
I Feel Out Of Place Here

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I Feel Out Of Place Here

I thought I can be in sync with what some maybe discussing here.
I have done a post or two and they were commented. But after that, I felt like I am out of place.
When I searched for topics that I can relate, they are only few. So, that's why, I am barely here the past week.
I don't have a blog site yet. Although, my nephew keeps telling me that he will make me a blog, but I refused. I have my full time job so I don't have time to make blogs much more that I am not that techie so I don't know how to make it more attractive.
In addition, my social media is only at Facebook and I only choose those whom I know. I am on private setting.
I am here because I want to learn how to have a blog of my own someday.
But reading your comments, make me feel more afraid to gave a blog site of my own.
So, I must bid you all goodbye from here. I will just peek in here once in a while.


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So sorry to know this. I really hope you can come more often and make more interactions. I know it can get boring sometimes, and maybe it takes a lot of your time to post. But if you want to have a blog of your own and have a good one, you have to put some good effort and get well involved into it. If you don't feel like to post, then read the comments to get very important advice and tips to create your own blog, this community has amazing members that keep teaching other members due to their experiences.

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Yes, I can read those indeed. They are so good and techie, that is why I felt out of place after reading their posts about their websites and online activities on advertising.
Though, I will peek in here once in a while because I have made friends here already. I Feel Out Of Place Here

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I am sorry that you feel out of place here, that is really sad since I have found this an amazing community, full of supportive members. I used to spend a lot of time here in the community discussions and I learned so much. I am a full time blogger and I started working online about 5 years ago knowing nothing. Now I have 3 blogs and I make really good money online.

Yes it can be daunting getting started and yes there is a lot to learn, I won't pretend that it is all cupcakes and rainbows... however one amazing thing about blogging is that you can get started for hardly anything and you can start working at your own pace. It's not like you have to rush and learn things fast, you can learn at your own pace in your free time.

One thing that I have found with blogging is that when I am writing about things I love and enjoying what I do that is when I am the most successful with my income. So my advice is get started and make sure you are enjoying yourself.

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Wow, let me first congratulate you for succesfully having your own blogs.
May i ask , why 3 blog sites?
What are the things that ou usually blog about?
How did you start with your very first blog? Did you ask a techie person to mae your blogsite, or you did it alone ?

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I have three websites because I wanted to separate my niches. I started out with an online baby store and then changed that to a parenting blog. I also have an online marketing website and a website about recovery from addiction.

What do I blog about? Loads of things related to those niches. I had someone build my online store for me , then I had some help changing it to a blog. My other two websites I built within Wealthy Affiliate where I am a member, so I have done everything on my own with those.

Don't let anyone stand in your way of your dreams. Keep going and just do it.

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Oh so sorry that you have to go, but do come back when you are free. To be honest, not all the topics are my cup of tea either. However, I do comment on the same topic over and over again or sometimes those related topics are way back to 2013! I don't mind as long I can comment. As for blogs, I have two at blogger dot com. Two are recipe blogs, one is baking and the other is Asian recipes. I am not active there but I do share my other articles there. Such as Hubpages.

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I feel like going though after hearing the kind comments here, I will not entirely go. On the second thought, I have to come here once in a while so I can also read the posts about their blog sites so that when the time comes that I will finally have my blog site I know what to do.
Wow, really you have two blog at blogger dot com. Do they also pay you there for those?

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I am sorry to hear that you feel that you are out of place here. We are actually a large and varied community here so it's surprising that you do not feel at home here. If it is because of the fact that a lot of terms that users are using might be a bit too advanced or "techie" for you then just ask. I'm sure everyone is happy to answer any questions that you may have. I'm sure there are users here who can help you to start a blog so you don't have to rely on your nephew.

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Thank you for your kind comment.
Indeed, I have read a lot of posts here by those who are into websites and blog sites they have and I really am so lost with their terminologies. For a techie person like me, it could be indeed quite confusing.
I think yes, they can indeed help me if ever I will be having my own blog site already. I Feel Out Of Place Here

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LOL but just think that 6 years ago I was doing bookkeeping and I knew nothing about working online. The techie terms may seem overwhelming... but instead of getting confused and thinking you won't understand just ask someone to explain it to you.

You certainly don't sound stupid to me, so I am sure you will catch on very quickly.

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Ha ha ha I think I am just overwhelmed by the talks here about these techie things. I am not into techie things that's why.
I guess, you are right, I should just ask questions when something seems a bit hazy to me.
After all, everyone isn't that knowledgeable on some things also. They maybe techie but they also don't know some cooking terms. ha ha ha

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I think that you should reconsider your decision and stay with us! You have to remember that most members felt the same as you at some point, especially in the beginning.

I remember at first when I was a complete newb to a lot of the topics discussed here I felt overwhelmed. But once you start learning and getting to know other members you will feel right at home.

This community is perfect even if you have no knowledge about SEO, websites and so on. It is great to learn from and ask anything you want to know! It has helped me greatly.

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Thank you for encouraging me to stay.
With that, I feel like I shouldn't be really gone but maybe once in a while come here to see what you talented guys are talking about. At least I will know some techie things from you.
And I know, you will all comment if ever I will make a post asking this and that about those techie things.
Indeed this is a great site to learn about these things. I Feel Out Of Place Here

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You may have to start taking interest in SEO, design and the online skills based marketplace. That way you'd be able to understand a lot more about the content here. For example SEO is something that changes every month with few changes to the search engine. And for this you have to keep on reading. This is changing field so more you read the more you can interact. That's how it works in the web design, SEO and other market.

Considering this is marketplace forum. You can find out how other people are commenting. You can then pick on topic or two and read about it. You can then start contributing on the same as well. I have yet to manage on this too. But it seems like not everyone can do it. So take your time on this and contribute on topics which are relevant to your existing knowledge.

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Wow, thank you for that encouraging comments. I Feel Out Of Place Here
I guess you are right, I can learn lots of techie things here from you people and maybe read and research more about the techie things you are all talking about.
With that, I should be here and not go so I can learn to be techie too someday. I Feel Out Of Place Here

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Yes we all started by asking questions. Most of my questions 10 years back were dumb or you can say newbies at the best. I was not aware of many things. And people used to laugh at my questions. Then I learned things piece by piece and built on top of that. Though it was not easy for me to build the service, I tried my best to work on that. I think for each one of us things are going to be lot different on that end. And we learn from exploring things. So it's your turn now to explore topics and learn from it. I am sure you'd do just fine with that.

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Thank you so much for those kind words. I must say that what you all said are trye.
It coud be daunting indeed when you are a newbie.
You are afraid of asking questions because people might laugh at question which are so easy for tm.
I passed through that stagewhn I was sti
l a newbie at myLot , my very first online writing site and then at the now defunct Bubblews.
i hope when I asked questions here, no one laughs at m.

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I am also sorry that you feel this way, and I can totally relate. I started frequenting these forums a few months ago, and I felt the same way--I still do feel this insecurity still, sometimes. However, what I have noticed here is that, overall and for the most part, the community here is full of ideas and the willingness to support. I KNOW I have asked some dumb questions here, but I had to ask them for my own knowledge and personal growth. I guess I still believe that the only bad question is the one that you don't ask. Taking what I have learned here and elsewhere, I was able to experiment some with my online ventures, and I have already seen some success; so don't leave prematurely!

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Thank you for those nice words. I Feel Out Of Place Here So, you too felt the same way when you were a newbie.
Indeed, I am prematurely leaving in haste. I should read more on the discussions and maybe research about what is being talked about so I will learn also.
Yes, I can see that the people here are very generous with their help by sharing their ideas. I really just have to ask. I Feel Out Of Place Here

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I feel like I can relate to you at some point. But not on this community forum. This is about SEO and I love SEO and so far I am enjoying every posts here because I am learning something every time I read the posts and thread from our fellow seocheckout. So probably this is not your niche or you are not yet fully interested when it comes to SEO. Sometimes it takes time. For me, I did not like SEO back in the day when I started looking for online opportunities. But eventually I came to a conclusion that everybody should start doing SEO things so here I am.

Don't worry. Seocheckout will always be here for you if you wish to ask questions or share something.

Best of luck!

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Really, you too! I thought you didn't feel this way because you seem so knowledgeable about the techie things they are talking about here.
Indeed, I should take time to understand what is being talked about not quit this early.
I will be here once in a while to see and understand the techie terminology being mentioned. I must as well research them on the net when they seem complicated.
Thank you. I now positive most of you would be helpful if I ask questions here. I Feel Out Of Place Here

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Thank you for those kind words.
You are right , this is not actually my niche as I am not a techie person.
Though, i have seen that some topics are something lighter and one that i can relate with.
I like to learn things about SEO and havin a blog site so I came here.
I think, in order to learn I have to persevere and try t o reseach more on what is being talked about here.
I know I can learn a lot from a lot of you techie people, so I will just be coming here every now and then.

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Sorry about that.But remember we do a lot of things by practice, if you stop coming how do you learn and get acquainted with the subject matter.

You should always believe you can do all things, don't always be scare to take a step of faith, it's what will build you up.All of us were novice at a point,but through days, months and years of practice we perfect it.

I'm a female never had any tech knowledge but because I needed a blog and no money to pay experts, I researched online and built my blog alone from start to finish and funny enough it quite easy if you know what you're doing.

so don't be afraid you can start anyway.Good luck.

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Oh, thank you for your very inspiring comment.
Really, you started it yourself alone even if you are not a techie person.
Actually, before I was into one site where it asks me to have start my own blog and they have those aids to help me. But I backed out because I don't have time to be always opening and reading it since I have my full-time job and my online earning sites that occupy my extra time at night.
Besides, at night, it should be the time to bond with the family, so I am seldom blogging at night.
Maybe when I retire, which is about 5 years more, I will consider making a blog of my own.
And you are right, if I quit now from here, I will not learn.
So, I might as well have a few minutes here when I have my free time in the office.

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I hope you don;t continue to feel out of place. We are all in various stages of our blogs or websites. Some of us are competent entrepreneurs and other of us are just kind of wanna be's. I think simply reading the content and posting where you feel appropriate will help you and your blog or website.

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Thank you for your encouraging comment. I actually felt ashamed of myself of quitting this early.
I shall be here once in a while to see where I can comment and also to read the posts of all of you with regards websites and blog sites.

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I am really sorry to hear about this. I am happy to be a part of this community but I am not really interested in all the posts being discussed. I comment only on the discussions which I can relate to. I can't deny the fact that I have learnt many things through this forum. The members are really helpful. It is not difficult to start a blog but the challenging part is get people to visit your blog. Initially this was difficult for me too but gradually I learnt.

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Don't be. Reading through the comments I realized that I have others who felt the same way as me, a newbie.
Just like you I just comment on posts I can relate with.
And yes, the members are helpful, especially those I am now following and my followers too.
I will just come here once in a while. i have made friends here and I think that's a good start because they are helpful indeed and patient in explaining things. I Feel Out Of Place Here

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I think you should hang in here don`t be so quick to hang up the gloves. I believe that there are many persons here who should have a good understanding of the areas that you would to venture into and I am certain that they would be willing to help so please consider here to be your springboard and try to utilize this forum accordingly.

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Thank you.
I realized indeed I had to be patient and keep reading those blogs that can help me.
I also realized, i just have to ask so I can be helped.

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It's normal that you can't relate yourself to all topics that are created here, but I think it can happen - once in a while - with anyone. So, you don't have to stop attending the fórum because you were not, are not and will not be the last person with this "problem"... Just think about it. I Feel Out Of Place Here

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Wow, you really gotme thinking of not leaving here.
Indeed, Iam not the only person who passed this phase, being a newbie.
Though, I am proud that most of my posts here got lots of comments too.
I will just be here once in a while.
I have made friend here and that is what is important.

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Don't be discouraged, we're all still learning the ropes here. Even the seasoned ones still look forward to learning something new as that's a part of the experience and the excitement. There will be times irrespective of what you choose to do where you will feel displaced. The great moments will come with some consistency and drive even though it will take some time. You have set a course where very few have chosen even though you may think that you are a stranger here. You have chosen to try something new and different and will someday lead to you learning a new trade or developing an extra revenue stream. That's an adventure and also a life changer! Stick with it and claim your prize when the time is right because the time will be right once you follow through towards your ultimate breakthrough. And you should definitely stick around so that I can say I knew you before you get all rich and famous and forget about us!

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Don't be discouraged by what you see here, most of the things you see online are not a true reflection of what is inter playing in the 4D world. because most the things they type here are opposite of what lies behinds the keypad.
And you really need to know that not every one feels like you or have the same mindset like yours, so when you feel you are falling out of place and can't find where to fit, you create your own ditch and people who you can relate or fall into there place will give you the landing plane.

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Hi am also newbie here and I can say that I know what you feel. Like you I am also having difficulty on what will I contribute in this forum because almost all topics have been discussed already. I made comments to some posts here but it seems that no one could notice it. But I think its okay. If there's nothing we could share yet, then let's just learn from old members and maybe someday we could also help and share to new members.

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In as much as I can't say that you're the reason that you're NJ OT really connecting with other users of the site, I think you have to make that extra effort to socialize with buyers and seers here.

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I'm very sorry if you felt that way. Comparing this with social media is pretty much different but I would say that you will find your bearing a long the way as you continue to read. I myself have sometimes doubts about, what can I contribute to this community? But having a strong mind and passion towards the development and improvement of your products and services here, would somehow lead you to your success.

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Hi checking on you this 2018. Hope things have been better and if you still want to give it a shot, know that there are people who are also afraid to make the leap and you're not alone. I hope you find your passion and that you'll be successful in your chosen field.

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"But reading your comments, make me feel more afraid to gave a blog site of my own."

Believe me, I understand that feeling. I'm looking into creating a blog/website of my own, but I'm so nervous about it sometimes. When reading through some of the posts and seeing the difficulties that people go through, I honestly begin to second guess if I'm heading in the right direction.

I too felt out of place for a time here, but as I began to familiarize myself with the fundamentals of SEO, I found that posting here has been a great learning experience. I haven't seen many posts from you lately, but I hope to see you return soon.

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Every one feels the same way you do once in their lives. There's nothing wrong with being out of place, in fact i suggest you take it in a more positive way. You don't have to push your self in something you don't understand, you just have to be your self and believe that there's nothing wrong with you. No one knows everything and its the same that not everyone knows what you know.

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Hi SimplyD!, If your problem is how to make your own blog I think its not really a big problem, all you have to do is be natural, write something about yourself and your experiences in life, or create a blog that contains helpful information about health and other helpful advice to your viewers and the most important is do or write about the things that you really love to do or your passion. There is no such thing as perfect blog or high level words or knowledge on making blog, it doesn't matter what your blog is all about as long as it is your own and you love to do it or you enjoy to help or share helpful information to other people. Everyone is perfect what we all did for good is perfect, just believe in yourself! You can do it I'm sure.

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I love the comments, they are all very sweet. The online world is new territory and sometimes people's comments can intimidate you. I think you just need to be patient with yourself, in time you will get to the stage where you feel confident enough to comment on anything. You should always know that your opinion is valid. I also think that you can learn alot from all these forums, so I also agree that you should stick around.

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Don’t fret because the forum is like social media that you have to establish your presence. This is not a party that people will be welcoming you with open arms. A forum is about discussions and not for introduction or friendship although sometimes it can lead to that. Anyway, what I can say is for you to just continue posting and also read the posts that you can make comments on.

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