
Common Challenges In Affiliate Marketing

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Common Challenges In Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing was one of the few jobs I was interested in when it comes to working online, but I noticed that challenges were attached especially at the initial stage. I just heard about it for the first time on the media and got highly excited. The advert claimed I could earn my first affiliate checks in less than two months, not knowing I needed to work on generating traffic. The advert stated that I just needed to sign up with an affiliate company.

When i got to the system, i discovered that things were not as easy as mentioned on the media. I got deeply into it before I realized that a great deal of work is involved. As instructed, I joined an affiliate company and a money making website was created in less than 48 hours. Promotional tools and resources were found when I logged in my control account. I discovered I couldn't make money for the first six months of creating my own affiliate website, not until I started building traffic.


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It is very natural that you need traffic for your affiliate webstore Common Challenges In Affiliate Marketing Same as opening your coffee bar, you will need people to see it, to taste your coffee, to spread love and tell their friends about your business. So it's same with every online business too. Affiliate marketing is serious business if you are serious about making money online and it require time, tactics, investments etc. like every other business.
However i LIKE affiliate marketing and i am pretty successful in it so far. Specially as Seocheckout affiliate which made me become Level X5 here at seocheckout.

But... Don't be afraid to invest your time! Sooner or later it will pay off. Every beginning is hard but more experienced you get, more money you will be making in the future... GOOD LUCK

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This is a good way to explain how affiliate marketing works so even a kid would easily understand it. I want to learn and be part of SEO industry and starting to learn from forums like this. It can really help us, newbies, to gain more knowledge and be successful. Great post, by the way.

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That is a good analogy that you showed us with the coffee bar that would need the public to see otherwise there might be no clients. That is the main reason why I couldn’t start on affiliate marketing because my freelancing friends advised me to have my own website for that purpose. It will be a double benefit since I would be earning from my affiliate marketing and at the same time I would also earn from the monetized site.

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I think one of the biggest challenges is trying to convince people to get into the same boat as you are.

Unfortunately, people are still very skeptical when it comes to affiliate marketing and considering the amount of scams and spam sites, I think they can't be blamed for it.

It's a barrier that needs to be overcome to make the process easier and more effective, so... A lot depends on how you'll express yourself.

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That is marketing strategy for you
They'll always tell you enticing things to lure you either to buy or get into a system. Nothing is ever simple.

I read same and got into it but I must say it never easy to make money with affiliate marketing but the good thing is that it doable. just continue to look for traffic.

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This is what I do: keep looking for traffic. But sometimes it's very discouraging because you realize how much this field is being undermined by those who act thinking of taking advantage of others in a bad way.

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I tell you, I'm very skeptical about this affiliate marketing niche, I can't really dispute the fact that affiliate marketing has put food on many tables and made many billionaires.
But the scam sites roaming around cyber space is alarming, I avoid most of them like plague, even the email bombardment, I block them instantly.

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The problem related to everything that is considered spam is what really jumps - negatively - in the eyes of everyone, even those people who feel very confidente about how to invest / work in this world... While some people actually making money from affiliate marketing, others see their money go away like water down the drain.

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Yeah some people have made quite a fortune from affiliate marketing and some people are still making. But one thing I realized is that it is not for everyone, and not everyone will be successful with it. But these guys don't care about that, they only care about your money.

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"But one thing I realized is that it is not for everyone, and not everyone will be
successful with it."

You said it very right.

I think if everyone could become aware of this before entering into this world, it would avoid much time / money waste and they wouldn't be frustrated.

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Yes, I agree. I think having a quality product you are promoting and promoting it well is the things you need to concentrate on when you start an online marketing business. It is just one of the things that you need to understand.

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Yes, I think getting traffic, and secondarily, getting that traffic to convert has to be some of the biggest challenges in affiliate marketing. I think many people think it is an easy road to make money, but those who try know it's not.

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Many people think that making money on the internet is easy and they enter in the "game" thinking the money will appear from day to night... This is such a common mistake, isn't it? Once they realize that it is not so easy they give up and become frustrated.

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Yes, "You can make money blogging" is something that alot of people have been suckered into. It is not that you can't make money blogging, but earning a sizable and substantial income is not all that easy to do. It takes a bit of work on your part.

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"It takes a bit of work on your part."

I totally agree with this (a lot of work, to be honest) and in parallel exist the question related to time, which many people aren't willing to spend engaging themselves in this type of activity because they think it's something that in the end won't be worth it.

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I always find think about how you deliver your message to others. You need to think about what you would like if you come across it or whatever you are marketing. So if you trying to affiliate Amazon links on your blog try using the Amazon Affiliate plugin that they offer. If your site is about gaming or games try relate your affiliate around this and what would gamers be looking at on your site and have more click rate. Goes the same with any other niche really. So the biggest challenge is keeping customers happy and give them a reason to come to you or come to your posts/blog.

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Hahah, this is the same scenario, I'm facing right now, it is really easier said than done, this guys on media, videos, quoting ridiculous amount of money, and how they made it, through affiliate marketing and how you can make too, with two weeks and so on. Just want's the pocket your money
It is just not the truth, the plain truth is that is never easy. You will work and work for it.

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I have an affiliate store. I am using Amazon, Commission Junction, and Linkshare products on my website. Yes, it is very difficult to drive sales. In order to drive sales, you need traffic, having traffic is not enough your traffic converts. The traffic converts only when it comes to your site voluntarily from search engines. How will you receive search engine traffic? Here lies the importance of SEO. With proper techniques, you can rank your website higher in the search index, which will drive search engine traffic.
Second most important thing is to consider the products you are promoting. You need to promote products that are in high demands yet are less competitive. Before you begin to promote products, you need to do a lot of research on the products you are promoting.

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This is true. Without the traffic it is going to be harder for the affiliate links is get clicked. I have seen that affiliate marketing takes time for setup. And blogs need to be backlinked a lot and on regular basis for this to work. I have seen some of the people making use of the PPC to bring traffic to their blogs and the websites. It works out for some. I also agree that products are what makes the most business in affiliate marketing.

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I think affiliate marketing is lot harder than the content creation. And the thing is that for affiliate marketing to work out you need a lot of traffic. And that traffic needs to properly click on the link. And they need to buy the stuff from you. That's something we need a lot of time to get things fixed as well. I guess for each one of us things can be lot different. I think the issue with the affiliate marketing is that you have to choose the right products. And the traffic has to understand these sort of the changes with the content traffic that is coming towards. I think earning with the deadline is what affiliate marketing can't do as well.

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I think yo have to learn also how to create a good copy of your products to entice people to purchase whatever you are promoting. People may view your products but sometimes if you failed to present them the benefits that they can get and you did not able to make them feel that they really need the product, they won't buy. I want also to do affiliate marketing but I'm not good at creating good copy and I'm still learning it.

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That's where affiliate marketing gets better. One thing I've come to realize is that people want to know if the products an affiliate marketer is promoting will bring solutions to their problems and a case where the benefits are listed, the rest is history for selling becomes easier.

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Yap that's why you need to write more about the benefits to the potential buyers rather than telling the features of the product you are promoting. Always consider the thinking of the buyer, "What's in it for me (WIIFM)?

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There is no money making venture that you can find easy out there unless of course it is not a legit way of making money. Affiliate marketing is all about putting the work to promote the goods and services that you're an ambassador of with hope that it will yield profit in the future.

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This is precisely my thoughts too. Nothing in this world is ever easy. No such thing as click that mouse and money will come right in. Those who promote that they earned this and that while doing something else has been reaping what they struggled to from the beginning. It takes effort and hard work always.

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I am always interested in affiliate marketing, but I agree that I need to have is traffic first. There are really a lot more things out there for us to learn in order to make money online. I am starting my blog slowly, and hopefully it will be reached out to others and help me to make some money from the affiliate commission.

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Just not any type of traffic but the traffic that clicks and buys things from you. That is something we have to consider. Because we can get the random traffic from any random place. And that is not good enough. So it is always good idea to have the traffic through the people who buy. And for this reason affiliate marketing is what we need to get things done.

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Affiliate marketing is definitely harder than what most people think. You are the one that has to convince the people to buy something or sign up for a service and so on. It isn't easy at all. But I do believe that with practice it gets better. I remember when I initially started I was so stressed out when I had no actual conversion. I kept reading all these articles that made it seem like a walk in the park. However, I studied and did more research to see where my mistakes were. That helped out a lot.

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It's true that affiliate marketing is hard. But when it comes to convincing people to buy something, i usually first carefully choose what i will promote trough my affiliate marketing campaigns. If product or service is attractive enough and not very expensive and if i feel that my followers could be interested in buying it, then i promote it in order to make better conversion rates.

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One of the biggest hurdles I found in affiliate marketing was that most people think that all of the products that are sold this way are scams, which is of course untrue, but still very understandable as many really are. Another problem would be that many of them are scams and you could just end up putting your effort towards a product that just ends up to be a scam at the end and this is why you will need to do a lot of research before getting into any product and selling them to others. I think the best way is to just find a product that sounds good and try it then sell it honestly when you find that it is not a scam and if you are sincere and truthful with your findings then people will eventually start listening.

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The media makes everything online seem like it is just so easy. I never believe anything that the media says in terms of the internet. The internet has a different set of rules.

When I started affiliate marketing, I too thought that it would be so easy. However, I also thought if it is so easy why are other people not doing it? I just brushed it off as they were not interested, or not too tech-savvy.

When I first started affiliate marketing, I start with Clickbank. Knew nothing, and never read any ebooks or got any initial training. I just decided I would share my affiliate links on the internet and over time someone will click on them and maybe make a purchase.. WRONG. I never got any sales. What I did notice was that people were creating entire websites from a single product. They had landing pages, google adsense, and google analytics. This was back in the day before Bootstrap CSS tookover. The landing pages all looked the same, but somehow they were converting into sales.

I replicated the processes and began to drive some traffic to my own website. There was some sales but not enough to actually keep my interest. So I basically quit doing that, and now I do not have time to do much marketing.

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I've seen numerous paid products online that promises to teach how to make money online. However, a lot of them merely teaches you how to make a website, how to design it and such yet forget to discuss in detail the primary factor in making money - how to get loads of traffic.

I've been there before. When I was able to make a professional looking site, I thought loads of cash would come flooding to my bank account. I was wrong. I only made a few cents per month from adsense. This could be very discouraging for some.

Well, somehow, I still carried on with trying to make money online until I eventually learned that it all boils down to getting traffic.

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The mistake we all make before getting into something is not doing our research. We all want to be spoon fed. Anything you do online has some kind of a learning curve. Most people want to jump the learning stage and go straight to making money. Not possible! I think marketing is even trickier online, because of the scams and the number of people that use the internet. Credibility is hard to build, yet is the single most important factor in attracting potential clients.

I would also advise, before joining any course online, do your research. You will often find many reviews and can then make an informed choice.

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Very good suggestions. I would also suggest to research extensively because of a lot of programs that offer affiliate commissions don't hold up to their promise. Some affiliate programs are scams and once you go to redeem your earnings you will find out that your request has been pending for quite some time. This has happened to me in the past, and it is a aggravating as hell. So yes, research, research and then research some more.

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I agree@Everett the importance of research cannot be over-emphasized enough. The advantage of the internet is that almost every programme on the internet has a review written about it, in forums. You just need to look around before you start any programme. If they are mixed reviews I would advise you to run.

Affilaite marketing is a very broad field. I would advise you to be very careful. In my opinion, you need to get a mentor. When you are more familiar with, what you are doing, you can then go out on your own. The sky is the limit!

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Whether you are promoting affiliate products through email marketing, social media marketing or your website, the main requirement is traffic. You need a huge traffic. Second is engagement. Having visitors is not enough, the visitors need to engage with the products, for instance, they need to check your affiliate product, the third important factor is conversion, the visitors need to buy the product.

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I think that’s a pretty long time to wait for 6 months before you can earn money from your website. I understand that traffic is not that easy and building legitimate traffic takes time. But it depends largely on the way you do your marketing. There are more effective ways although the first and foremost is the content which should be interesting to the readers and potential customers. Those readers will help you spread your link if your website is more than satisfactory to their taste.

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I have learned that traffic isn't enough. you can get traffic anywhere you can even get a million visitors to your site but if no one is buying or whatever what good is it? You need traffic that converts and that is the problem not getting traffic but traffic that converts to sales.

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One reason most affiliate marketers don't make much or any money is because they don't take time to learn about affiliate marketing before they get started. You see, if it were easy to make money from affiliate marketing, everyone would be doing it!

Spend some time learning how affiliate marketing works. Do some research to find out how other (successful) affiliate marketers promote(d) the products they sold (or still sell) and how long it took them to start making money. You'll need inspiration and that is how you'll get it.

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I think also you should understand that you don't need a website to be a successful affiliate marketer. Creating niche social media accounts is another way to go. Was that mentioned in the program you joined?

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