
A limit of Facebook pages?

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A limit of Facebook pages?

Hey guys,

I currently have two different Facebook pages under one single profile on my Facebook account but I'm planning on expanding to possibly 3 or 4 pages. However, I am worried that there's a limit on how many you can have so I'd love to know if there's a max you can have or not? If yes, what's the maximum? 

Thank you for the help, highly appreciated!


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Yeah, I guess in terms of advertising, like investing diversifying is the way to gain attention and get your point across to those who might be seeking your services, or who don't yet realize they need and want your services. Maybe Facebook isn't always absolutely the best place to advertise due to the limit. I have no idea what the limit is though, hopefully someone can answer this for you.

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I don't know how many facebook pages we can create. I have 6 facebook pages. I don't have a big following on my facebook pages and I these days I am trying to build followers organically. Through these pages, I regularly advertise my websites, services, and products and get a good conversion. If I had a large following, I would be getting better conversion.

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Oh, damn. Six pages? I guess I still have plenty of free space that I can work with since I have two right now, haha.

That makes me feel a lot better since I was worried that I would have to make a new profile in order to make even more.

Thanks everybody for the help A limit of Facebook pages?

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The more pages you have, means more money to Mark's account, so do you think there will be any limit on that huh?.
Every page you open, they see you as a potential customer of their boosted posts service and Ads service, which they will be disturbing with. Asking you to boost your posts. So nigga the more pages, the more money(potentially) A limit of Facebook pages?

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I have 5 pages and have had them for a while. I advertise my websites, etc. too. But as getting a good conversion? Forget about it! But since the pages were so easy to create and Facebook let them set them up for free, I keep them going. You never know! One day the links might start converting to cash!

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I only own two facebook pages, they been really helpful but I wouldn't know if there's a limit for them. According to an article I recently read there's no limit, as long as, there's no suspicious activity, you should be fine. I understand you need to diversify to get different types of followers but running more than 2 pages could be a little hard...

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Running one page is hard enough because of the different things you have to manage and consider especially when it is a page for a blog or website that you also have to spend a lot of time managing that as well. I can't imagine having to manage and run more than one page at a time.

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Well to be honest I'm not all that familiar with the topic considering that currently I don't even have a single Facebook page up besides my personal profile. That being said, I did get some results after searching for answers on Google. According to most sources, it would seem that there isn't really a limit on the number of pages that you can own/admin. Most people say that there is a technical limit that is somewhere in the range of hundreds of pages, but they agree that at that point you are most likely just spamming the system and will be flagged for that. It would seem that as long as your pages are legitimate there is no real limit.

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I don;t know about maximum limit. But I have managed 12 pages so far under clients account. And that is something possible. Most of the business account pages can be higher. So don't worry about the limit. You can also create alternative profiles under business names. And that way you can bypass the limit of the facebook pages. That's something you can surely do. I have tried that and it should work for you too.

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I am not sure how many you can make, as over the years I have made many Facebook pages. I have a long list of them so I know you can make at least 10 or more pages as like I said I have a lot of pages made lol. I have tons of pages each one with each website some within one post I like to try different ways with some of my blog posts so I create a page with the same keyword. As sometimes when you search for a keyword on google, some bring up Facebook pages.

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I have 2 facebook pages connected to my business account and I run them smoothly without hitches, soi believe you can run them the numbers you can manage provided it doesn't go against Facebook's terms and conditions, then they shouldn't be a problem.

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I have 2 different Facebook account, one to promote my blog site and writing online site articles while the second one is for my ex-schoolmates where we contact each other often, keep updating our daily lifestyles and family stories. I never mix them up or mix them together. Separating them is useful.

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I actually have three Facebook pages. One of them is for my business and I am more active on this one. I am not really aware about the maximum number of Facebook pages you can have under a single profile. I will advise you to contact Facebook directly. They will be in better position to advise you about this.

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I only have one page at the moment so I am probably not close to the maximum if they do have one. I don't think there is a maximum number of pages that you are close to hitting. There probably is a maximum to ensure that people cannot just reserve page names and unique URLs to try and then sell to people who are desperate to get that specific name. Their maximum is probably a large number though, a quick google search might tell you what it is.

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Is there really a maximum to the number of groups that we can have on Facebook? I have been on the social network and have seen some friends own up to 6 Facebook groups and that got me thinking about how many Facebook groups one can really have. I might have to research about it.

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Interesting question. But you know that I never stopped to think about it? In fact, I've never seen anyone questioning it before i read your discussion, haha.

So, I'm not sure about that, but I think even for them to have better control over everything that is created / posted, there must be some sort of limit to that.

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We should assume it to be unlimited. Only Facebook is one social media network that I see taking good care of their users and bringing new features on the site.

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"We should assume it to be unlimited."

What makes you think that way?

I can't imagine that there is not an accurate limit to this. As I said before, I had never thought about it, but I think there must certainly be a limit.

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I suggest that you focus on limited pages such as in your facebook acoount. This will help you manage everyone of your pages. One or two is enough for one account. I know that there is no limit in making pages in one account. The problem is you don't have the capacity to manage them all by yourself. Focus on just 1 to 3 pages per account.

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Facebook pages are unlimited because you can assigne unlimited "admins" to them. Say for instance im a record label..I can create a "artist" page for my singer. In fact If i had 20 artists signed to my label then i would create a page for each of them. I would control the page because I would be the one paying for the marketing of their albuma, paying for the ads, the campaigns.

And I would designate several individuals to be admins of the page. One who handles the marketing, one who handles legal contracts...etc...

These marketing comapanies have an entire division who focuses on nothing but the social media accounts of clients they represent..

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Facebook pages lack of interactions, for example, if I want to chat with like posts on other profile then it is impossible to do that. I think FB page is just for promoting a brand name.

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I also think that Facebook pages work only for promotional purposes... But still, I think the amount of creation is limited because otherwise, things would just get out of control (everything would become a big mess).

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I don't think that there is a limit on the amount of pages you can own or operate under an account. I don't even think that there will be any limit that will placed on it in the near future. You need to understand that everything is about business and the more pages you have means more potential money for them.

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I really doubt if there is any limit to the number of Facebook pages one can set up. I haven't really heard that one got banned or warned not to create more than one to any number of pages the individual desires, as long as he/she can manage all the pages.
Currently, I have 2 Facebook pages and I would still probably get another one when I have purpose for it.

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As long as Facebook keeps their ridiculous limit on how many FRIENDS one can have on Facebook? People will continue to set up duplicate pages to add new FRIENDS. For two reasons. 1.) The Facebook FRIENDS limit is stupid when the whole purpose of Facebook and the reason it was established to begin with, was to connect people online and have them add or become friends. 2.) Making a second page or a 'sister' page is a whole lot easier than going through thousands of your current FRIENDS to find someone to UNFRIEND so you can add someone else as a FRIEND.

I think the method to Facebook's madness is that people having duplicate pages increases Facebook's user base numbers. Thus it makes them look more powerful and more popular. For example, if a public person or brand gains millions of FRIENDS, and has to set up 10 separate pages just to make room for them all. Then it actually triples or even quadruples the number of Facebook users on the surface. But in reality, many Facebook accounts all belong to one person or individual. As opposed to 5 or 6 separate, different people.

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That is a very good question. *quickly does some research on google*

Now i am back from my research and spent about 5 minutes on reading why merging neutrons stars is important.. okay then.. distraction at it's best..

Upon researching the total amount of pages a single facebook user can have is absolutely unlimited. However, some people are limited by 'requests' whatever that is. Everywhere I looked said that it was an unlimited amount.

Now, i dont know why someone would want to make around 10,000,000 pages but if you do let us all know if you ever hit a limit and then i can update this post. My total number of pages is around 20 but one 1 page is marked as published, and active..

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Unlimited is not a viable concept.

While it's true that Facebook does not limit how many pages you can create, there is a physical limit to how many you can manage. On top of that, if your pages do not have any activity for some time, Facebook will unpublish the page. And that means one page less.

I think the best thing to do is to concentrate on one page. First. Build it up. Make it pay. There's no value in just bragging about the zillions of pages that you have when you have nothing to show for it.

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That's very true. I know people who have 3 pages. They seem to manage them quite well but many manage only one and have someone else manage the other two or so.

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Although I haven't noticed any limit on my Facebook pages, to be very sincere, I have always found and considered Facebook platform to be a very fair platform where I can still get found by potential customers. I use its advertising platform and the cost is really fair, not unbearable at all. The only limit I noticed is that of traffic which is hard to generate with any page without boosting.

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While on this topic, let me share something about pages which you have created and neglected for some time. I know because I have some pages which I have created some time ago and not updated for ages.

I suggest not deleting those pages. They were created when you were passionate about something. They still have content which is interesting to somebody out there. Hey, there are more than one billion Facebook users. Just one-hundredth of one percent is a lot of people.

So keep those old, neglected pages. Someday, you may rekindle your interest in them.

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I never heard of limits when it comes to owning Facebook pages. You can have as many as you want but it is obvious you will have less than 10 if you can manage them well. I doubt if one person can have up to 20 pages unless they have hired someone to handle the page for them.

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Personally, I haven't been warned against creating multiple pages on Facebook, but all I know about Facebook is that there's an extent to which anyone can use the medium as regards earning traffic and generating likes or followers. Facebook is actually used by millions of people from all parts of the world.

There was a time in the past when anyone could leverage Facebook limitlessly, but that's not the case again. The case with Facebook now is that you are limited on the usage of the platform for generating traffic. You are rather encouraged to pay for Facebook ads for generating traffic which really works out.

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Facebook ads are actually quite a joke. You're basically advertising to people who already know you exist. The only way to get any mileage out of FB ads - is to target them at people within your niche but who exist on a spectrum where you content is fresh and new to them. Easier said than done. Although FB ads aren't nearly as useless as 'post boosting.'

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I know people who have multiple Facebook pages without a problem. As someone here has already stated the trick is in how you manage them otherwise it may be counterproductive to have that many pages. @Judas2018 I think that it depends on how you use your Facebook. Why are you restricting your marketing to only your friends. You can join Facebook groups and also have a separate Facebook page for your audience where you try to get followers based on your niche. There is so much you can do on Facebook. They are lots of courses on this, both paid and free.

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I think the limit of the number of Facebook Pages that you can create using your account has no limit and the most probable is it has the same limit as the number of friends that one account can accept. Right now you can have a maximum of 5,000 friends only for one account and that is also the maximum number of Facebook Page that you can create. I guess it is like saying there is no limit to the number of Facebook Pages.

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