
How many blog articles do you post per week?

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How many blog articles do you post per week?

Hello everybody,

I have recently reactivated my long lost blog. It used to be quite popular a while back but then I got lazy and decided to leave it. Anyway, I am currently posting around 4-5 articles per week since I want people to come and check the website often and see new things added right away. It shows them that the blog is very active and it definitely transfers to the traffic/visitors increase.

I am curious how the other bloggers out here do it. How many blog articles per week do you post?


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I usually write up 30 a day.... but I schedule them out across the entire month lol How many blog articles do you post per week?

According to most SEO experts, you only need to do a few posts a week in order to keep your blog seen as active in the eyes of Google and the other search engines. If you're posting 4 to 5 each week, you're doing well and should see a traffic increase eventually How many blog articles do you post per week?

Now I have quite a few blogs that I post to, so I have to write up a bit more than most people. I'll try to do around 100 in a week and schedule them across my network just so everything is seen as active.

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30 a day? Wow. Is your blog your main source of income and job? Otherwise, how do you manage to find the time to write 30 articles a day? I mean, are they like short articles or extremely long ones?

I'm actually still developing my site so I don't really do any blog articles at the moment. But when the site is released, I hope to target about 4-5 articles a day. That shouldn't be too difficult considering most articles don't have to be too long as it is a gaming site.

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Damn, 30? Are you a writing machine? How many blog articles do you post per week? that's insane Razzy and I truly admire you for it. I thought that my number is quite good but I am nowhere near you.

How do you even manage to write so much? Don't you ever run out of ideas? Or do you spin the articles a bit? Either way, that's really good. I won't ask how much you make.

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I haven't been posting on my blog much. I would say less than one per week. I need to get back to it. I just have a lot going on that moment, and blog posting is not high on my agenda. I hope to get back into though. It would be helpful for sure. I need to make time to do it.

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Well... Sometimes we get very busy with other things and we have to leave some things aside (this is totally normal) but I think it's not the quantity of posted articles that counts (they're just numbers) but rather the quality of them (and this is what really matters).

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I try to post at least one article daily instead of posting so many low quality articles.

I think to revive your blog you could post at least 2 a day and trying making it rich and valuable.

Though I don't know the topics for your blog but try to make it more on how to do tips,it can really drive traffic.

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I think this depends a lot on the subject being written, because currently I wouldn't have time to write one article a day (if it's too long). Currently I don't have any active blog, but I help some friends writing and revising texts.

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Posting 4-5 articles per week? Do't you think you are already publishing too much. Are you actually getting readers for your posts? In my experience, if you are publishing too much, you will lose readers. You are burdening then too much with your articles. If the main sources of your traffic is social media and subscribers, they will be also bored with your quantity work. I believe publishing one article per week is very ideal. Sadly, I am not even publishing one article in a week. I have not published a new post since couple of months.

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For my lack of time (which is no longer the same as a few years ago), I don't usually post more so often. But I still regularly post a 2 or 3 depending on my interest or deadline to be met. This number usually increases from time to time, but not so much.

I wish I had more time to devote myself to it.

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When I was co-writing a blog, our agreement was to post every week. But sometimes we post 2 articles per week that I find good in maintaining the traffic. When a week passes by without an update, the traffic was crawling so it is obvious that the blog needs at least an update once a week. That is also the reason why I couldn't pursue my plan of my own blog because I might not be able to sustain the regular updating.

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I think when the blog has a very interesting niche (it doesn't have to be something 100% original, but creative... that makes all the difference), it's not the amount of posts that will keep the traffic flowing, but rather the quality of what is being written.

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My blog is mostly just a hobby at this point, so I just write about two articles a week. Sometimes, I will put up more over the weekend if I'm feeling particularly up to it, but most of the time I would just upload twice as scheduled. I know it's not the best strategy to gain more readers, but I mostly am just doing it for the therapeutic effect of it as I find it very relaxing to be able to express my thoughts in a place where I can speak honestly. If I someday tried to expand my audience, I imagine I would bump up the rate of upload to at least one article per day, as most of the blogs I follow do that.

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I don't have much of the weekly blog post goal. I am more of affiliate link specific goals. So I make one post atleast for each type of the affiliate program. I make sure that the affiliate links added to the blog articles every month or so. And that's something people have to understand while posting. You have to be more of a goal centrist and get the content out there. If you just post weekly for the sake of it then it's going to be harder.

I have seen some of the people who are making blog articles daily with lack of content. I think it may not always work out good. That's the thing we all have to take a look at. Goal should be based on the conversion based and not number based.

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I try to do at least one post at each of my blogs once a week. I think anything more than that would most likely result in overkill for your audience, Plus, just doing one once a week makes them wait and hopefully builds up suspense over that time period, enticing them, in theory, to come back. I've found myself writing blogs and wanting to post them at the time but then forcing myself to wait until a week has passed so as not to over-saturate my own market, so to speak.

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I am revamping my old stagnant recipe blog right now. It had been years since I last updated my recipe blog. So, I had deleted almost all of the broken links article in my blog. Trying to figure out what to post now, maybe from other resources.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think writing about recipes gives you a possible traffic margin of very high ideas, isn't it? I mean, it's a very dynamic subject that is always something new to be discussed and many people love to talk / learn about it.

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Well, I wrote one article in the week. Because I am student due to studies I don't have much time to write articles daily basis. It's not necessary to post 3 to 4 articles in a week. Write one article but it should be informative. Check out my write-up here and also do let me know what you think so that I can improve myself.

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I want to Write articles. can anyone suggest the platform? I am a beginner to publish my articles.

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Well, it depends on many factors, but the main factors that affects mine is the time factor. Most times we end up pre-occupied, that we won't even have time to open our system, talk more of writing a blog post, but I do make sure I post at least two times a week.
And I'm planing on scheduling my posts, I mean writing numerous posts at a time frame, then I will be posting them accordingly.

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You have to understand that it is not a matter of how many that you can publish, but how much quality is packed in those articles. Writing for your blog is quite different and something that you have to take your time to do so as to keep the users that visit your blog keen to come back next time. So, I would suggest you watch your energy and see what works for you.

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When all my websites were erased because I forgot to backup, I vowed to create one blog post a day. At first, I was able to churn out lots of posts, I even was able to make 3 blog posts in a day. Fresh content is important to get ahead of the rankings. And I was doing pretty good at generating fresh content.

That was two months ago.

This month? I haven't even been able to write one article because of the demands of my day job. When I get home, I'm too exhausted to tinker with my website. I think I'll be a bit more relaxed next month. I plan to write my butt off during this lax season.

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I posted an article per week but that depends on my time, maybe more than one a week.
Honestly I don't think posting articles daily can help your blog, the main thing is depends on your strategy if you have a good plan on SEO, you can bring more traffic to your blog without posting daily articles to it.

Just my 0.0002 cents!

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I'm just a beginner and I just publish new blog 1 per week. Sometimes it's really hard to come up with a good content if you are just starting out. I need to learn more from successful bloggers.

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I try to write one post a day but may try increase this as I have more time recently and it is one of my favourite niches. I do also tend to also share them across social networking sites as soon as I publish them as well so they get seen more and more. As, am lucky in same niche as one of my Facebook group which as over now 12,000 members and growing daily so I share there as well.

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Real life has been kicking my rear end and I have been writing short articles once a week or every other week. And what I need to do is roll up my sleeves and get dirty and write some heavy duty articles that are going to get sucked up by google. So that I can start getting more organic searches from google.

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I've been a little lost from my blog these days , because I've been so full with the university that sometimes I just can't post but I usually do from 2 to 3 posts per week. From those 3, 2 of them are pretty short. It is not about the quantity but the quality of the writing. Make sure your followers know you are there even though you are busy.

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On my personal blog, I have gone long stretches without posting anything. That said, I am currently posting once a week, and keep two or three in the bank ready to go. SInce traffic and revenue from that site have increased, I am working on a plan that will include posting three times a week.

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That long stretch of posting nothing had happened to our blog until the blogger lost the passion and had reasoned out the lack of time. Right now our blog is still existing in the internet but there was no update for a long time now. I am thinking of reviving it but I am just a co-blogger and the blogger holds the key and the money in case the blog would earn because of my efforts.

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I am currently posting 3 a week, and keep two or three in the bank ready to go. SInce traffic and revenue from that site have increased i will check the rank of the website to know more search engine optimization minneapolis

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