
Using a Fake Facebook Account to Promote your Websites?

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Using a Fake Facebook Account to Promote your Websites?

I see a lot of people on Facebook promoting different products and websites in their wall. I'm pretty sure that most of them are fake accounts and are using pictures that are not their own. A lot of them use pictures and photos of pretty ladies and handsome men. And you know what? Their posts are getting a lot of likes!

I don't have a fake account on Facebook. I simply use my real account or one of my Facebook pages to promote my websites. They're getting a decent amount of likes and views. However, I am tempted to create a fake Facebook account and slap in some beautiful photos of people, get lots of friends and get lots of likes.

What do you think? Is creating a fake Facebook account a great way to promote websites and products?


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I don't think creating a fake Facebook account is a good idea. You are actually doing it right. Promoting products using your page is more appropriate than creating a fake account. There's a chance that you lose credibility. A lot of people still don't trust a fake account. They don't even entertain it because they have an impression that the account owner might be a scammer. Credible and legit sellers do what is appropriate and that is enhancing their pages to attract more people, especially when they get high ratings and good reviews. Just keep on doing what is right.

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Well,a lot of people like to separate their personal life from their business which to me is why it always good to have this division for better focus and concentration.
I don't see this as a fake account because it for your business, you could open one which will be restrictly for your business and that is it.

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Anyone who finds out you were using a fake account is not going to continue to buy from you are to patronize your website. I don;t see that as being a helpful option in the long run. I think maintaining integrity by promoting the products through your own site is the way to go.

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I personally just use my personal Facebook account to promote my website but like you, I have also made a business page. I think that this is way better than making a fake account. Facebook has been getting pretty good with detecting fake profiles - my friend got his three banned Using a Fake Facebook Account to Promote your Websites? so imagine getting a ton of friends, likes, etc. and then getting reported and banned. It would mean that you wasted a lot of your time. Just do it the clean and honest way!

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Not sure what is defined as “fake”. If you mean the people use a pseudonym and create an avatar instead of using their real name and a picture of their real face, but they are still advertising and selling a real product. I'm not sure that's fake.

I mean … lots of authors used a pen name to write their books. It didn't make them fake and it didn't make their books fake either.

“Eleanor Hibbert (1 September 1906 – 18 January 1993) was an English author who combined imagination with facts to bring history alive through novels of fiction and romance. She was a prolific writer who published several books a year in different literary genres, each genre under a different pen name: Jean Plaidy for fictionalized history of European royalty; Victoria Holt for gothic romances, and Philippa Carr for a multi-generational family saga. A literary split personality, she also wrote light romances, crime novels, murder mysteries and thrillers under the various pseudonyms including Eleanor Burford, Elbur Ford, Kathleen Kellow, Anna Percival, and Ellalice Tate.”
(Source: Wikipedia)

I'm just not sure what you mean when you say it's a “fake account”.

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Hey thanks for asking for a clarification! This is what I was trying to say. There are times when you don't want to associate yourself with an online gig that you're currently doing but want to promote it through Facebook. So you use a different name and upload an avatar instead of your own picture.

I see a lot of people doing that and there still going strong. I think I'll try to make a new Fb account, use a pen name, and inform you guys how it went.

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OK. Thank you for clarifying. One more question to ask, if I may. My FB account is old so things may have changed. When you create a Facebook account, does it still have to be a profile first and then you can change your profile into a page? I seem to recall that I was not allowed to start off in Facebook with just a business page. I had to create a profile first. I could either then create business pages OR I could convert my profile into a business page. I was wondering if there have been any changes to this process.

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I have a lot of facebook friends who are not using their real name, picture, and identity. They are doing this for privacy issue and they have rights to remain anonymous. I think it is perfectly ok to use pseudonyms on facebook. For me, fake accounts are the accounts that use photos, names, and identity of other people. Fake accounts are also the accounts that promote illegal stuffs.

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I think there are plenty of people who are making the content viral are making use of fake profile. They make use of such profile to penetrate into niche. And they are using this traffic to grow the brand. So this is very common among the content marketing journey. And it can be really good in many ways for people. You just have to find out how the promotion for the business works. You have to understand that even facebook knows this part. And that is why they ask people to keep business and the personal profile separate. So based on that it'd be possible to see how the growth happens.

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I'm glad you've observed this phenomenon too. I see a lot of accounts who I know aren't who they portray themselves to be in their profile pic. But they get a ton of likes and a ton of views. I do know of some accounts that are no longer active because they probably were banned by Facebook for using a fake account. But I still see a lot of marketers who have fake Facebook accounts with lots of friends and likes. If I get positive results from this technique, I'll be informing you guys.

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Having a fake account does not necessirily mean you will be successful. What if you build a lot of followers, even managed to get leads and sales than finally your account is blocked because
it is fake. There is a risk in using fake account. You have rights to remain anonymous, however, it is wrong to use a fake identity.

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I won't advise you to create a fake Facebook profile as there are people who might report those fake profiles. I have my own Facebook page and I have been working really hard to get followers/likes and things are working out for me. My online business is flourishing and I am currently developing some new products. A pleased customer will always make business with you again. You need to make sure that you deliver an exceptional service to a customer as this is the key to success.

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I would not recommend using a fake facebook account to promote your website. I just don't think it gives a good impression of your site especially if people figure out that you are using fake accounts to make your website look better. It's the same as fake social media followers/likes to be fair. It may seem like a good idea but it just makes your brand and business look cheap, tacky and makes it hard for the customer/user to trust the website.

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Whoops I never heard of this idea but this is not a good way to promote your website unless you don't want Facebook someday will ban your account because of some illegal things.

AND if you get banned from facebook it is very difficult to get it back from a fake account because you need to pass some their challenges.

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When you say fake Facebook account, it means an account with a different name and more likely a different profile picture too. A fake account to promote your website or business is fine with me. However, mMy question is how does that fake account earn a good reputation? Take note that in promoting something in Facebook, you need to have an influence. A new account has nothing like that and no followers so how can it be effective in promotion? On the other hand, if the fake account has been existing for so long and has a good number of followers then that's a different story.

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I don't have a fake account but I do have a Facebook account that I don't use much but to promote my dictated pages. As an artist and producer it's important to use Facebook for business, but my personal Facebook Account has no real purpose, outside of a few Facebook groups, my personal Facebook page doesn't help me grow my brand much.

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I think having a fake account is against Facebook's rules. Anyhow, though, you don't have to use your real name on all parts of your account. For instance, in regards to your Facebook page, you would simply be called the name of your page.

Anyway, I don't think FB is tough on people making fake accounts and I've seen at least one last for years. However, I'm considering it a fake account where the main account, the personal one, uses another name, but I could be wrong.

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If you run a facebook account with the right words, your ads will more than you can imagine. Using a fake facebook doesn't guarantee maximum security on the space.

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I imagine ANYTHING is possible on Facebook after the secrets revealed about the past U.S. election and its shenanigans. But I think it's bad business to use a fake Facebook account to promote your website or products. It doesn't make any sense, considering the fake account won't have many real human followers. A better practice, would be to open a sister or companion page to your official Facebook page. Then drive traffic to both pages. The companion page could be to promote a different aspect of your site or blog, but visitors would also know it's a part of your overall network - And not some shady bot deal.

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Your fake facebook account will be with you until someone makes a complain. When your account is found by facebook team, it might be deleted. Therefore, there is a risk of getting banned. Instead of fake account, you can create a real account, build a facebook page with a different name and promote your page. I have several facebook pages and these pages do not tell to the audience who owns them.

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The use of Facebook Page is a good idea because you can focus on your business since that Page was created with a niche relevant to your purposes. And when that Page is suspended for spamming or for whatever reason, you are right that it is not connected to your personal Facebook account. I also find some Facebook Page very active because the community is like the community in a forum.

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Creating a facebook page and associating it with a facebook group is a better way to promote contents rather than creating fake account and promoting dubious products and services. On your page you can promote your contents, on your group you can a healthy discussion related to your page content.

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Using a Facebook account to promote your websites is one of the greatest mistakes you can make in doing internet marketing. Facebook accounts don't last long. Facebook has a great technology to detect you out in a matter of days, weeks or months. You will surely be detected out of the platform someday. Facebook frowns at this and can flush you out of the platform anytime. The best way is advertising properly using a targeted location and choosing your preferred budget.

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If the account is fake, I can't imagine that those like are real.I've seen marketers use those accounts to market to other marketers. I have always wondered if they actually get anything out of it because I'm not fooled.

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The problem with a fake account is you can never be sure when Facebook might take it down. And believe Facebook will definitely take down your fake account site within 12 months. It's always best to use a real account more so if your going to use the account for a long time. But if you just need it for a month or several months then I guess a fake account can help you. Although people generally don't trust fake accounts, specially when these accounts are selling something. But if it's only for advertising and promotions I guess you can make do with a fake account.

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