
Do you use WP Smush plugin?

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Do you use WP Smush plugin?

WP Smush is an award-winning plugin that has well over 800.000 downloads on the official WordPress site.

What Smush does is very simple yet important for any website with images. It lets you compress, resize and optimize any sort of image within seconds. And the best thing is that it is completely free. You can upgrade to pro version but only if you truly want to.

So if your website is loading slowly or just, in general, you should definitely install Smush. 

Does anybody currently use it for their websites? How are you liking the plugin?


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I remember using this on my site a long time ago when I last used Wordpress. It's actually great especially if your WordPress site particularly images heavy because WP Smush can definitely help you to decrease the website loading speed. Compressing images is definitely always a good idea

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This question regarding the loading speed of the pages is very interesting because this can be one of the factors that can end up driving away many impatient visitors (and I can say this from my own experience, haha).

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Couldn't agree more. I have a couple image heavy blogs and smush has made a drastic impact on page loads, especially as they pull images via RSS feeds so there is no pre-processing done on my end.

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I've never heard of the WP Smush plugin until I read this topic (because it's been a long time since I stopped using WordPress), but for the advertisement you've made, this tool seems very interesting. Any of these days I'll check it out.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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I never heard of this plug in but it sounds very interesting. It sounds like something that would do a lot of the work for you, so using it might be something that would be useful to those who are blogging. and or getting a great deal of website traffic. Decreasing website loading speed is a goal of many of those who are web masters.

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I personally used it and the loading speed of your website dramatically increase especially if you have a lot of multimedia on your website; such as images and videos.

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Really? What a nice update! It's very interesting to know about that.

So, do you know if exist any limitation on the size of the photos / videos? Or will the speed increase regardless of their sizes?

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In past I have used the WPMu dev plugin for the image compression. And they seem to have it for the pay option. However after stopping the subscription. I have found that it is not much worth to continue with their system. Instead I am thinking about moving to the free plugins. And now I have jetpack and the WP SMush it. If you ask for the performance I'd say WP smush it has some good performance for image compression.

But jetpack seems to be all in one plugin and it seems to be making some good output on that. I guess for this reason I find jetpack lot better in many ways. So I tend to make use of that plugin for myself.

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This does sound really cool, and thanks for the post. I am about to move one of my blogs to Word Press, so this is right on time for me to experiment with it. The price is right, and it sounds like this plug in can provide a lot of design ideas and a lot of more control over the look of your page(s). I am a bit concerned about the loading speed, but I am thinking that maybe I do not have a whole lot of bells and the speed will be fine for what I am doing if I choose to use this plug in.

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I would definitely recommend you give it a try then. If you use images on your website they can cause slow loading speed.

WP Smush will basically compress the files and speed up the loading process and make it much smoother. I have been using it for a while now and I love it. Also, you don't have to pay for it. You can use the free plugin option if you wish Do you use WP Smush plugin?

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I did not know about this plugin. Thanks for the information on WP Smush plugin. I have many wordpress websites, however, I may not use this plugin on my website. I don't have any photography based website or a website that has many images. I use image with my post, however, I always limit the image usage to 3-5 images. having said that I also believe this plugin will come handy for those who have a photo gallery website.

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In addition to optimizing speed of wordpress websites, wp smush is great plugin for image optimizing and speeding up website load. I use it on some of my blogs as well on some customer's blogs and it bring great results beside supercache and other plugins

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I am using it but to be honest it is free but only allowing to optimize 500 images and if you want to optimize more than that amount you must buy premium package.

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Based on this thread, I am now trying it out. It is a bit frustrating that there is a 50 image limit per click for the free version. But, it is the free version. So far, I have been impressed. I'm averaging 33% improvement.

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