
Top Google news this week - Google My Business and Search Console Updates

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Top Google news this week - Google My Business and Search Console Updates

Here are the most important developments and news regarding Google that happened this week:

1. You don't need Google My Business anymore to edit your business information inside Google Search.

In the past, you needed to log in in Google My Business and make all the edits and changes from there. Now you just need to make sure you are logged into your Google accounts for which you have your business verified, search for your business in Google and once the info card you can just start editing this directly from search.
Works on a desktop but also on mobile and it all looks like this:
Top Google news this week -  Google My Business and Search Console Updates

2. John Mueller from Google said they are updating their SEO guide which hasn't got an update since 2010. The new information will contain a detailed SEO guide from Google both for mobile and desktop based searches.

I personally remember reading their guide 7 years ago and it didn't help much. Hope the new guide into SEO will be more helpful as well as maybe it will clarify some main SEO problems we're currently seeing, especially on mobile and how AMP fits into all of this.

3. Google is testing a new feature named: "people also search for". You can see it in the example below on the right side of the search results. I personally don't like it. LSI keywords are way more relevant and the fact that Google is suggesting what other people are searching for kinda makes it look cheap, I thought we passed that and Google already knows what you mean.
Nervertheless this is just a test, maybe it won't stick for long.
Top Google news this week -  Google My Business and Search Console Updates
4. The new Search Console gets more testers. I've been waiting for a long time for a new Search Console update and I've already talked about it in the past here on seocheckout. Search Console is the most important tool for SEO that comes from Google and definitely deserves an update and a new design. The first glims looked perfect! Fortunately, people started inviting more beta testers, I personally haven't been invited but I sure would appreciate if Google included me in the beta testers.


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That's pretty awesome Top Google news this week -  Google My Business and Search Console Updates

I was actually trying to explain Google My Business to a potential client and how it will help bring in some additional foot traffic, but they thought I was trying to scam them and they hung up on me haha Top Google news this week -  Google My Business and Search Console Updates

I basically said "What I'll do is add all of your businesses information to Google and they will index you quicker. People searching for you will find your business easier and if they're withing X amount of miles from you, you're more likely to show up in the search results if you optimize your listing properly. We will help you optimize everything for you so you don't have to do it yourself since it's a pretty technical thing even though it's just adding some text to a few fields, we'll just need your logins."

As soon as I said "We will need your logins" they started getting extremely mad at me and started saying that I was a fraudulent company that was just going to steal their credit card numbers and buy whatever I wanted. At one point they literally said, almost word for word "You're probably from India and just have an American accent! I'm not letting you log into any of my accounts!" lol Top Google news this week -  Google My Business and Search Console Updates

I didn't even try to justify my company and show them that we are in fact in the US and that I don't have an accent, well I guess I have a Chicago accent because of where I'm located lmao Top Google news this week -  Google My Business and Search Console Updates

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There was actually a problem with businesses pretending to do this so I'm not surprised really. I think people are alot more aware of scams nowadays so they will definitely be a lot more reluctant to share certain information such as login information especially when you are talking over the phone or via email. I don't think anyone is prepared to share their login information no matter what the service especially for things like their Google accounts.

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Interesting information that I will use when planning on how to do some business update on Google. One thing I enjoy is that they try to make things easier for every user.

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Some of my freelancer friends are all praises for the Google My Business because they know of my plan to have a website of my own for my blogging and e-commerce need. They say that Google My Business can save me money. Instead of paying for the domain name and the web hosting charges, My Google Business is free and ready for my use. All I need is to register to have an account that will allow me free use of the feature. To be honest I still have to check on it.

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I recently did google business news for the last month with this website. It turns out that a lot of things have changed, search algorithms have changed, and a lot more. If you're interested, send me a private message.

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