
Working with a weak internet signal.

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Working with a weak internet signal.

How frustrating can this be for you?

Internet when it works perfectly is something sensational, but when the signal is weak things change rapidly. Depending on the type of work you are doing (and if there is any deadline to be reached... which makes everything even worse) this can - literally - kill your project and make you lose control.

Of course a solution has to be found, but how do you deal with this kind of situation happens to you?


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This is my life! strugling with my internet connection is almost part of my daily routine. Internet in Venezuela is so crappy is literally the worst in Latin America according to a recent study I found. The thing I did was buying a BAM, that's like a "independent" internet connection with my cellphone company so the internet is not controled by the goverment (ah I forgot to mention here the internet is super controled by those people and that's why is so slow) and it's a little bit more decent than the regular connection.

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Stop doing it , save in draft, wait till the signal is strong, then post them. Otherwise, waste of time. Might as well write several posts, save them and earn more money then

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working with a weak signal can be very annoying because one will be struggling to do a job.

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"Stop doing it , save in draft, wait till the signal is strong, then post them."

I think this would be the most logical decision at the moment (easy and simple to avoid headaches, haha), but the problem is when you have deadlines to deliver many things. How would you deal with it? Would you stay calm?

Can you feel the intensity of the drama now? Working with a weak internet signal.

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That's right. Don't force yourself on doing things with a weak internet signal as it can really affect it. Always call your ISP as the best solution to this problem or try to reset the modem/router. Hope he won't miss his deadline.

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As a freelancer it hurts me the most. I had the signal issue most of the time. And I wanted to fix this problem plenty of times. I am not sure if this thing can be changed. I am trying to find out if it's possible to see how the weak and good signals can be in that context though. There are some really good things that can be said about the internet signal these days. I guess depending on how the signals are managed I'd say weak signals hurt the most. You can't get big projects. And it hurts to be on the lower income for longer time. It can be suffocating as well.

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This reminds me whenI got a job offer that required an online interview. Our internet connection was dial up and was slower than a turtle. You can guess what happened. Even now, there are times that our internet access becomes slow. In times like that, I just quiit and wait for a better timing. When the internet access is slow, it ruins my concentration and sometimes I get irritated which is not good when you are writing.

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"This reminds me whenI got a job offer that required an online interview."

When I was writing this discussion one of my thoughts was related to that, haha. I already missed one of those interviews because of a weak internet signal and it was a very frustrating experience.

Unfortunately, there was nothing that I could have done at the moment, but for my luck the interview was rescheduled. Working with a weak internet signal.

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We have pretty lousy internet in my corner of the world, and it can make working on articles, projects an other things a pain in the behind. I simply wait until the signal improves to do my more important projects there is not much else you can do honesly.

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But if you have some deadline of something very important to be fulfilled?

Would you just continue waiting - patiently, haha - until the signal improves or would you seek to use another internet source... Like a borrowed computer or another available signal, for example?

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It's really frustrating, one of the worst things you can do to me, is to keep me in a room with a weak internet signal, arhh, it's really frustration and can make me go gaga. It is better I don't use the internet to surf, than surfing on a weak signal, and waiting on the pages to open like waiting forever, damn!.

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In the past, my rural home in Tennessee, USA only had dial-up internet. In that case, real work on the internet was impossible. However, now I have a satellite connection. However, though, there are still a few minor drawbacks to the connection. For one thing, you cannot do online gaming and an FTP (program for transferring files) can be very slow - though not impossible as with a dial-up connection.

Anyway, to get around the FTP problem, I can simply use a cPanel method which is just as fast - but, unfortunately, it only works with uploading, not downloading.

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Poor signal is really a big problem for online freelancers. It will definitely interrupt your work. I call the customer service right away so they can have it fixed in a few minutes. As an online writer, I just do my drafts offline while waiting for my signal to get fixed. I remain calm as much as possible so I can still be productive. I also do things ahead of my daily plan. I do more than what I have planned for the day so I can still be on track in case this interruption happens. This is actually the best thing to do to avoid delays or anything that reduces productivity. I still stay focused on what I am doing.

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You can't really work in an online job the requires good internet signal. Your client will be disappointed if you could not finish the job according to what you have agreed and you will be given a bad rating. This is really a problem here in the Philippines, the subscription fee for internet connection is very expensive but the signal is very poor.

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I work on a daily deadline basis with a writing site and I used to have submission problems when I was still using a broadband dongle which was really slow and offered maximum speed of 1 mbps but usually performed at .25 mbps, I would miss deadlines which resulted to increases in my warning levels and the loss of the project itself as a missed submission meant that it will be returned to the pool and grabbed by another writer. I have since subscribed to a wired connection that was at least stable though still not that fast. I need the connection to be consistent as my writing work is usually research-intensive. Having a slow connection can also limit one's online opportunities as some high paying and regular online positions for remote workers require a minimum of 5 mbps wired connection.

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I always avoid working when there is a weak internet connection. If I was on Wi-Fi and suddenly the internet got weak, I would prefer to purchase some bundles and use because the network will always be high if you have bundles.

I also make sure to complete my work early and not wait to do it near the deadline. This is because I will have time to look for alternatives faster if the internet connection slows down.

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It happens to me all the time. I love to surf the internet and to look for videos and/or movies to download but it is quite frustrating that the internet signal is weak because it may take some time especially those large files to be downloaded. All I need to do is just to have more patience and search for internet optimization softwares, just to try if it helps but still nothing happens.

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Well to be quite honest, lately this hasn't been an issue for me. I'm thankful to say that for a small cost I was able to upgrade my internet package to really good speeds, so for starters having a quality internet provider is key. The other thing is that if possible, I absolutely never work through Wi-Fi. Depending on your router, more often than not you're going to get poorer speeds on wireless than you would be through a wired connection. Because of this, even if I work on a laptop, I have an ethernet cable running from my modem to my laptop. The connection is not only consistently more dependable but I'm also getting 100% of the speed that I'm paying for.

However, living in a rural community, it's all fine and dandy until the power or internet connection completely cuts out, which happens quite often here. In that scenario, I don't have much else to do besides try to go primal and start smashing.

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I currently pass through this torture of having to work with two sim cards at different locations, that is one for the office and the other network provider at home.

The issue started when I discovered that my favourite MTN cannot work well at the office which prompted me to try Airtel network and it worked. Since then, I've been subscribing on both network providers to keep up with my freelancing works.

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I have same issue. I have purchased 4G Device and added another SIM into it. And I keep both phone and the 4G SIM in the same bag that I carry most of the time. As you can see that seems to be working for me. It's just that it'd be reasonable to see that some of the time signal is what may cause you to stop using the device. I think Airtel is good network. I am also having it in my place but I am moving to the JIONet and hopefully better 4G.

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Fortunately I have to deal with those issues only very rarely. We have weak internet signals over here mostly during bad weather conditions. I work as a freelancer and it would not have been easy to work if my internet connection was bad. Earlier this month I had a problem with my internet connection and the service provide took 3 days to resolve the issue. I was very bored during those 3 days and I couldn't work online. I had to postponed all the tasks that I had to do and I did lose some money too.

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It can definitely be one of the most frustrating and annoying things. Luckily, I have pretty good internet so I never really get a weak internet signal. There's not much you can do really except to try and switch to a better internet service provider. If you are using a router then it may be wise to look at some tips available online about how to improve the signal strength.

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I work with a weak internet connection. The highest speed you can get in my home country is 6 mbps. I live in a countryside and in the countryside the highest internet speed you can get is 1 mpbs. one mbps is enough if you are posting articles or doing internet search, however, it is not enought for video watching or download.

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I admire your patience with your slow internet access. I understand your situation because we used to be like that with any other host provider, the access would always be intermittent. Would you believe that downloading one standard image from a camera takes not less than 5 minutes? You can imagine the uploading a short video to YouTube, it will take hours and the get interrupted and you have to re-start again.

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One of the reasons why I have avoided video marketing is because of the internet connection. The connection is terribly slow here and very unreliable. Video gives you better exposure when it comes to content marketing, even marketing products and services. however, I am not doing video marketing.

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When it comes to internet connection signal, I always prefer it to be very strong and stable. I happen to very impatient when I'm working and it's poor network signal that hampers my work.

To tell you how serious I am about working with strong network internet connection signal, I have 5 telecommunication network SIM card with active data subscriptions, so to avoid being stuck with one if it's have poor network issues.

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Overall, I'd say my internet signal is pretty good. Not the strongest, but far from the weakest in comparison to the average. I did, however, upgrade my WiFi package to a faster speed over the past year. So that could be why I don't experience weak signals as much as I used to. In the past, whenever, I had to work around a weak internet connection, I always used a USB wireless receiver adapter. Basically, it's an antenna that connects to the side of your laptop, in order to boost WiFi signal and range. I highly recommend them because they really helped me prior to upgrading my WiFi with my ISP provider.

Switching to a cabled connection would be my second best recommendation. I know we all love being wireless, but sometimes it's best to connect the ethernet cable directly to your laptop, in order to ensure a stable connection.

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Whenever I am experiencing weak internet signals, I used to develop a bit of headache and get totally frustrated. Things get totally boring for me and I feel like logging off my device and rebooting later. In some parts of the world, this situation is very rampant, whereas in some other parts of the world, internet disconnection does not usually occur. So, people enjoy surfing the web at the comfort of their homes or at offices.

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I had to deal with it during the early days of being a verizon customer but overtime it got better. Can't remember the last time I lost internet connectivity unless there was a serious outage in my area. If you're having weak signal issues you could have a major interference issue in the area that's equipment related or is being caused by an outside force.

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