
Your PPC campaigns might not be doing well if your targeting is all wrong.

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Your PPC campaigns might not be doing well if your targeting is all wrong.

When it comes to running a business, you will need a good plan of attack in the beginning in order to be successful. There aren't many business owners who just set up a business and are instantly successful. They will lay everything out and have a game plan along with goals to achieve so they can monitor their success.

But what if you have a good business plan and are still failing?

I actually came across one business owner who said he had a good plan but was losing money hand over fist. He hired me as a consultant and I found some key flaws in what he was doing, that he didn't know were bad for his business. After about 2 months of consulting he simply hired to me do the work for him since working online isn't all rainbows and unicorns, it's tough work if you want to do it right and be successful lol.

In this discussion I'll go over what I came across when working with this client who had a great idea but a horrible plan of attack.

Your Industry
When you think of doing something online, you need to know what industry you're going to have to target in order to make some sales. My client was targeting every consumer he could, but instead he should have been targeting business owners. What I did for him was change up some wording on all of his pages to focus more on the business owner and not the random Joe who comes to his website. Sure, the average Joe won't be ready to open their wallet, but the business owner would Your PPC campaigns might not be doing well if your targeting is all wrong.

After switching up the targeting from broad consumer to business owners, we noticed an up tick in his sales, conversions and overall ROI. Now he was still not making any money because of all the previous mistakes, but at least we were on the right track to re-coop his losses.

Your Demographic
My client wasn't sure what type of person he should be targeting, so if you assumed he wasn't targeting the right demographic, you're right! He was literally targeting anyone he could, this means he had teenager to grand parents clicking on his links he had running through PPC platforms. Each of the clicks from people who weren't making $150,000+ and between the ages of 25 and 55 weren't going to convert (most likely). We switched up his demographics and his clicks dropped but his conversion rates skyrocketed, as well as an increase in his ROI.

Basically we got even more targeted with his campaigns and he saw a much bigger spike in ROI since he wasn't wasting money on grand parents or teenagers, who don't own businesses, clicking his links. More than likely he was getting business owners to his pages, which would then turn into a sale Your PPC campaigns might not be doing well if your targeting is all wrong.

Your PPC platforms
Not all PPC platforms are created equal, which means you don't need to use all of them. Whenever I start a campaign I will usually go for Adwords of Facebook ads. I will avoid Bing Ads because 9 times out of 10 it won't work as well as they other two platforms to bring in sales.

I'll use adwords if I'm focusing more on business to business sales, like with my client I've been using as an example. Sometimes I'll sprinkle in some LinkedIn ads, but not often since they're super expensive to start. I'll opt for Facebook ads if I'm targeting the consumer because I can get my ads in front of specific people and have an insane conversion rate Your PPC campaigns might not be doing well if your targeting is all wrong.

Now I'm not ruling out Facebook for business and adwords for consumers, I'm just saying what I use for what lol. You can use adwords to bring in consumers and Facebook to bring in business owners, but from my personal experience you might not have as much success.

Split Testing
The client I keep referring to thought he had the best plan of attack, but he didn't split test a single thing. I logged into his accounts and saw that he only had one ad running at a time on each platform. I quickly set up a dozen more ads and watched to see what worked well. The losers were deleted while the winners fought for the title of "Best ad for my client" lol.

After a few weeks I finally got it down to 2 or 3 ads per platform, and it's no shocker that the ad my client had running was one of the first to get cut out of the race for poor performance. Another week later I chose my final 1 or 2 ads per platform and increased his daily spending limit, to which he was weary of but went along with it. After a week he saw a really nice ROI and asked how much I could increase his daily spending limit to lol Your PPC campaigns might not be doing well if your targeting is all wrong.

In Conclusion:
Your targeting can be the difference between a campaign that doesn't bring in a single sale after 30 days or bringing in 300 sales a day all month long. If you're going to broad with your targeting, don't expect to get rich overnight. Platforms that allow you to target your customers will take time to set up, which means there's not easy button lol. Take your time, set it up right the first time and split test everything!

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You should put all of your wisdom into a book on marketing or an Ebook if you haven't already. You have a really no nonsense way of helping people with what they need to be doing when they marketing or monetizing a website. I think people who follow your formulas can't help but be successful as long as they put the time in.

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We are on the same page for I've learnt so much from this dude and it hurts me when he couldn't respond to my plea for him to mentor me on how to run a successful blog. I hope he agrees to that for he is one of the best around.

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Oh yes definitely. He is so well versed. However, I think if you read what he has written here on the site I think you should have a pretty good idea what to do with your blog. Lots of good information is always presented.

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The only advertising service I have used is facebook advertising. On facebook I used boost feature as well as run an ad campaign. My facebook advertising was based on per day budget. I have never done PPC advertising. I would like to use Adwords someday. Therefore, I am trying to understand how PPC ad campaign works and what needs to be done.
One of the most important factors to get most from your ad campaign is identifying buyers. You need to identify buyers who actually buy your products, therefore, a lot of research is needed while advertising through PPC model.

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It very easy to understand, just like the name implies Paid Per Click, it is a type of advertisement campaign , you setup in which you pay for every click you gt on your Ads campaign, and they are really costly than normal view Ads campaign. You might at some point, want to give it a try.

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The Facebook Ads is very effective for small website owners as attested by some friends and also from the discussions that I have come across in this site. The attractive package of Facebook Ads is the low cost budget that can start from $10 per day. Although it is not a PPC that you only pay when there is a click on the ads like Adwords, the advantage of Facebook Ads is that it looks like a post of a friend so there is a tendency to read it.

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PPC can be dangerous if not done right. I mean, you could lose as much as with gambling. In that case, as this article suggests, careful study of the markets needs to be done. However, though, there might be a case where even colder traffic is of some use. For instance, they could be redirected to an email list or social media page and then sold to later. I mean, a lot of people don't buy on the first try, even really targeted customers.

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It is pure money drain if not done right. I have to agree. I have seen people spending millions on PPC and getting random returns. In fact even the influencer marketing can be lot better in that case. You have to consider the amount of the wrong things being done here. And that's something we have to understand. So if we are to be using PPC we have to learn how to target the right set of the people.

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I agree, haha. PPC is extremely dangerous if you're brand new and got no idea what you're actually doing. I think that it's a risky investment that doesn't always pay off. Even if your targeting is good, there's no assurance that it'll give you more money in return. I am personally too afraid to use it because I'd hate to not make any profit.

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Here's what I have tried with my client. I have seen Adwords ads working for the business pages. And also on landing pages. So to some extent it works for most of the niche and the business. Another thing is that PPC campaigns with facebook ads are working. I have also noticed that selling directly to the landing page also works with facebook PPC. So both of those things really works out. And it may not be easy with the platform on every time. Lot of experiments go on. So it's more or less like hit and miss in some cases.

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Back in my day, which was not too long ago I use to also target anyone I could. I mostly advertised via Facebook, and would target users from 18 to 65+ years of age, I targeted the top 20 English speaking countries, and anyone that basically seemed interested in my niche.

Surely I got the clicks but what I didn't get was good conversion. With this method, there was traffic but no sales. This is essentially a waste of money, but at the time I didn't see it, now I am fully aware. Another thing I realized just a few weeks ago is that I was targeting some countries that were not supported by my payment processor.

I saw a discussion here that provided all the countries that do not accept this certain payment processor, and saved the list to add to my exclusion next time I decide to create a campaign. Now that I look back, I feel like a fool but during that time I was desperate to get my links shown and clicked on that I really did not care at all. So if you are going to advertise via PPC definitely don't be discouraged especially if it is your first time, read some this discussion and try again in the future. Thanks Razzy for a very informative discussion.

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Mr Razzy,
You're one of the best seo expert that I've met on this platform that shares mind-blowing tips and secrets of succeeding in business and I must say that I'm truly grateful for everything that you've done so far. One good thing about being in business is that there are smart ways to do things and that's what you teach on a daily basis.

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Great post. Pay per click advertising must be precisely targeted in order to draw traffic and customers or sales to your business. The demographic in general. From age to gender. If your site is geared towards one particular age group, why target outside of that? Same thing with your site being for men or women. Another thing to remember about Pay Per Click is if your site is geared towards both genders and a more expansive age demographic. Then you should target equally.

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A lot of the times, people who are newbies at ad creating want to target a long range of audiences, and mostly want traffic. However if you want sales from that traffic, a very generalized target is preferred. I remember when i first started to create ads..

I targeted about everyone, their grandmother and 3rd cousin removed. Didn't get any sales, traffic yes, sales were zero. Never again. LOL

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You are right, that's why I mustily frown at some PPC adverting I'm come across, I thin a large number of the campaign owners don't take their time to map out a custom to help them target the required audience. Many people waste money on PPC advertising and they don't usually do well,because they got the targeting all wrong, I think it should be narrowed down to the least possible target, to get the required result.

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I think that with any advertising or campaigns the targeting is one of the most important aspects. Even when it comes to normal ads, on let's say Facebook, half the people don't target the right audience and therefore don't see any significant traffic increase. It's even trickier with PPC because you invest more pay into it and you really want to make an actual profit.

I love your post because I'm a newb when it comes to PPC and I already feel more knowledgeable after reading it Your PPC campaigns might not be doing well if your targeting is all wrong.

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Great response! The most valuable thing I have learned in marketing is to target EXACTLY your intended audience.

Say your target is 20-30 years of age males who like minecraft in the united states, canada, and australia. Say this target uses paypal, and likes online streaming of game play.

Now, newbie marketers will probably target any age, or won't even care and will probably put something like 18-65+. Age is a very important factor that some marketers could care less about. the

Another thing to take note of is if they like paypal or not, say you're on facebook.. say your audience must have a paypal account or at least have used paypal. You will need to gather info and basically 'guess' that the target is comfortable with using it.

Marketing is a very psychological thing, and I do not believe this response even scrapes the tip of the marketing iceberg.

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Despite the cost involved in running an online campaign, the output might still not be commensurate if your targeting is wrong. Before using the Pay-Per-Click advertising, you must learn certain things about PPC and how it works for your online business. There are locations you must never choose at all because you won't generate sales. According to research, the two most excellent locations in the world for your CPA business are known to be UK and US, though there are still some other locations such as Canada, Australia, and so on that still work out.

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I have been reading about Facebook Ads regarding marketing techniques. It looks like Facebook Ads is more effective than other means especially if you have the budget for a continuous run of your advertisement. But you have to understand that putting a Facebook Ads is not free and it entails a big budget that’s why the projection of the rewards should be accurate because you are investing in those ads that you are expecting a good number of traffic for your earnings afterwards.

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