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The most poplar ways to monetize content online!
Are you a content creator? Then the following statistics are for you! Read them carefully to extract the most important facts on content creation and how to properly monetize it online.
Most content creators out there are either one of these three things:
- Bloggers with a focus on text based content.
- Video creators like doing videos on youtube and other similar video based websites.
- Podcasters. People that record themselves and their guest on certain topics. Podcasts had become really popular in the last 5 years and I personally found myself listen to the more and more.
Studies show that out of all content creators about 30% of them don't make any money out of their content. But the same studies show that for the other 30% of content creators their revenue coming from monetizing their content is the MAIN source of revenue. So 30% don't make a dime, 30% live only from doing this and the rest of 40% are in between.
From the once that do make money monetizing their content:
- Over 50% of them monetize everything with Advertising
- 45% sell their own products
- 40% offer consultancy based services
- Just 20% of them use monetize out of affiliates
- 20% of them also have sponsors and another kind of brand deals
- Over 10% are paid to speak at conferences and events
- 10% of them started earning out of Patreon donations
Which content type of content creators earn the most?The chart below shows the main sources of monetization for each category of content creator:

So bloggers and podcasters earn more from selling services as well as their own products then they do from plain advertising. Meanwhile, the main source of income for video content creators is advertising.
How much content do these three main branches create every month?
It is important to figure out how much time do content creators waste actually creating their content. Of course, you can write and research for one specific post for 2 weeks to have a high-quality result or you can write low-quality articles in less than 10 minutes just so you can claim you've posted.
I think content creators need to find just the right balance between quality and frequency. The chart below illustrates just that:

One of the most curious findings of studies on content creators is their age. You may think that most content creators online should be very young, like in their 20s, but the reality is far from it.
- Over 70% of all podcasters that earn more are in fact over 40 years of age!
- Over 65% of bloggers passed their 40 years birthday
- And over 75% of video creators have ages between 25 and 60
This isn't very surprising actually since all real professionals out there are over 40 and they've been the ones that really assimilated the online culture right from the start and are now in their professional prime ready to create quality and helpful content people can actually use.
I'm not saying young people don't create relevant and meaningful content, but overall it seems you need to gain some experience before you start talking about certain subjects and in the end earn money by doing so!
So if you are a content creator, what is your main source of income? From which category of content monetization you earn the most and what type of content do you realize out there as well as how often?
Also, which type of monetization would you like to learn more about and implement in the future?
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