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There are 7 main things that you will need to learn in order to be the best sales professional possible. Being a good sales professional is ok, but being a successful one is even better. You'll need to develop some key habits before you can start seeing the success rolling in. These key habits are going to increase many things when it comes to making more money for yourself and the business you're working for or own.
Below I'll be discussing the 7 key things you'll need to focus on and fine tune before you can start to see your success starts to roll in.
1. Finding the ideal customer
Prospecting is the act of searching for something no matter how difficult it is (my definition lol). You will need to be searching for the ideal customer from sun rise to sun set. I would say that 80% of your day will be prospecting new customers, and not just any customer at that, they ideal customer. If you have some downtime, you're not searching for the ideal customer enough during your day and need to increase your search times.
2. Building relationships
No matter what you're selling whether it be a house, car or a toy, you'll need to build up the trust between you and the potential client. By building up the trust, you're building a relationship that could last longer than you actually want to be working. The best of the best in sales will take as long as they need in order to build trust with a client. They don't care if it takes a few days or a few months, they will be there to answer any questions and build that relationship to the point where the client comes back time and time again and even refers his or her friends.
If the customer trusts you, the details of the sale will be secondary. If the customer has a neutral opinion of you, or even a negative one, the details of the sale will be like road blocks stopping you whenever you get any momentum. So by increasing the trust and building a relationship with your clients, you will speed up the sales process
3. Identifying the needs of your clients
If you can master this, you will be able to close more sales over night. If you can identify the needs of a client, you can solve it easily and increase the chances of a sale. Let's say you're selling cable subscriptions and you get someone on the phone who says "We're not interested" are you just going to hang up? If you're a good sales man you will keep them on the line and figure out what type of plan they currently have, and then you can pitch them a better one at a lower price as well as free installation They will likely get intrigued and ask you some questions about the service. If you can fill a need of the client, in this case you're saving them money on something better than they already have, you can get them to sign up with you.
4. Be persuasive in your presentation
If you can persuade the client to see why they need to be with you instead of your competitor, they will likely switch over. Now you can't just push them around saying that you're better and what they currently use is garbage. This is because the client chose what they thought was right and now you're bashing it. You'll basically be saying "Your decision was dumb!" and that never ends well. You'll need to talk in a way that sets off light bulbs in the persons brain and makes them understand why you're the better option.
5. Answer any objections thoroughly and with confidence
This stage is something that has to be learned over time because not everyone will have confidence. I know that I've gotten put under a magnifying glass at some points and the potential client hit me with some questions out of left field, but I kept my composure and answered them thoroughly so they client got a better understanding of what they were inquiring about. Some of the best sales people have their go to answers to an objection, which you'll also learn over time after you go through a couple hundred calls or emails lol Refine your responses over time and I'm sure you'll see an increase in sales
6. Ask them for a decision
This step is where you start to usually get nervous, but you can't show it. You're going to be asking the client to make a decision on your product or service in exchange for money. You need to stay confident and never crack at this stage. You know what your product or service is worth and you need to pitch that price to them, if they don't bite, oh well move on (sort of). After about a week I like to email the prospect and see if I can get them in at a slightly lower fee per month or per item and it works more times than you would think.
Some of the best sales people will plan their closing statements in advance, before they even talk to the potential client. They will listen for specific signals in the clients tone of voice, their wording or how they're acting over the phone or in person. If there are any sort of lingering objections that you can sense, try to get them out of the way before you ask for a decision. If there aren't any objections the prospect is thinking about, there's an increased chance of getting the sale.
7. Asking for clients to send referrals
One of the best ways to increase your sales is to get referrals. This is time tested and works very well because the client is usually referring friends or family members who trust them. You can give some sort of incentive to the person doing the referrals like a free service, discounts, coupons, etc.
In Conclusion:
You will always need to be prospecting and building trust with your clients. Never be pushy and always help them with any questions or objections they may have. Asking for referrals is a great way to increase your sales since the person who is already signed up with you will likely trust you, and their friends trust them, which makes it another easy sale
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P.S. I now have my own writing service which you all can benefit from!
My Service - https://www.seocheckout.com/Articl...out-staff-member
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