
Put in the time when it comes to SEO and you will be glad you did

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Put in the time when it comes to SEO and you will be glad you did

Everyone usually knows what SEO is and how it works, especially the people here at Seocheckout who offer services or are just buyers.  But what about the people who are just starting out with SEO and read an eBook saying how to rank in a few hours.  What about the newbies who build 1,000,000 backlinks overnight and think "I'm going to be #1 and make $3,000 a day now!".  I'm sorry to say, but it simply doesn't work like that anymore.  Sure, you could have done this 10+ years ago and make a ton of money online through increased search engine rankings, but now it takes time and a bit of effort in order to build up your rankings so they stay solid.

People all over the world think that SEO takes 1, 2 or maybe 3 months but in reality it could take years to rank on the first page.  It all depends on the niche you're in and the keywords you're targeting.  What I like to do is evaluate the profits of my competitors, it's an estimate on how much they're making, but I can get a decent idea of what they're spending on SEO and marketing by getting an estimate.  The more the company is making, the more they can invest in a good SEO company in order to rank higher within the search engines.  Now why am I talking about this... I evaluate how much they can spend on SEO because it will give me an idea of the competition in which I'm fighting an uphill battle against.  A company could be spending $30,000 a month on SEO and getting top rankings, which means I have to put in much more time and effort in order to over take them in the rankings.  This is why I like to target odd ball keywords or a smaller niche entirely.

Why target lower trafficked keywords?
By targeting lower trafficked keywords I'm optimizing my pages and running an off page campaign in order to rank for something that not as many people are trying to pull in traffic from.  If I were to target the main keywords which are short tailed, I would have much more competition.  If I target the keywords that have less than 10,000 searches per month, I have a much better chance of getting top rankings which will bring in a decent amount of traffic and sales.  Sure, they won't bring in as much traffic compared to a 300,000 searched keyword per month, but I'll be able to target dozens of these low trafficked keywords and build my profits over time Put in the time when it comes to SEO and you will be glad you did

After a few months you should be seeing a decent amount of traffic coming in from these less targeted keywords, and then you can start targeting your main high trafficked keywords Put in the time when it comes to SEO and you will be glad you did

Why should I take my time with SEO?
Taking your time with SEO is always a good thing because rushing something like this is always disastrous.  I've been working in the SEO and marketing field for over 15 years and I never rush anything when it comes to rankings. 

You need to think of SEO as if you were building a house.  You need to lay the foundation and wait for it to dry so that you can start building on top of that.  The foundation is like your sales threads that you should be posting around the internet in order to bring in a few sales but primarily get seen by the world and the search engines.  Next you'll need to build the structure above the foundation so that you can start seeing everything come together.  The structure above the foundation is like your high quality links such as interviews, guest posts, good pr releases, etc.  After you have the foundation and the structure, you now need to add the roof of your campaign.  Some of you are saying "What else do I need to add after my initial sales threads and quality backlinks?  Well you'll need to fill in your backlink profile with some lower quality, but not garbage, backlinks in order to make everything look more natural.  What I like to do is get active on niche related forums and have my signature link back to my homepage.

After you do this for a few months you will have a decent amount of traffic and sales in which you can re-invest into other things for your business Put in the time when it comes to SEO and you will be glad you did

In the end, taking your time with SEO is always a good thing because you can monitor the success of each part of the campaign while you're running it.  You'll build up your authority as well as bring in sales at the same time and watch everything through your analytics to be sure what links are working and which need to be replaced.  Never rush your SEO because it could go south pretty quick.  Take your time, evaluate everything and play it safe so that if something does go wrong you can fix it fairly quick.

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Anybody who is online and planning to be active and successfully build and maintain their online presence, but doesn't want to spend any amount of time learning and working on their SEO must want to appear on the last page of the search results. That's like having a cyber death wish! (O.o)

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If anyone is spending time on SEO. They are bound to spend time and be active. Because SEO can't be passive. It's one of the hard work along with social media. Here one has to be always online or have to spend time maintaining reputation. That's how it works for many among us. So SEO can be harder to get regular.

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I know of some sites that have been abandoned due to lack of capital. Even when I proposed SEO work for free, the owner of the site declined because he has no more intention of getting traffic to his site. But he didn’t say what his plans are and maybe he is going to sell his site and domain, I really don’t know. When you cannot give time and effort to your site then it will not get any traffic from the search engines.

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The word “optimization” means “the action of making the best or most effective use of a situation or resource.” That resource is the “search engine”. Since anything and everything on the Internet is tied to the search engine. If you abandon the SEO, you've abandoned everything.

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Thanks for this information and clarification that SEO should be taken seriously and take into account that it can take some time or year to see the results of your hardwork. Many people now wants to earn money instantly, but they do not know how and if that is the case they tend to get greedy and do wrong things like using bots and programs that can hack SEO. This will eventually fail because Google and other search engines change their algorithms from time to time. They don't announce it and you will be surprised. Take care and be truthful in everything.

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I think on page SEO results are pretty much seen quickly. But that does not seem to be the case with the SEO. I guess we have to check out what may or may not work out in terms of the off page SEO options. There seems to be good enough options on our end to make things easier. You have to focus on reputation. So that this way your backlink building efforts pay off. That may take time. And I agree that one has to be really patient for this.

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SEO is critical for the success of any business. The good thing is that nowadays people need not do their SEO by themselves. There are many professionals to help them. I currently have a small business and I can manage everything myself. I have watched and read many tutorials about SEO before starting my business. However if my business is to grow I will require the help of an expert for sure.

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What you said is 100% true. It is important that website owners spend some time on search engine optimisation because it is becoming extremely important nowadays. Almost all websites now take advantage of search engine optimisation so you will be at a disadvantage by ignoring it and thinking it is not vital for your website. You could be losing a lot of potential customers and users by not going through search engine optimisation for your website properly.

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In the past, it was way easier to rank, but that doesn't mean it cannot be done (within a decent time frame) nowadays. However, though, as with any long-term goal, it can be frustrating. I suppose you could also liken this idea to bodybuilding.

Anyway, in order to keep my hopes up, I'd study examples of people who have made it. Look at their backlinks, material etc.. You might find your situation could be easier than it seems.

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Times are constantly changing, and that rings true especially on the internet. Things move so fast on here that sometimes it's really hard to keep track of everything. That's why I agree it is important to take your time when working on SEO in order to make good decisions. Anyone can rush things out, but it is those who take their time to do things properly who will get the most out of it. If possible it is a good idea to take some SEO courses, whether they are online or offline, and get a good understanding of it so you can adapt to different situations. Without a good knowledge of it, you're doomed to fail.

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Human has the rat race mentality in everything.We always want to get things done with in no time, everyone is always wanting to finish everything in no time and when it doesn't go as expected in the short while we look for a dubious means.Certainly, like every other thing SEO also need time to build and eventually gain from it.

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Razzy with another amazing article! I have always look up at how I can really build up the ranking of the new blog that I'm planning to start and reading this article just brought solutions to it. I will definitely target less searched keywords and try to build me from there.

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I published an article titled "Hindu Fertility Symbols and Hindu Fertility Gods" five years ago. THis article still gets around 200 views from Google every day. Why is this article successful?
The title is unique, you will not find too many articles on this topic.
The title as moderate search hits but less competition
The title is interesting
The article is lone, it contains around 1500 words
The article is divided into sections.
The article contains at least 5 percent primary and secondary keywords
All of the things mentioned are onpage seo techniques. With proper SEO the article is continuously earning revenue for me.

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Wow, awesome. This an awesome example of targeting a low hanging keyword, and you feed on that.
It might interest you to know that the views won't stop coming though, as far as that keyword is still in existence, even if the populace key into that.

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I think unique titles and unique topics could deliver. I also notice viewers search for long articles that also have quality. And last but not the least that which can be opened quickly wins the race as some articles that have video links and images may not attract viewers.

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This is a very good piece of information about SEO and from all observation, it's quite clear that starting up SEO venture is not that easy as people do think it is. It requires a meticulous and painstaking dedication in order to achieve your set goals as seocheckout. I will definitely be coming with PM for you @Razzy once I'm ready for my blog start up.

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Yeah, that's exactly what I was talking about, when it comes to SEO, time and patience is an important factor. Many people think that with creating many back links and so on, that they will just rocket up to the front page, it's really not how it happens. It can take years and it can take months as well, depends on the process. But the best bet, is to target low hanging keywords.

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That's what i keep on hearing when i need to get more traffic to my own websites "stop complaining and start doing more seo work". For me, I do not often have the time to devote to ranking my pages, or the entire website. Which in and of itself seems funny since I have time to complain about it, but I see it as me not earning money, but more so offering my time to drop my link on a website when the owner could either delete that link or the webiste could become expired or even worse, my ranking would drop due to bad backlinks. However, whenever i get time i seem to google similar websites of my own site and try to drop my link in the most positive manner without it appearing as if im trying to get backlinks and upping my own seo. It's also kind of hard to find websites similar to my own, and if i do there is no way to drop my link anywhere, so sometimes i would search for hours on end and leave empty handed.

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No amount of time put in for SEO activities can be a waste or too much. Successful online marketers have realized this secret long ago, but most newbies are yet to understand this. Professional Forum posters have discovered the power of consistency putting in a lot of hours for making forum posts daily and getting the expected output in no time. This is one of the ways to integrate SEO on a website or blog. One good thing about being consistent is that you see results with time.

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Things rarely stay the same in the internet world and it is important to know all the tips and tricks when it comes to SEO. You do see results over time when you consistently put in the work. However, it helps to know what you are doing, and have a method otherwise you are just working hard without seeing the results you could.

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Yes, you will be glad putting in the time and hard work on SEO. That is the big secret not yet believed by so many people looking for legit money making opportunities online. SEO activities must be performed on a regular basis and the result will be great indeed. This is the secret of success hidden from online newbies. There's no free money online. You can only make money online if this single step is taken.

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Since SEO work does not get an instant result, I guess it is a good advice to take time in doing your SEO chores. Make it a regular task but you don’t have to rush. But on the contrary, uploading good contents will do you good not only with the SEO capability but also with the traffic. Always remember that you are doing SEO because of the traffic so if your content is getting good traffic then you just continue in putting more good contents to get more traffic. At least you can be patient with the SEO ranking since you are getting good traffic already with your contents. .

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