't take away the fact that there are still more people who loves buying DVD's or more like collecting it. And I also agree that streaming videos on the internet or rather downloading it is the trendy right now.

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Even people who stream films or tv shows eventually return to their streaming sites or accounts one day, and realize their favorite content is gone. Or replaced with something else. Its rights or time on the platform has expired. So ultimately, they end up buying the movie or series season(s) on DVD anyways.

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I think there will come a time that they'll be vintage items. Kind of like old vinyl records. Because technology keeps progressing further. Hahaha!

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I'd honestly prefer Blu-ray copies. I find them better in terms of resolution. Most DVD copies I've watched aren't as clear in terms of video quality. It's probably an evolution thing. Like how digital streaming has surpassed our needs for CD's, DVD's, and other digital disks.

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I don't usually use DVDS because I don't have a decent player. I haven't ever tried Blu Ray's but I think they do have superior technology. This is why the technology was developed. I too though usually use Netflix, I haven't gotten a rental disc for quite sometime, but I might this weekend as I will have a computer that does a great job of playing discs.

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You are right, we are actually on the same lane, I can't remember the last time, I got a disk with the aim of watching it. Technology has changed everything that you no longer need a disk to watch any movie you want. Just with the help of my phone or laptop, I can stream or download any movie.

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Yes, it makes it much easier to do. Right now Netflix is my only streaming service so if I want to watch something that is fairly new in release it might be helpful to rent a DVD, but unless it is something I want to see badly, I can wait for it. If it is a movie I really want to see, I will see it in the theater usually.

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Well, I've noticed that most copies we watch are Blue-ray quality. So even without the physical disk, we're still watching it instead of DVD. It looks better in terms of viewing.

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As some previous commenters have already said that definitely resonances with me, I do not own a DVD player. I think that last time I actually owned a DVD player was around 5 years ago. It amazes me how much technology has changed in regards to playing media. Mostly these days you see people on their phones, tablets or other various smart devices playing content.

Now that I think about it, not only have I not owned a DVD player, or even Blu-Ray player in 5 years, none of my friends do either. They also do not go to the movie theater to watch movies. I remember when it was THE thing to do on Fridays and Saturdays. Everyone was about going to see the new movie.

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That's very interesting. It's like we've evolved as a species to the point of changing our habits as soon as new things come up. Like how we went from flip phones to smartphones. And how we went from cable TV to Netflix. So much has already happened.

I'd probably still prefer to watch great movies in theaters. But if it's not that good, I'll probably watch online instead.

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Well, I make use of only DVD, because I won a DVD player. But I really don't think I would chose a DVD over a Blu-Ray, because when it comes to quality, Blu-Ray is better than DVD. And with the advancement of technology , they will many surprises, that Blu-Ray, will probably be over smarted my more advancements.

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Yes, that's true. I wonder what will become the next new thing. We already have 4K and FHD definition TV. I think we need something higher resolution than blue-rays in order to accommodate the leveled up screens.

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I do use DVD for movies and music but nowadays, most people download movies and music online or watch online. Hence, DVD is not popular anymore

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I definitely agree. The DVD has lost its popularity already. I remember ten years ago when we were all buying the DVDs like crazy. I still have over twenty laying around in my closet. It is pointless selling them as well.

Another problem is that the DVDs are way too expensive compared to the streaming services and other options.

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I know, right? That's the funny thing about DVD's. They were so expensive back then. People who could afford to collect movies were obviously rich in some capacity. Hahaha!

And now it's like anyone with an internet connection can watch movies. And we don't have to collect them. We practically have all movies to choose from.

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That's the obvious reality. I guess Youtube has pretty much dominated all of our viewings. It's like a more advanced version of cable TV. We get to choose whatever we want to watch online.

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I don't really buy DVD or Blu-Ray movies. In fact I watch all the movies online by streaming. I have joined about three sites where I can watch movies in HD for free. However it may take months before a newly released movie is posted on the site. I also use Netflix. I don't really go to the cinema now. I prefer to watch my favorite movies in the comfort of my home.

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The biggest hit to the multiplexes and cinemas these days is online streaming services. People just like the convenience of watching a movie at home or on demand, compared to going to an actual movie theater. However, as a film connoisseur myself, I always try and see movies I want to see at the multiplex once they're released. I think owning DVD's and going to the movies is really for film aficionados like myself. Casual moviegoers have all but abandoned the theaters and apparently, purchasing home discs.

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I think it is hilarious when some TV shows will show ads for the latest and exciting movie, and then comment on how great it is. You can definitely tell that the advertisement was paid for by the movie people.

A couple weeks ago, I filled out a job application to be an Assistant Movie Theatre manger, but of course I did not get the job, and was not even invited for a interview even though I met all the qualifications they were asking for.

However, the person that did get the job was much much more older. I think older people, who basically grew up going to the movies like every weekend, probably still go to the movies. Some people are not that tech-savvy and have no clue how Netflix or other online streaming services work.

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That's pretty funny. I see what you mean. It can even be a meme of sorts. I remember watching "Honest Trailers" on Youtube. This version revealed the quality and hilarious mistakes of the movies.

Also, sorry you didn't get the job. Maybe they just have their preferences. Like maybe they prefer older people who don't use the computer that much. Hahaha!

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I agree. It's more for common people to watch them at home. Maybe I'm like you in the sense that I prefer watching movies in the theaters. There's still a quality to it that's different compared to just staying at home.

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This is true of a lot of us. Many have become used to watching movies at home. I personally prefer going to cinemas for the whole movie experience. But only if I think the movie's great. Not if it's obviously bad.

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Honestly? Now that you have mentioned it, I think that I haven't bought any in ages. I think almost a year. It is just not needed anymore now that it is so easy and convenient to just rent movies or buy them digitally. The offers is much better than years ago.

But if I had to choose between Blu-ray and DVDs I would choose the first one because of the superior quality.

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Me too. It's more for collectors nowadays. And even then it's not such a nice idea. It's basically just building clutter that will eventually become outdated to the point of non-existence. Joking aside, I honestly think DVD players will become as vintage as VHS sooner than later.

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I started collecting movies still on DVD's (and I still have them... more than 350, by the way Do you prefer Blu-Ray or DVD?) but with the release of the Blu-Rays I stopped buying them (with the exception of some rare movie that is only available on DVD) because the quality / superiority of the Blu -Rays - in all aspects - is indisputable.

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BluRay transfer quality is certainly a thing of beauty but is it really that noticeable when matched against a 45 inch or more, high definition flat-screen or curved screen set?

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I think it depends on the original material that is available, but in the end... I think you won't be disappointed.

For example, an old movie remastered (despite excellent quality) doesn't have the same quality as a movie released in recent years.

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Some remastered films turn out visually beautiful on DVD or BluRay but the sound quality is a disaster. Other times, it's the exact opposite. Great sound but the picture even on a BluRay disc is iffy. I think companies have figured out they can do only so much with really old movies of any genre. So when someone complains why a film from the 70's or earlier hasn't been sent to Blu Ray or DVD yet, there's your answer. Remastering it properly is not an easy task.

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Funny you mentioned that. I too was wondering the same thing. It's only a few years ago that I found out how painstaking it was to restore old movies and make them look polished in today's video quality.

It still has limitations on how much it can be improved.

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That's right. I've watched old movies and compared them to what's new. Even the remastered ones somewhat pale in comparison. It's because the digital quality is vastly different with years spanning different cinematic technology.

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I'm not sure. But I'd guess that it is obvious. Even if you had a high resolution TV, if the video copy you're playing isn't good quality, then it will fail to look nice on your high end TV.

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My father collected tons of Blu-ray cd's before that every week he bought one or two cd's. He was such an addicted to movies before it can be international or local movies as long as he loved that movie or the movie is interesting. When dvd's were out in the market, he then transferred in buying some Dvd's. Sometimes he bought the fake one. The one with tons of movies for one dvd. For now since we have internet connection, he will just download some movies and he bought a hard drive for him to save those movies he downloaded.

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I guess we can say that the internet kind of changed everything. So many businesses were negatively affected by it. Like how video rentals used to be popular. And now since we can watch anything for free online, they're practically dead. Who would rent movies if you could just watch Netflix or download them online?

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I'd have to agree. I used to find DVD collections amazing. I still do but not in the same way as Blue-ray copies. They definitely have a difference in terms of video quality. It's so obvious when you compare the two.

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I think I personally found DVD usable. I don't have Blue ray reader. And on that point you can see that it'd be reasonable to make use of the DVD for most of the stuff. Also the thing about the blu ray seems to be costly here in this region. Though quality wise the blu ray seems to be good enough for both. I think for that reason I'd stick with the DVD option. That's the option I have with the DVD drive.

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Yes, it still functions well enough. It's probably just the better video quality that people prefer Blu-rays. I think there may be copies of movies that are only available in DVD format. I'm not sure. But some of them can't be found easily.

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Yes video quality and also the compression for small size compared to the DVDs. That makes the blue ray usable. I have seen some of the blue ray players being in demand in such case. Kind of like good option for those who want to watch things on big screen at home.

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Yeah, I also think of that. Dvd is more usable than blu ray but quality check, it's blu ray. Dvd is more usable and more cheap compared to blue ray I think. Dvd can hold tons of movies so I find it more convenient than buying blu ray cd's.

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These days more and more people are choosing the DVD because of the support. Blue ray seems to be only usable among the film industry. The tech industry relies on the DVD the reason being all the data being compressed and other benefits.

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Blu-Ray turned out to be a big disappointment.That said, I have bought or rented either one in forever. Online has given me (and everyone) easy access to almost any movie, any time.

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Yes I believe on you about that. Online movies are way much better to watch compared to dvd blu-ray but in order for you to watch online,you should have the best internet connection to avoid buffering.

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What I do is just download the movies. It's better than watching online because there's no buffer or waiting time. It's more convenient especially, for those who have limited internet speed. Hahaha!

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Yeah that is what am doing now. I download movies online and watch it in television. It is much better because I have not experiencing buffering and much clearer. I could save time and money at the same time.

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This is probably the cheapest way to watch movies offline. You don't have to rent copies anymore. The rise of the internet gradually put video rentals out of business.

I still remembered how they were really popular back then. People would rent lots of movies and return them after watching.

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Blu-Ray has clearer and vivid view compared to DVD. That's something to be proud of in the name of progress. And there's always a better one coming. Now, the question is on DVD and Blu-Ray, of which stands best. We have our own personal favorites based on our experiences.

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I wonder how they'll improve on Blue-ray. It seems that they've hit a limit with it. Maybe it'll take more than five years before they can replace this video format. I noticed that we're getting higher resolution TV screens, so it would make sense if we get better quality CD's. Something like that.

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I know that Blu-ray has a far better quality than dvd. But dvd is the standard here when it comes to optical media. We have Blu-ray here but only few. I don't even know anyone in my circle who is using Blu-ray. Anyway, both are on the exit because of the streaming and the popularity of the usb drive.

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You're right. I believe most developing countries still make use of DVD and other copies of digital media. But they're gradually declining due to internet use. It's still funny when you put the CD in the disk player. It seems so old school now compared to simply plugging in a USB drive.

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I watch most things now in a streaming fashion, like most of us in this forum; however, I like to collect certain movies for my library, and when I do so, I do prefer Blu-Ray as a medium of entertainment. I think it is important to have a hard copy library of books, music, and movies because the "grid" could go down at some point, and entertainment is important to myself and my family. You never know when you might need older technology--I can't tell you how many times analog technology has saved me when digital failed.

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Heh. If the grid goes down, trust me. Watching movies will be the last thing you or anybody will be thinking about.

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Yeah, if the grid goes down we are all screwed. So much for even thinking about the internet. I wonder if this is always in the back of people's minds like it is mine. I tend to watch many conspiracy theory videos via Youtube and on other platforms so this idea of the grid going down is fused into my brain. If and when this happens, you definitely would not be worried about where you are going to stream any online content. You would go into survival mode, and the only thing on your mind would be if you can survive. Let's just hope this does not ever happen. Do you prefer Blu-Ray or DVD?

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It probably won't but these days we are involved in cyber warfare so if countries are planning attacks on one another - bringing down the power grid I am sure figures into some of those plans. Of course - the retaliation to such an act would be pretty wicked so, that's a pretty big deterrent.

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I prefer blu-ray hands down because the picture is a 100x more clear than DVD. And once I move to my new apartment and things get settled I play on buying a HD Blu-ray player for my 4k TV. But in all honesty I don't buy many blu-rays these days because I rent everything online and stream it to my tv. I only buy movies that I know that I am going to watch over and over. =)

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Same here. Nothing's worse than having a large DVD collection full of movies you regret buying. The worst part being when you attempt to sell them, no one else wants them either.

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Yes, I agree with you that Blu-ray is more clearer than DVD. Cd's now a days in not anymore trend so streaming online and downloading movies online is the most common way now since we have this internet connection.

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I have no experience with Blu-Ray but I have been using DVDs for more than 5 years. The problem comes when you do not play them for long because the CDs get scratches and viewing becomes a problem. So I have now resort to downloading movies instead.

I can see Blu-Ray has good reviews from the replies here and so I will consider using it soon.

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I have DVD's from years ago that have little to no scratches. Not to criticize but if your DVD's are becoming unplayable after sitting on a shelf for a long time, then you must not have them properly encased. If you keep them in their respective cases or sleeves you shouldn't have any performance problems.

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That's funny. I thought so too. But maybe some disks just get scratches due to improper storage. Like if stuff gets moved around frequently, it could get scratches from being moved.

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That's weird. I didn't know they get scratches over time if they're left unused. I thought they got scratches from being used too often. Well, I guess there's no escaping the limited capacity of compact disks.

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Bluray is way better in terms of the clearer and sharper image. But like most of the people here, I rely more on the online streaming to watch these days. Much cheaper and much more convenient.

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Streaming is good as a service to pay a small price and watch content. But if you're building a collection then you'd probably still want or need DVD's and Blu-Rays. At some point, your favorite movie will be removed from those streaming services or won't be able to be accessed. Particularly if those sites go down for an extended period of time, or scrap or reorganize their sections and departments. That's where a physical copy comes in handy.

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You're right. But I only find it useful if there comes a time when the internet is no longer accessible. Something like that. But it probably won't happen unless there's a big change in the future.

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Me too. You can practically watch shows for free nowadays. I guess people in the past needed to buy copies of TV shows and movies. Also, they had to wait for months before it aired on TV.

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I don't mind either of the two. I know Blu-Rays produce sharper and clearer images though. I make do with whichever I'm able to lay my hands on. The point is that I get to see the movie or video I was interested in.

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You have a point. Sometimes there isn't a blue-ray copy of movies. So I have to watch the DVD versions. I wonder how things will go once we get an upgraded version of blue-ray. Maybe as clear as the newest TV screen resolutions.

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It really doesn't matter as long as it's clear and understandable. I can't really see the differences between the two but I notice that blu ray is much clearer than dvd. The only thing that differ is that dvd's play continuously or has a longer time duration in playing movies but the resolution is smaller than the Blu-Ray while blu-ray has shorter time duration so it needed to replace the cd which might interrupt you from watching but it has a high definition of resolution so the stored movie is much clearer compared to dvd. Blu-rays and Dvds aren't that popular now a days since we are in a high technology so you can now play movies and shows right here in the internet.

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Same here. I like the clarity of Blue-ray copies. It's funny because I used to buy DVD copies because I thought they were superior. But then came Blue-ray. And now I don't even buy that often due to Netflix and other streaming services.

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Yes, because of the technology we used now adays, you cannot easily sell those products because of new ways to download movies without paying or not causing much money. I wonder where will those blu ray and dvd stocks go if no one will ever buy those cd's in the future. When it comes to gaming, cd products are still salable especially in playstation or xbox even if there are games that you can buy online.

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That's a good point. I've also noticed that games are one of the few things that keeps CD copies relevant even until now. But as technology grows quickly, we'll soon find it somewhat obsolete in the long run.

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Yes you are right. Its possible that there might come a time that cd's from video games will no longer trend like what happened to blu ray and dvds in the coming future.

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It could be because of the software thing. Most games nowadays can be installed without the need for physical copies. You just have to download them and maybe pay for official copies. Hahaha!

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Yeah! even games from playstations and xbox can be downloaded in the internet so instead of buying physical copies, they can download it in the internet without any hassle at all as long as they have fast internet connection.

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Steam seems to be the preferred website. Lots of people download stuff there to play games. So you can really see how CD's have become nearly obsolete because of that.

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Thats very good question. I prefer bluray copy over dvd. Bluray has the best hd version. You can watch the movie like crystal clear. Better for family viewing.

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Me too. I only watch DVD quality if Blue-ray is unavailable. But practically all movies don't use DVD's anymore. It's always been Blue-ray since then.

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Yeah I believe on you that. Those dvd copies before was really not good to watch. Screen were not clear and even the voice couldnt understand. Blu-ray is simply amazing. Full Hd and really enjoy to watch.

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I agree. And I think it will stay for a long time. Well, maybe they'll come up with a better version. Like how TV sets are getting higher definition.

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Yeah, I agree with you. Even in the video camera they used to shoot before was still low quality so when you watch it on tv, there were videos that were pixelated and the color was still black and white or sepia color. As the years passed, we have these cds and dvds which was kind of new to us from those times but the quality became better than before. Since our world is growing, our technology also expanding such as having a wifi that makes our life a lot more easier than of those old times. A lot of things now a days became automated and more in the future.

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Do you think it'll become so clear to the point of looking as if it's really happening in front of us? I think they've come close already. Try looking up a job interview apocalypse prank. You'll laugh at the people's reactions. It's how realistic TV's have become.

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Yeah! I have watched that! I thought it was an advertisement of one of the tv brands and they just made it prank for it to be funny and enjoying to watch only to find out that its really a prank. Seriously It really made my day as I laugh so hard which got me into tears. It was very enjoyable to watched. I was really entertained by the prank they made. Yeah! Sometimes watching very high resolution makes me to have squinted eyes but its like a real.

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I'm glad you did. I only found that while watching some prank videos. It was on the suggested feed. So I was shocked when the people really thought the world was ending. That's how clear TV screens have become.

I mean, if they tried that with previous TV monitors, it would have not worked.

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Yes I believe on you that. Blue-ray is really above standard. Cant imagine without it today. Think watching movies in dvd still boring.

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DVD's aren't even clear anymore. I think it's made more obvious due to the evolution of TV screens. The video quality has become so clear that anything less than that fails to meet our standards.

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I figured Blu-Ray was probably better than DVD. But I've only watched DVD and have never had the pleasure of trying a Blu-Ray. No matter because these days I don't even watch DVDs. I am into online video streaming. My DVDs are in a pile with my CDs. Who listens to music on CDs any more?

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That's an interesting take on it. I've found this to be true as well. Technology has certainly evolved in the past few years. It's like we're already part of a different technological era compared to the last decade. How weird, right? Hahaha!

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Based on my research, Blu-Ray has a higher resolution of the video right there on the medium. That means you can copy the video from the Blu-Ray without losing the resolution and the size of the video unlike in DVD where the resolution becomes smaller like 320x240 pixels (pardon me if the numbers are not accurate). When you copy the video from DVD the resolution on the computer will not be clear anymore.

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