
Why targeting the "Low Hanging Fruit" is always a good idea

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Why targeting the "Low Hanging Fruit" is always a good idea

If you're new to SEO, you probably don't know many tricks of the trade just yet.  There are many SEO's out there that will tell you the how many searches per month your bigger keywords get so they can entice you to sign up with them.  Sure, there are a lot of searches out there and a 300,000 searched keyword per month would be amazing to rank for, but that takes a very long time since there is going to be a good amount of competition who has been building campaigns for years in order to rank for that same keyword.

Now I'm not telling you to NOT target these bigger keywords, I'm just saying that it's not going to yield any results right away and you should also focus on the low hanging fruit in order to pull in some initial traffic and sales.

So what exactly are the "Low Hanging Fruit" you speak of?
The term "low hanging fruit" comes from fruit that grows on the lowest branches of a tree and are much easier to grab than the fruit at the top.  The low hanging fruit is like your long tailed keywords and your highly searched, more difficult keywords, are the pieces of fruit near the top of the tree.  It takes more effort and time to get the fruit at the top of the tree compared to the fruit that you can just pick off of a low hanging branch while you're standing on the ground Why targeting the "Low Hanging Fruit" is always a good idea

People use this term because it's the easiest way to give an example of what needs to be done in order to have quick results with an SEO campaign.  If you go the easier route and just target the easier long tailed keywords, the low hanging fruit, you will see results quicker than if you were to target the higher up fruit, the shorter keywords.

What are my "Low Hanging Fruit" keywords?
Well this obviously depends on what your niche is, duh!  But you can get a pretty good idea of what your low hanging fruit keywords are based on how long they are.  Your shorter keywords containing one or two words will be the fruit at the top of the tree and it will take much longer to rank in the search engines for.  The keywords that have 3 or more words within them will be your low hanging fruit keywords which are much easier to rank for due to less competition when trying to rank for them.

A good example of this would be if you owned a car dealership.  You could target keywords such as:

  • Cars
  • Audi
  • BMW
  • Ford
  • Dodge

These would be your more difficult, almost impossible, keywords to target since they are just a single word and there are million dollar companies all fighting for top placements when it comes to them.  These are good to target, but don't expect top results any time soon because it will likely never happen in your lifetime lol.

A good example of low hanging fruit keywords for a car dealership would be
  • 2018 ford pickup truck
  • ford pickup truck reviews
  • 2018 Audi sports car reviews
  • best sports cars of 2018
  • best Honda civic models

Having multiple words within your keyword will almost always make it easier to rank for.  Can you see the difference in the two lists I just posted?  The more difficult keywords are short and sweet while the easier to rank for keywords are 4+ words.  Now the car niche is still going to be difficult to rank for no matter what keywords you're targeting, you may want to focus on 5+ word keywords if you want to gain any traffic.  But remember that no 2 niches are alike and you could possibly targeted 2 word keywords and find some delicious low hanging fruit Why targeting the "Low Hanging Fruit" is always a good idea

Have companies been successful by just targeting the low hanging fruit keywords?
YES YES YES!  I always tell my clients that we will target their difficult keywords AND their easier, low hanging fruit, keywords because we can get some initial traffic and sales coming in through the easier keywords while building up their rankings for the difficult keywords we hope to rank for in 6+ months from now Why targeting the "Low Hanging Fruit" is always a good idea

Companies can be extremely successful without ever seeing top rankings for their main keywords.  This is because they are pulling in thousands of visitors per day from all of their low hanging fruit and converting them into clients.  You don't need to be ranked #1 for your main keyword in order to be seen as the main authority.  That being said, if you're starting to rank high for all of the low hanging fruit in which you're targeting, you'll notice the rankings for your difficult keywords starting to climb and it's only a matter of time before you see a spike in traffic here and there because you finally hit page 1 for your main keywords Why targeting the "Low Hanging Fruit" is always a good idea

Why targeting the low hanging fruit is better in the beginning
Everyone wants to make money online, so having a good ROI from the start is what you want.  By targeting the low hanging fruit within your niche, you're increasing your ROI quicker because of the sales you'll start to generate.  Investing thousands into an SEO campaign each month will seem pointless if you're only targeting your main keywords.  This is because the time it takes for a great campaign to boost your rankings is unknown.  It could take 3 months or 3 years of top notch SEO work before you start to see rankings for your main keywords but it could take a few weeks to start making sales from your low hanging fruit.

Targeting your less competitive keywords is something every SEO specialist will tell you is a smart idea in the beginning.  If you're paying them thousands a month in order to make you money, you'll want to see results right away.  Having them bring in sales from your lower searched keywords will turn a quick profit and not keep you up at night thinking you're wasting money on an SEO campaign.

In Conclusion
Your "Low Hanging Fruit" will always yield a quicker ROI when targeted because they tend to be easier to rank for.  This is because not as many websites will be targeting them, making it easier for you to jump to page 1 in a shorter amount of time compared to your more difficult keywords.  Targeting various low trafficked keywords will bring in a decent amount of traffic, and hopefully sales, in order for you to keep your business profitable over time.  You will always need to be targeting your main keywords, but don't expect to rank for them any time soon Why targeting the "Low Hanging Fruit" is always a good idea

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What you said is 100% true and great advice for a lot of people especially those that are still creating their websites or have just launched. There is nothing worse than doing your search engine optimisation wrong because it can hurt your site. And like you said, it is better to target those less popular keywords because of the fact that you can rank higher for those keywords easily. What is the point of targeting highly searched for keywords if you are not going to be near the top? It just won't be effective enough.

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Yeah, I'm planning to start a blog and have been thinking of how to rank higher and I must confess that the article really opened my eyes on how to go about it.

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This is the first time that I had read something about SEO and keywords that did not confuse me. I was really confused why there is such a big issue in finding the right keywords as if it is a case of life and death. If your niche is about pets and your article is about your dog then is it too difficult to think of a tag for a keyword or keywords? What first comes to your mind is a keyword that will bring traffic no matter if it is not the best keyword for the content.

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The post is really informative, I mean if we can understand that targeting big words which others target as well can be really competitive. Then, we see the reason to go for the popular, yet not often used keywords to rank on search engines.

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One should also target commonly misspelled key words. It's not a sustainable practice for many words but there is a small list of commonly misspelled yet highly searched terms that can bring you thousands of visitors daily. Therefore in your HTML tags adding both the correct and incorrect versions of said words would be a shrewd move.

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Hmm, nice idea you got there. I really shove away the idea of including wrongly misspelled keywords, because, I was told it affects my ranking. But does keywords mostly comes with high number of searches an a very good traffic, I will try that out soon.

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Well, I don't exactly target the misspelled keywords. There are just certain words I have a bad habit of misspelling and they pop out in the search results which lets me know I'm not the only one misspelling those words. Why targeting the "Low Hanging Fruit" is always a good idea

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This is a good point. However, if we can capitialize on someone else's errors to get traffic to our site, why not do so? it just makes sense, and spelling errors happen all the time. We can benefit from them most likely!

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I think this is a good point, because there are many people who are not good spellers or who mistype. I think this could be a useful and valuable strategy for those who want to take advantage of an easy way to get some traffic.

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Now I get it. This is probably why some keywords are purposefully spelled wrong. And sometimes people do find themselves clicking on different links just because they wrote something the wrong way. It's always a question of how interesting your link will appear to be once it happens.

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Yes, some people are bad spellers so, I think yes, it is easier for them to write words the way they sound or other things like that. Phonetic spellings or spellings that are off by a letter or two get some traffic I think.

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Normally I would never target keywords that were just one word. Simply being because it's too impossible to rank for them. Now for instance, if I decided to target longtail keywords (i believe that's the term for them) then it would be most beneficial. Normally people would type in more than 2-3 keywords into the search engine. You can go to fail social media websites, and take a look at the elderly typing in stuff on facebook pages, when they meant to type it into the search box. Usually these searches are longtail keywords such as "recipes for pumpkin pie", or "how to crochet a blanket" for an example. A good thing to do is research, research and research some more.

Also, worth mentioning, is that alot of the time basic 1 word keywords will bring up a lot of search results you don't want. So it's best practice to use 'low hanging fruit' keywords. Could you imagine all the traffic you would be receiving if you stopped targetting "blog, book, ebook, car, etc"? Yeah, a lot of traffic. From my own experience, longtail keywords are the best to use. Never will any of my keywords be 1 single word ever again.

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I agree with you completely. Most one worded keywords will just be too difficult to rank highly for. There is just no point in attempting to rank high for these keywords so it is obviously wiser to target keywords that have a few keywords that you can put together. The example you gave of the elderly is actually really good. Apart from the young generation, a lot of people search for things using a couple of keywords.

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I think of long tail keywords as attention seeking keywords. Because here google pays attention to the longer typed question. And that's something many among us are learning in due process. You can see that there are plenty of people with time and money are making the content. And they seem to be using the long tail keywords. And hoping that such may bring traffic. In some cases that does work out too. As you can see that there are some really good option for the people who are looking to get more traffic this way. I am sure many people learn from this with keywords.

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The importance of low hanging keywords can not really be over emphasized, I can remember my mentor always tell me that, target the low hanging key words, it is your best bet as a beginner. And for people in a very competitive niche, it's always good to first focus on a low hanging keyword, with less than 50 QSR and over 100 monthly searches.

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Is there a free tool I can use to let me know if my content already has "low hanging fruit" keywords in it?

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Actually, those low hanging fruits are also supposed to be more profitable. In other words, people who type in longer keyphrases are more likely to buy. That's sort of odd since those longer keyphrases, according to the article, are supposed to be cheaper to target.

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This article is an eye opener. I have being thinking of going into affilate marketing for a while but didn't know how to go about it especially diving into the right niche. Now I know what to do and how best to utilize the 'low hanging fruits".

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To be honest, this low hanging fruit is new to me. But with the example of a car dealership, I have understood what you mean. And being specific in your target keyword is the key to meet your goal. So that means you need to be creative in thinking of the proper keyword as the target for your low hanging fruit harvest. And I have to agree that a one word keyword is not specific unlike having a keyword that is descriptive enough which can give you a better yield in the SEO game.

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Thanks for the quick lesson in SEO. The theory of low hanging fruit is always touted especially for beginners that are still new to SEO and are trying to get ranked. I like the fact that you have tailored it as a service that you can offer your clients while they are still trying to rank for their other keywords. Many companies don't realize how much time and work it takes to rank, this looks like an amazing method to insure some results at first instance.

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